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Ikemen Revolution

Ikemen Revolution

20 0 19

Ikemen RevolutionLove & Magic in Wonderland"Listen well, AliceIf you want to make it home, there's one kind of magic you must not fall under the spell of... ...Love"19th century, London. Trapped in Wonderland, a fateful encounter awaits you... King of Hearts: Lancelot Kingsley: "Until the end, I swear I will love you. "King of the Spades: Ray Blackwell: "Where have you been hiding from me all this time? "Queen of Hearts: Jonah Clemence: "Look only at me. Do you really need to be told that? "Ace of Spades: Fenrir Godspeed: "Are you ready? The party starts now! "Jack of Hearts: Edgar Bright: "Do you need some assistance?"Ace of Hearts: Zero: "You don't fear me? "7 of Hearts: Kyle Ash: "Such a pain. "Queen of Spades: Sirius Oswald: "You're a good girl so don't cry. "Jack of Spades: Luka Clemence: "Just leave me alone. "10 of Spades: Seth Hyde: "Let's be friends! "Caught in the middle of a battle between the Red and Black Armies... ...your only hope of getting home is the night of the next full moon. Joker: Harr Silver: "Don't get close to me. "Cheshire Cat: Loki Genetta: "You fascinate me. "Mad Hatter: Oliver Knight: "Don't treat me like a kid. "White Rabbit: Blanc Lapin: "I'm here to help you. "As you battle with your conflicting feelings...A horrible threat looms in the shadow... What fate awaits you...?…

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