IX. Laebon. A Father's Secret

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He was scribbling the letters down a parchment when the rushing whispers drew away his attention to the work. Either because the speakers were not aware of the transmittance of sound there or they did that on purpose, Laebon could not stop the curiousity inside him from growing.

From the other side of the door, the healer heard a elf and an elleth talking. Their conversation was buffered, however it was just enough to be concluded that the elf was urging the elleth to meet with Laebon.

"If you... to know... ask him!" Said the elf annoyingly.

Followed was a chain of pushing and hushing sounds, and then the elleth voiced, "I... sudden... don't... to..."

Laebon frowned, the voices were not of strangers, the elf knew it, in fact, those were from someone well-known to the healer himself! Sadly, he could not remember who.

"You... bothered... weeks... it's time..."

"But... if..." Anxious the elleth was. "You... NO-!"

And before Laebon had time to figure out what made such loud protest, the door of his study was pushed open as it revealed the to guests of that evening.

At the entrance stood King Thranduil and his daughter Faeryn. Laebon was surprised to see them at that moment, however, he was more surprised with their secret conversation just before.

King Thranduil strode into the room with Faeryn dragged behind him. His daughter looked unease as the elleth kept nailing herself back from where the king was headed to.

Laebon could tell his beloved Faeryn was reluctant to tell whatever it was, in her beautiful green eyes there was fear and dismay but still there was something in it called eagerness. Afraid as she was, his child wanted to know something after all.

"My Lord, did this silly child of mine do anything to displease you?" Laebon bowed in deep respect.

Thranduil shook his head and motioned his healer to straight up, "No need for that, my friend. And no, Faeryn is very well behave, actually."

The elleth glared at the king as he said so; she yanked his hand away, irritated. Laebon watched the two elf friends and remembered how they were a thousand years ago.

When his little Faeryn was younger, when her mother passed away, Laebon did not know what to do. As a healer he was always busy and Faeryn, Faeryn was so innocent at time, however she was timid, too timid for children of her age.

The elleth liked spending the day in his study, which amused Laebon at first, she loved to be his little assistant, reaching up shelves that were too high for her own sake, accidentally mixing up the herbs and medicines.

Faeryn's world was wrapped in a room and the only social she made was Laebon. And that was not a father hope for.

"Faeryn dear, why don't you go out and play? I'm sure you'll like the weather." Laebon would asked his daughter everyday like that and the elleth, being as stubborn as her mother would pretended not to listen and made herself busy again with the books.

Eventually, Laebon gave up. He knew his child so well that he was almost sure that this would be how Faeryn become mature. Almost, he thought, as in one day the elleth was nowhere to be found.

The father started to panic at the idea of losing his daughter, his only family. He asked the guards, the servants, even the king Laebon did not spare.

And then he saw little Faeryn in the garden, sitting on a low branch of tree with another child elf poking her feet.

Prince Thranduil was telling her something and it made her bursted out with laughter. Laebon was stunned at the sight, he was overwhelmed by the sudden change that he had long hoped for.

Little did the king Thranduil know Laebon owed his and his daughter's happiness him.

"Father." Called Faeryn and Laebon looked up to the grown elleth in front of him. She had become a clever and beautiful lady, lived up to every of his expectation and belief. "There is this one thing... that has been bothering me lately..." she said.

"And what is that, my child?"

"How... uhm... How did my mother die?"

The quill snapped in half in his palm. Faeryn was startled by the sound; Laebon caught her green eyes bored into him, confused.

"Why in all of sudden?" Laebon inhaled, he asked in a tone that he believed to be as calm as the night.

Faeryn stumbled on her words. "I... I just think that perhaps I should know more about her..."

"You never asked before, why now?" He questioned.

"I wasn't curious." She mumbled.

"Then what..." Laebon's sharp grey eyes scanned over his daughter. At the corner of his eyes, king Thranduil stood quietly, not sure if he should to leave. "... triggered this curiousity in all of sudden?"

"You don't want to tell me." Faeryn stated, disappointed.

"No, I do not." Laebon confirmed sharply.

His daughter critically looked at him. "I don't understand... you loved her. What's so wrong of me knowing?"

"There isn't."

"Then why? Why can you not just tell me?!" Faeryn exclaimed, she was angry. She wanted to know, she wanted a line of hope that her mother maybe, maybe still alive.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because! SHE IS MY MOTHER!" Unintentionally, yelled Faeryn.

"AND SHE IS DEAD!" Laebon did not mean to shout back, but he did.

Faeryn's eyes began to water, however not a single tear slipped. Her breathing was unstable but not a sign of weakness.

"Is there anything you are hidding from me Faeryn? Cause I demand to know." Laebon ordered sternly.

At first the elleth gave no answer, her face showed emotion of which could tell Laebon the mainspring. Then when she looked away from an empty space, Faeryn spoke clearly. "Our eyes. Are they the only ones?"

Laebon nodded, "They are. Very special, indeed." He paused as he caught a tingle of surprise flashing through the maiden elf's face. Laebon immediately became cautious of where the talk was leading to.

"Listen, Faeryn. Your mother was a half elf, her mother was a human, therefore she inherited those green eyes and so do you." Laebon walked toward his daughter.

The healer was much taller than her as the two were facing each other. Laebon squeezed Faeryn's shoulder slightly and he was glad that she did not yank it away nor did you flinch by the touch.

"But she is dead, Faeryn. Whatever you saw, whatever you heard, those were lies. I want you to live for the present and future, not the past that cannot be changed." The father's grey eyes fixed on his daughter as she nodded in agreement.

"I understand, father." Faeryn said.

"Have faith in your family, my daughter."

She did not reply but took off. Before the elleth leave the room, she bid her father a goodbye. "I'll get going now. See you around."

Laebon watched her black hair faded and soon, his child's figure sunk into the dim light of the corridor then ended up in darkness. The healer did not get back to his work.

"What can I do for you, my Lord?" He asked the second guest, the majestic king.

Thranduil eyed his servant, his look was full of quiz. "Why did you lie?"

"I lied, for Faeryn's safety, my Lord." Laebon answered. It was no surprise that Thranduil had seen through his false sayings. "Knowing to much does nothing but driving her into this madness."

"Whatever it is. She will not forgive your lies, good intention or not, Laebon."

"I see you understand my own daughter more than I do."

"You cannot deny her nature." Laebon could not object the truth Thranduil was implying.

"She will know, when time is right. Until then, pray promise me, my Lord, promise this miserable father that you will keep her out from seeking what she shall search for." Pleaded Laebon.

"You shall have my words." Thranduil agreed after a long moment. The king walked away quietly and too, faded into the dim candle light.

Laebon was left alone in his study, however unlike before, he was not relaxed nor at ease. A new burden had been put on his shoulders, Faeryn had had her suspicion and the secret would not be kept hidden for long.


Hello my dear readers! This is my first Author's Note and now it feels a bit strange, haha :)

Up there is the first picture of Faeryn to be revealed! So what do you think of her? Adelaide Kane fits my imagination instantly when I first saw her as Mary Stuart in Reign CW. Her eyes aren't green though, but I hope it won't effect the story much..

Whatsoever, stay tune for the upcoming chapters! I love you all! :)


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