[ToG] People you know

[ToG] People you know

143 20 1

We used to be closed, people can go---…

[25-21] Equals - Đồng điệu - Ko Yurim - Na Heedoo

[25-21] Equals - Đồng điệu - Ko Yurim - Na Heedoo

573 54 2

Twenty five - Twenty one - Ngoại truyện…

midnight stream

midnight stream

0 0 1

twenty-three thirty-four; sixteen twelve twenty twenty…



40 6 1

Chỉ là lưu bút cho năm mới thôiiii✨…

Dongfang Yunmengtan

Dongfang Yunmengtan

182 4 120

Wedges get up! (This chapter is free)A teenager is not a dreamer, but he often feels that his life is like a dream, but beautiful but unreal, especially at night, there are always strange dreams. 26nbsp;In the slumber of his dreams, the young man walked in the sea of ​​incredible dreams. Under the blue sky, sunny daylight shines on the endless clouds and seas. The snow-white clouds seem to have no borders. The waves are flowing into the sea, and the golden 'color' sunlight that flows to the end of the sky is like a blessing of the gods. The sea of ​​clouds, compared with this magnificent picture, the eagles and birds that occasionally cross the sky are as small as duckweed in the sea.In the sea of ​​clouds, there are many "vortex eyes". The nearby clouds are centered on the vortex eyes, or they swirl around slowly or slowly. Some vortex eyes suddenly appear and dissipate. Some vortex eyes are gloomy and dark. Lightning and lightning are dangerous areas for all creatures to avoid, but there are also some vortex eyes that seem to be the long river resting place. The airflow is stable all year round. White clouds are like static cotton. The vortex flows slowly or even hardly to detect.…

EXO Lyrics

EXO Lyrics

1,890 58 99


Hôm nay tôi 20

Hôm nay tôi 20

4 0 1


markhyuck » the doctor and his florist /ss2/

markhyuck » the doctor and his florist /ss2/

3,165 362 4

𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: một ngày lướt instagram, @hchn66 nhìn thấy một tấm hình của anh chàng đẹp trai @markly_ và rơi vào lưới tình trong 3s.𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: lee minhyung x lee donghyuck𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫: cchheell_7 // chellycherries𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟏: 18 chapter update ở @chellycherries𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟐: upcoming!𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧: 01/02/2019𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠: 'will be updated'…

OSH 24

OSH 24

3 0 1


Please Be Obedient, Husband

Please Be Obedient, Husband

22 0 142

Once again, Gongsun Yuner sneaked out and swayed, and the two followers behind him looked nervously, fearing that they would run into the invincible old man Gongsun Invincible, and went back to the sun in a big jar."Miss, let's go back quickly, otherwise the master will be angry."Liu Lu looked at the people around him who looked at her own lady with bad intentions. Although the lady is only six years old this year, such a baby doll with delicate makeup and delicate makeup is not something that a casual person can raise.…