Chapter 5 (School and an Idea)

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Me: Hello! I'm back!

Danny: Welcome once again.

Me: Hey, guess what?

Danny: What?

Me: *in sickeningly sweet voice* In this chapter you get to go to prison (Read: school) this is where some of us must go to everyday! *whispers* It's torture.

Danny: Oh goodie. *sarcasm*

Me: Yeah! Now, disclaimer if you would?

Danny: Waves-Of-Fury does not own Danny Phantom or it's characters, Srwibbles belongs to her friend who made her cover, and she does own Sky.

Me: Thank you! Now, ON WITH THE STORY!



Phantom laughed, "Well, alright. I would, but it seems our time is coming to an end for now."

"Awww. But I don't wanna go." Danny whined.

"It's alright, Hunter. I'll still be with you, and I'll be waiting here when you return." Phantom said and gave Danny a quick peck on the lips.

The last thing Danny saw was Phantom's smiling face before the world around him faded to black.


"-nny. DANNY!"

"Gah!" Danny jolted awake and fell off his bed onto the floor.

"Finally. You've got 15 minutes to get ready and out the door. I'd suggest that you hurry up." Jazz said before turning on her heal and walking out the door of Danny's room.

Danny groaned and got up from the floor rubbing his head where it had hit the ground.

He made his way over to his closet and pulled out a white t-shirt with red trims and a red circle in the middle.

He sighed and put it on, already missing Phantom from his dream, and his time.

Danny didn't even try to comb the rats nest that was his hair. Instead he just raked his fingers through it and headed downstairs.

When he got to the kitchen he found his parents (who he was still a bit mad at even if they were currently from the past) working on some ghost hunting something or other, and Jazz with her nose in a book.

Rather than stick around Danny opted to grab a breakfast bar, toast and some water before grabbing his bag and beginning his trek to school.

Somewhere along the way Danny could have sworn he felt a ghostly hand intertwine with his free one.

~le skip of times~

As Danny neared the school he could see his friends waiting for him by the tree outside of school, once close enough he could hear some of their conversation.

"Come on please?" Tucker begged

" I already told you, I' my not going to tell you." Sam responded annoyed.

Tucker then spotted Danny.

"Danny, come help me. Sam knows cheat codes to Doomed 2, but she won't tell me any! Can you get her to?" Tucker asked his friend desperately.

Danny shook his head, remembering when he and Tucker had tried before, Sam didn't budge and Tucker ended up getting a kick to both his shins by Sam's combat boots.

"Sorry, Tucker, it's not going to happen." Danny said.

"But how do you know for sure unless you try?" Tucker asked.

Danny landed down and whispered into Tucker's ear, "because I'm from the future, and if you keep pressing her, once we get to my locker, you'll get a hard kick to both shins from Sam and her combat boots."

Tucker rolled his eyes and continued to ask/ beg Sam to tell him the cheat codes.

Once they had reached Danny's locker, true to Danny's previous statement, Tucker got both shins kicked.

"Told you." Danny said as he grabbed his books and shut his locker.

"Yeah, whatever dude. Lucky guess." Tucker said.

As they turned to go to class Danny felt his books being smoked out of his hands before he was hoisted of the ground and slammed into the lockers.

Danny almost judo flipped the person, before realizing that it was Dash and letting himself go limp.

"Hey fen-turd, ready for your daily dose of beatings?" Dash asked, a smirk on his face.

"Whatever you're going to do, Dash, just get it it over with." Danny said, clearly bored.

Dash was a little taken aback, but let Danny drop. "You know what, I'm not really in the mood to beat you up right now. Consider yourself lucky." and with that Dash walked off.

Sam and Tucker rushed over to Danny as he pulled himself up off the ground and dusted himself off.

"Danny, what was that?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, don't you usually go with your 'scared wimpy kid' act or whatever?" Tucker asked

Danny just shrugged, "I really didn't feel like putting up with it today."

The three began walking to their class, all the while Sam and Tucker pestering Danny about how 'strange' he was acting.

'Of course they'd thing it was strange,' Danny thought, 'Even if I'm just being my normal self, I'm not my freshman normal self.'

They finally arrived at their class and took their seats.

~behold a random time skip has appeared~

Finally they had their last class of the day, English with Mr. Lancer.

As Mr. Lancer droned on and on about Moby Dick or Shakespeare or something, Danny's mind was thinking of different ways that he could possibly get home and/or how he could get Sam and Tucker to believe and help him.

'More "predictions"? No they would just wave it off as a coincidence. Hmm... then what about-'

"MR. FENTON!" Mr. Lancer shouted, interrupting Danny's thoughts and pulling him into the lecture.

"Yes Mr. Lancer?" Danny asked.

"If you're so informed as to be able to daydream, you should be able to answer me this, 'In the story of Romeo and Juliet, why couldn't Romeo be with his beloved Juliet?" Mr. Lancer asked smirking, as he believed he had caught Danny red-handed.

"One belief is that Romeo and Juliet believe that their families would not accept their union that led them to keep everything secret. If you remember, at the Capulet party, Tybalt recognizes Romeo's voice and tells his uncle that a Montague has crashed the party.  Mr. Capulet's response was that Tybalt should not worry about the intruder and that he had, in fact, heard that Romeo was a fine young man.  After the Prince had made his proclamation that the next one to disturb the streets with the feud would be put to death, Mr. Capulet had even remarked to Paris, "'tis not hard, I think,For men so old as we to keep the peace", hinting that he would not be as willing to engage in the fighting any longer.   It was Tyblat who went after Romeo the next day to defend the family's "honor" at having their party crashed by a Montague.  Romeo had not interest in fighting him, but Mercutio decided to goad Tyblat on.  With the slaying of Mercutio, Romeo reacted out of anger, thus fueling the feud with Tybalt's death. Therefore it was their fear and belief of not being accepted as united that he couldn't be with Juliet ." Danny explained remembering Phantom forcing him to read the book again recently so that he could 'keep up with his studies'. (I had to look up and research Romeo and Juliet because I have never read it.)

The class and Mr. Lance were stunned into silence, some students even had their mouth's agape.

Somewhat regaining his composure Mr. Lancer managed to say, "C-correct." And continued on with his lecture.

~about a 10 minute time skip~

The bell rang and the class was finally let out.

'Finally! I think I know how to make them believe me!'

Danny ran out of the class room, before stopping and waiting for his two friends.

"Danny what-" Sam began before being cut off by Danny.

"I have an idea but I have to find-"


Danny looked down the hallway and sure enough he saw a crowd of people with their hands over their ears with Sky and another person at the center.

"Found her." Danny said and began to head towards the two.

"And that was necessary why?" The other person asked. They were wearing a maroon sweatshirt with dark blue jeans and black and white tennis shoes (sneakers whatever) with dark violet hair and brown eyes.

"Because you asked about YouTube so I gave a demonstration." Sky said as if it were and obvious solution.

Just then a green portal opened and a boy stepped out, what looked like a portal gun in his hand.

The boy grabbed the other person's hand and dragged them to the portal saying "Wrong world Akira. You broke the fourth wall."

"Wait, what? Avery?" 'Akira' said confused before being dragged through the portal and having it close behind them.

"umm...." Danny said attempting to process what had just happened before shaking his head and continuing on to Sky.

"Hey, Sky!" Danny said as he walked up to her.

"Oh, hey. You're the guy me and Scrwibbs saw this morning." Sky said.

"Uh, yeah. Hey I have a question." Danny said.

"I have an answer." Sky responded, "Ask away."

"Do you believe in time travel or alternate realities?" Danny asked.

Sky's eyes lit up, "Yes! I mean I've always thought it would be cool to travel in time, and if you can travel in time, why not alternate realities? Because say you did go back in time, it's possible that it could create a different future, or a different time line."

Danny nodded, "Okay, well would you like to come over to my house with me, Sam, and Tucker?" he asked.

"Sure! I've got nothing going on either way." Sky said shrugging.

"Great. Let's get going!." Danny said turning and beginning to walk out.

"Danny, what are you doing?" Sam whispered coming up beside him.

"I have an idea." Danny said as he continued onwards to Fenton works with Sky, Sam, and Tucker in tow.


Me: It is done! Sorry it took forever, finals are starting in my school.

StormAwakening: Ew school.

Me: Same.

StormAwakening: *much sarcasm* And don't forget the paper airplane contest! That's going great!

Me: *also much sarcasm* Oh yeah. That's amazing!

Danny: *looks at Storm* Who's she?

Me: My friend from school.

StormAwakening: *still sarcasm* No, I'm a very famous paper airplane maker.

Me: *sarcasm once again* Oh yeah, totally.

StormAwakening: totes.

Danny: You two are strange.

Me: We're not the strangest of people we know.

Danny: Really?

Me and Storm: *shakes head 'no'*

Danny: Wow.

StormAwakening: That shouldn't be that surprising.

Me: Yeah.

Danny: *shrugs* Whatever.

Me: Well, that's all for now-

Danny: WAIT!

Me: What do you want?

Danny: Who were 'Akira' and 'Avery'?

Me: Akira is a character I made and Avery is a character my friend Jessica made.

Danny: O-kay, then.

Me: Now, That's all for now. What did you think? Till next time, bye!

Me: p.s. Can you spot the Rick and Morty reference?

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