List Yaoi Đã Hoàn

List Yaoi Đã Hoàn

227,193 2,808 176

》 Nơi Đây Đơn Giản Là Chốn Tập Hợp Tên Của Các Yaoi Đã Hoàn》 Do Tất Cả Những Truyện Ta Đã Liệt Ra Đều Đã Hoàn Nên Ta Sẽ Không Để Từ "hoàn" Ở Chổ Tình Trạng Truyện Nữa Nhé !! Ta Nói Trước Để Các Nàng Khỏi Thắc Mắc》 Mỗi Lần Ta Update 7 Truyện, Cứ 6 Truyện Thì Sẽ Có 1 Oneshot nga~~…

Dongfang Yunmengtan

Dongfang Yunmengtan

183 4 120

Wedges get up! (This chapter is free)A teenager is not a dreamer, but he often feels that his life is like a dream, but beautiful but unreal, especially at night, there are always strange dreams. 26nbsp;In the slumber of his dreams, the young man walked in the sea of ​​incredible dreams. Under the blue sky, sunny daylight shines on the endless clouds and seas. The snow-white clouds seem to have no borders. The waves are flowing into the sea, and the golden 'color' sunlight that flows to the end of the sky is like a blessing of the gods. The sea of ​​clouds, compared with this magnificent picture, the eagles and birds that occasionally cross the sky are as small as duckweed in the sea.In the sea of ​​clouds, there are many "vortex eyes". The nearby clouds are centered on the vortex eyes, or they swirl around slowly or slowly. Some vortex eyes suddenly appear and dissipate. Some vortex eyes are gloomy and dark. Lightning and lightning are dangerous areas for all creatures to avoid, but there are also some vortex eyes that seem to be the long river resting place. The airflow is stable all year round. White clouds are like static cotton. The vortex flows slowly or even hardly to detect.…

 rise of the thunderouses

rise of the thunderouses

215 32 1

❛một vệ lôi không thể mù đường được đâu trời đất ạ.❜_🐑 2014 「h.hj - h.js」🐑 idea taken from "rise of the guardians" (2012)🐑 including mythical creatures/gods from many different cultures.220119stray kids √…

My Wife Is A Fox

My Wife Is A Fox

137 3 197

Her name is a beaver, not a vixen fox;It is her specialty to do destruction and trouble;It is her nature to play tricks and trick people;Seventy-two changes is her magic weapon to defeat the enemy;Inadvertently took over a business, accidentally lost the pink crystal fox pendant, and accidentally involved her in a whirlpool of conspiracy and love ...(Readers please rest assured that there are millions of words before Xianer finishes this novel. Xianer will never be an eunuch or irrigation. Xianer will never do half-way things, so please believe Xianer!)…

EXO News - 4

EXO News - 4

3,157 813 200

Những tin mà mình đăng lên là gom lại từ all các nguồn khác nhau Cập nhật hàng ngày những tin tức mới nhất về EXONếu bạn có ý định đem bài mình đăng đi đâu thì ok vẫn được. Nhưng đừng quên ghi CR nhé ^^~Ngôi nhà EXO luôn chào đón tất cả EXO-L 😊…

Dragon Dance Sky

Dragon Dance Sky

2 0 46

The heroes in the world, I have exclusive respect, a generation of martial arts, see me effortlessly, set the sword with a sword. Going to the horizon with a sword, I am affectionate and loving, and dare to give up the sky for love. I have friends and cares, betrayed me and slashed out with a sword, the heroes of the Quartet came to see how I gave orders. . . . . I was furious, and the Octagon Cao were frightened. I have righteousness, evil, and all stand by. I am Ouyang Long.…