VIII. Faeryn. Stranger

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"And you just walked away?" The dark haired elleth incredulously asked.

And the blonde elf nodded.

"Just like that? Straight out?"

He nodded again, his eyes fixed on the companion, amused.

"Then pray tell, king Thranduil..." She paused, her distinguish green eyes started scanning him. "What did your brilliant mind think then?"

"It will work, Faeryn. Have a little faith in me." Thranduil rolled his eyes at the elleth.

The two had been wandering in the woods for the whole morning then, and as they rode their horses in between the layers of trees, the place was surprisingly quite and peaceful.

"I do have faith in you, my friend, never doubt that. It is the dark creatures I don't trust." Faeryn shook her head, what Thranduil did was risky but brilliant in a way. She knew what the king wanted when he said those words; if his prediction failed, it would pay him with his pride and trust, however if it not, the Members would truly see him as their king and they shall believe in his capability, Lord Anglor would not dare to say a thing.

"I see you are worrying more about Lord Anglor." Thranduil stated and much to her dismay, it was true. He rode the horse forward and in a blink of the eye, Faeryn found herself falling behind.

"Shouldn't I be?" The maiden elf chased after the king, and soon she caught up with her lord. "Tell me why you are not happy." Faeryn sincerely asked as her body leant forward in order to take a closer look at Thranduil's face.

She watched him carefully, half amusement and half worried; both feelings lingered like a scale and it was very hard for the elleth to express concern without drawing a grin to her lips.

"You always worry yourself on my behalf, dear Faeryn. Even when it's not your battle to fight." Thranduil sighed in frustration and Faeryn's hidden grin slowly morphed into a frown.

Conversations like this had never been the elleth's liking. She did concern but never had she poke her nose in where it did not belong. Sure there would be advices, however in nowhere there would be pressure.

"You are my family, Thranduil. When was the last time you have a proper meal? When was the last time you have a dreamless sleep, let alone a real sleep?" Faeryn stopped her horse and reached out for the king's hands on the rein, soft as ever, the maiden elf placed hers upon his, trust and absolute loyalty coloured her eyes. "How can you expect me to not worry, my friend?"

There came a calm silence blanketed that part of the woods, all those heard were the rustles of the high layers of leaves, where the sun shined the brightest and where the evergreens seemed like they were to touch the sky. And the birds, the jolly melodies they created were the masterpieces of nature, they were the calls of life.

Everything single little thing that added in that picture was more than enough to call Woodland Realm paradise, but with Thranduil, it felt like home.

Finally, Thranduil's lips curved into a friendly smile as he gave her hand a warm squeeze, blue eyes pinned on her pretty little dimple. "You are my family, the only one left. Whatever makes you happy gives me the most pleasure."

"Then let me stay with you, through whatever comes and whatever may."

Nodded Thranduil and Faeryn was pleased, they let go of each other's hold and started moving forward.

The narrow path in the woods led them to a small stream which its upper reaches flowed through the kingdom. The water was cool and very limpid, the surrounding habitat was so much more than what words could describe. Fancied the sight, Faeryn swiftly slipped down from the addle as Thranduil watched her with admiration.

Green grass touched the elleth's feet when she was waltzing over the small stream. Her hair dazzled in the sunlight and her eyes glimmered as if they were painted with stars. Being an elf had many perks such as you can walk without making heavy noises, your steps would be light as a feather and so Faeryn's steps were like that.

"I love spring..." She told him that and the companion chuckled; the maiden elf glared playfully at the source of sound but knew that he had the most sufficient reason to: Faeryn loved every season!

"Watch your foot, Faeryn. It won't be pretty when you're wet!" Thranduil reminded the elleth as her feet took her closer to the bank.

"Come down and appreciate the world, Thranduil!" Laughed jolly, she beckoned him with open arms.

He came down from his horse at last, as he jogged toward her, Thranduil realized why was Faeryn so happy. He was already wrapped up in the pleasant and beauty of the most common things.

Faeryn sat down on a rock and wondered what would her life be if she built a cottage right where they were then and lived her rest of enternity. It was a pretty thought, but the elleth found the idea sunk in discouragement, aware of the fact that Thranduil could not be with her then.

"I think that's enough with my morning, how was yours today?" Thranduil chose himself a comfortable to sit down; Faeryn shifted aside and offered him a seat.

"I visited the Silvan elves and they are doing well. Everyone is very happy and appreciate their king's kindness." Faeryn reported with pride and Thranduil was overwhelmed with satisfaction. He could not hide his wide smile as the words came into his sense.

"The news you brought me is the best one recently! Thank you."

Faeryn gave him a playful nudge at the side; her hair fell down in one side and as a wind came by, her beautiful scent of pine and rosemary radiated the space.

"Keep it to your heart that through a good ruler's people belief, we shall seek for his greatness and mercy."

"Words of wisdom." He labelled.

Faeryn giggled a bit, she opened her mouth and right before there was a sound to escaped her tongue, an abrupt crack had happened in a bush not far away from the two elves.

In the matter of second, Faeryn found herself being pushed forcefully to the back, Thranduil was shielding her with his sword held firmly in his grip. Such a strong and abrupt interaction that Faeryn almost lost her balance and ended up on the dirt ground.

No one breathed a word as Faeryn started to lose feel of her wrist; Thranduil was holding it as tight as might and numbness was crawling its way towards the elleth's sense.

"Thranduil... You are hurting me..." She whined, however the king paid no attention to the weak voice behind him. "I cannot feel my hand, Thranduil... Please let me go..." Faeryn said it again, louder this time; the complaint woke the royal elf's sensation as he pulled away his tight grip right then.

"Oh no... What have I done..." Thranduil whispered to himself when a red mark began to form on Faeryn's pale skin. He looked disheartened by the sight under his eyes; the king meant to touch it and the forming bruise vanished.

Faeryn hid her stainless wrist away, saying, "It isn't fatal. Do not worry." The maiden elf ignored her companion's protests as she watched over the area. "What do you think it was?"

"Dark creatures, I suppose... They never strike in daytime, however. Whatever it is, threats are always prevail." He said.

"Don't do anything yet, please. It could be an animal or even a wanderer!" Faeryn pleaded, she skimmed the woods; it seemed fine at scan as if no one nor nothing was there from the first place. It wasn't anymore when Faeryn's keen eyes spotted a set of raven hair moving along the trees.

Her feet worked before her logical mind did and so she chased. Dodging the low branches, skipping over the old roots on the ground, Faeryn was lucky that a few cuts on her face, tangled hair, ripped clothes were not the worse to come.

"Faeryn! Quit chasing!" From the back she heard Thranduil calling for her frantically however she did not stop.

She wanted to catch the suspect, she was so eager to know, the urge felt almost like desperation without the pain and very much like the possession of the idea of knowing.

"Stop running further! You'll get lost! Faeryn!" That was the last cried the elleth heard.


Shortly later, Faeryn knew it for sure she was lost. How ironic it was for an elleth who spent most of her life wandering inside this woods and now, lost. Faeryn had no idea where we was, for real, and for a good reason, of course; that part of the woods was banned due to the density of bad magic hoovering in the air.

"Where am I?..." Faeryn asked herself for the tenth time, the strange shapes of the trees and the similarities they bear were starting to scared her.

The trees looked like they had just gone through a drought with such emaciated branches and hands, however, in contrast, the supposed-to-be solid ground was not solid at all, with that moister, Faeryn was almost deceived that she was lost inside a shere swamp.

"I should have listened to him..." The elleth mumbled, tried to find a way out. She wondered how far had she gone to.

Another crack came from her behind; Faeryn spun around like a bolt and braced her stand. And she saw it; eight feet away crawled a female figure in red hood.

"Who are you?" The elleth asked curiously and only silence replied.

"Come out, please. I have no intend to hurt you." Faeryn reached out for the female and awhile later, she shifted, slowly grew taller from the bush.

Faeryn took that as a sign of acceptance and smiled but the curving lips soon melted into a grimace as the person ran away. Before she did, Faeryn's eyes met hers and the elleth was left in shock.

"Faeryn! Where are you?!" From far back, Thranduil's voice echoed and stired the haunting atmosphere of the swamp.

"Over here..." Weak and haggard did her words sound. Faeryn was so baffled with the image of what she had seen with wide eyes.

Thranduil came forward as he saw her: A greatly confused Faeryn.

The elleth felt his touch, she felt him pulling her back to her feet and he felt him smoothing his hair while checking for the invisible injuries.

"What's the matter?" She heard him asked, his voice was deep and demanding.

And she found her lips opening, her tongue forming words and her jaws moving in sync.

"Tell me, Thranduil. How many elves does history know born with green eyes?"

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