IV. Thranduil. Farewell, Father

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Of his mother he did not remember much; just the vague feelings of being held in caring arms, faint lullabies that seemed to be since a long time ago. And then nothing more.

Probably that was when she died but Thranduil was too small to know the different between leaving and leaving forever. His childish mind quickly forgot the cuddles and the lullabies as time passed and new interests were found.

However today he was no longer a child. Prince Thranduil saw how his father's life was taken away, he had now distinguished the different between leaving and leaving forever. His father happened to fall for the second one.

The kingdom was quiet, this hadn't happened since the Queen passed away; although Elves weren't like the Hobbits nor the Drawes, they would not always sing and dance. However it did not mean that Elves are bricks when it comes to emotions. The palace was opened for the visitors today; the king's body was placed nicely inside a crystal coffin and as the light shined down through the dome, it immediately became a sight. Everyone wore their best clothes to show their respect towards the late king and Thranduil watched every one of them. His father was a good king, Oropher had done so much for his people and he would forever be missed; Thranduil wondered whether his father would smile if he saw how his dedication had paid off.

Elves went in and out, one by one and only by the time the sun had beginning to disappear behind the horizon did the palace's gate was shut.

Oropher's friends who had come to paid him respect and goodbyes were all set for dinner as they asked the prince to join them.

"Come and join, Thranduil. Your father shall live once again tonight when we tell his son all about his glories!" Elendil said, his voice echoed along the hallway and all of sudden, Thranduil felt like running away. He wasn't sure if he wanted Oropher to come back from the death and leave Woodland Realm again.

"Thranduil have had a long day, Lord Elendil." Elrond put a hand on Elendil's shoulder, his firm eyes landed on Thranduil's as he gave the younger elf a supportive smile before turning back to his companion. "It's us tonight, my friend, I will come with you to remember our fallen brothers."

The lords walked away and disappeared at a corner. With the absence of them, Thranduil found a nice, unexpected relaxation, he gazed out the view outside the palace. In the woods outside this barrier, Thranduil and Oropher had gone practicing archery since his early years, now it was just the prince himself.

An engaging smell of food woke Thranduil's scent and only until then did he realize how hungry he was. Looking back where the aroma was the most tempting, he found Faeryn in the same grey velvet robe she had worn that morning and a basket in her hands.

Faeryn tilted her head to one side as the elleth smiled at him, her loose braid falling down from her shoulder at the movement. "I brought you dinner." She told him then sat flatly on the paving floor under watch. "I figured that you wouldn't want to go in there. Care for a picnic?" Faeryn patted the seat next to her as the she elf took some roasted chicken out from the basket.

"On the floor?" Thranduil gave away a slight grimace as the ebony-haired maiden nodded surely, as if she did not see the look upon the prince's face. This was just how Faeryn was, why should he be surprised, anyway? "Wouldn't miss this for the world." And so he sat down next to her, enjoying the meal in Faeryn's style.

"How did you know I didn't want to join them for dinner?" Thranduil's question broke the comfortable silence between the two friends.

"Let's just say I have my way." Faeryn smiled mischeviously, however the curve of her mouth did not meet her eyes. Thranduil understood she was keeping the spirit up, keeping herself strong for him. Oropher was much more than just a king to the elleth. He was the one whom she looked up to with such great respect; and Faeryn did not just simply respect someone.

"I miss him already, Faeryn." The prince sounded close to tears as his eyes were gazing at the dark woods.

"Hey, keep that in mind that you are not alone, Thranduil." Faeryn gave him a slight squeeze on the shoulder. She suddenly pointed at the starry sky hanging over their head. "See the bright star over there? The one on the left?" Her finger moved over a certain star glowing among a dozen of others. "That's my mother. She's looking down at us right now. She never left me and father, I can feel her presence now and then."

"Your mother must be beautiful." Thranduil left a comment, he stared at the sky and wondered if Oropher was one of those stars now, also looking down at him.

"I don't remember. And father has never mention. But I KNOW she was. She's my mother!"

"You are beautiful," He said and popped a grape into his mouth, "You don't take after Laebon much, except from his nose so I guess you should look more like your mother. Especially your eyes... I don't think us Silvan elves inherite green eyes."

"I hope..." At the corner of his eyes, Faeryn was smiling, not sure if it was because of his compliment or was it because Faeryn's imagination of her mother had become more vivid than ever, both would do, provided that she still kept that smile on her face. "Thranduil..."

She whispered his name, with a tinge of excitement, Faeryn pointed at the sky again, this time waa at another celestial body. "I found king Oropher! Look in the middle, can you see the brightest star there? The twinkling one?"

"Yes, I can see it!" The star Faeryn gound was bright and beautiful and looked like a diamond in the sky.

"That's the king! Say something to him! Anything." She urged him on, sounding utterly determined and Thranduil rolled his eyes in defeat.

"Alright, I will. But I'm not saying it out loud." He added the last part just to see Faeryn pouted. However, she did not nag him but got back to the food.

Hello, father.

At first, it felt strange. The star chatting session had become a brand new experience to Thranduil but he tried afterwards, and ended in success as he began to feel more comfortable swimming in his mind.

You are doing well, I supposed? I er... We are moving forward now. This kingdom will grow, father, grow in happiness, grow in wealth and grow in power. I will make you proud, I promise.

I guess that's it for now...

Thranduil pulled away from the sky and started rocking back and forth. "Can I hug you, Faeryn?" He asked hopefully for her to nod.

Faeryn inhaled. The elleth pulled the prince closer and wrapped her small figure around his tall form; Thranduil's face hid in Faeryn's soft hair as he digged deeper, making himself comfortable with her smell of pine and rosemary.

She began to sing. First it was just a whisper, then it grew louder and louder until it was a charming melody that echoed the walls.

To these memories I will hold
With your blessing I will go
To turn at last to paths that lead home
And though where the road then takes me
I cannot tell
We came all this way
But now comes the day
To bid you farewell

Right, father... farewell...

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