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[csb x cyj] BLACK and WHITE

[csb x cyj] BLACK and WHITE

175 15 2

Đen và trắng là hai màu đơn giản, điều đó giống như tình yêu tôi dành cho em, đơn giản nhưng thu hút…

|vsoo| a selfish girl

|vsoo| a selfish girl

439 44 4

ờ....fic của mình thực sự là xàm lắm. đây không phải lần đầu mình viết fic nên mình đủ biết mình xàm cỡ nào. cơ mà 1 chap mình viết ngắn lắm, vả lại trời sinh tính mình chúa lười nên thông cảm nhé, mình không viết nhanh được đêuuu…

Wear A Girl Band In Ancient Times

Wear A Girl Band In Ancient Times

18 1 100

In the 21st century, 100,000 fans of beauty makeup, Xu Shu, a liberal arts scholar, once crossed the dynasty and was sold. Fortunately, she became a great steward of Yihonglou, although she was a little wasteful of the beauty of the world. But it doesn't matter, she tailored her debut plan for the girls. Singing and dancing must be proficient in all aspects, beauty knowledge can not be dropped, isolated sunscreen bb cream to walk. They are the most beautiful female group in the Chao Dynasty.Make ice cream, cakes, sing pop songs with homemade guitars, use chemical formulas to solve the case ... Blind your eyes with 21st century wisdom.However, she really didn't want to provoke the seven kings who had high ascetic abstinence. He brought it to him.Qi Muran: The king has given himself to you, why not marry me, what else do you want?Xu Shu: Lord Wang, I want to eat Pippi shrimp with Coke.…

Dongfang Yunmengtan

Dongfang Yunmengtan

182 4 120

Wedges get up! (This chapter is free)A teenager is not a dreamer, but he often feels that his life is like a dream, but beautiful but unreal, especially at night, there are always strange dreams. 26nbsp;In the slumber of his dreams, the young man walked in the sea of ​​incredible dreams. Under the blue sky, sunny daylight shines on the endless clouds and seas. The snow-white clouds seem to have no borders. The waves are flowing into the sea, and the golden 'color' sunlight that flows to the end of the sky is like a blessing of the gods. The sea of ​​clouds, compared with this magnificent picture, the eagles and birds that occasionally cross the sky are as small as duckweed in the sea.In the sea of ​​clouds, there are many "vortex eyes". The nearby clouds are centered on the vortex eyes, or they swirl around slowly or slowly. Some vortex eyes suddenly appear and dissipate. Some vortex eyes are gloomy and dark. Lightning and lightning are dangerous areas for all creatures to avoid, but there are also some vortex eyes that seem to be the long river resting place. The airflow is stable all year round. White clouds are like static cotton. The vortex flows slowly or even hardly to detect.…