Deadwood Makes Endless Lovesickness

Deadwood Makes Endless Lovesickness

13 0 59

On the eve of Lin Yanxi's wedding, the groom ran off the wall.Can't afford it, can we still hide? But there is him for the people in addition to the bully, and there is also him to go up the mountain to practice, and you can meet him when you search for the spirit stone. Terrible, are you interested in wearing men's clothes?This guy is too difficult! Fortunately, he fled the marriage at that time, and the black and overbearing was still sick and sick. Who could bear this?Just ignore him, let's just do business, find the Spirit Lord, find the Spirit Stone, the dead wood order has not been sealed yet!…

Wear A Girl Band In Ancient Times

Wear A Girl Band In Ancient Times

18 1 100

In the 21st century, 100,000 fans of beauty makeup, Xu Shu, a liberal arts scholar, once crossed the dynasty and was sold. Fortunately, she became a great steward of Yihonglou, although she was a little wasteful of the beauty of the world. But it doesn't matter, she tailored her debut plan for the girls. Singing and dancing must be proficient in all aspects, beauty knowledge can not be dropped, isolated sunscreen bb cream to walk. They are the most beautiful female group in the Chao Dynasty.Make ice cream, cakes, sing pop songs with homemade guitars, use chemical formulas to solve the case ... Blind your eyes with 21st century wisdom.However, she really didn't want to provoke the seven kings who had high ascetic abstinence. He brought it to him.Qi Muran: The king has given himself to you, why not marry me, what else do you want?Xu Shu: Lord Wang, I want to eat Pippi shrimp with Coke.…

of outer-worlds and inner-selves.

of outer-worlds and inner-selves.

208 18 1

"Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that he himself has sealed."― Stanisław Lem, Solaris.…

Cookie run Kingdom: Within the Forgotten Sweet Waters (My version)

Cookie run Kingdom: Within the Forgotten Sweet Waters (My version)

1 0 4

The original story and the characters belongs to Kyunika if you want you could go to her youtube channel to check it out, I just wants to make a story that close to the plot of crk but I'm not really good at making characters design on my own so I base on her original concept and also another person concept that was similar I saw on tiktok that belongs to Aquaamaarine ( Kyunika and Aquaamaarine if your reading this pls don't sue me ) and warning: all the concept and cast in the original story will be rearrange to make it closely look like a story from crk plot.The story take place after all the Beasts been revealed our heroes is visitting the Faerie Kingdom, White Lily cookie woke up from a weird dream she had about a figure of a cookie that is both strange and yet familiar, they later found out that there is another hidden kingdom within the continent of Beast-Yeast home to the Primodial Sea and all the mercookies, jellyfishes and other ocean creatures, our heroes will be reunited with friends and making new ones along the way. What kind of an adventure that's waitting our heroes in this journey.And also I wanted to tell you guys that this story has alot of grammartical errors because my english level is just medium so you guys can comment about it so that I can improve my stories.…

EXO News - 9

EXO News - 9

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Những tin mà mình đăng lên là gom lại từ all các nguồn khác nhau Cập nhật hàng ngày những tin tức mới nhất về EXONếu bạn có ý định đem bài mình đăng đi đâu thì ok vẫn được. Nhưng đừng quên ghi CR nhé ^^~Ngôi nhà EXO luôn chào đón tất cả EXO-L…