Chapter Thirteen

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Okay, so apparently I forgot to post chapter twelve sO hErE yOu Go

It's almost like TWO updates in ONE day for you guys


That's rare


Alex's POV

After being unceremoniously tossed into a cage in the middle of the room-"Oh great, it's a cage this time," Jasper had complained-the court spoke.

"We are the Rulers of Time. For the past three years we have been tracking you down," the girl that had captured them said. "Because we are the Rulers of Time, we have control over all Interdimensional Traveling. Or, if you will, 'IT' for short. Along with having control over IT, it is our duty to maintain the Octet Court's reign and statis."

My heartbeat quickened. The Octet Court. There was no doubt that it was the same one from my dream. "The Court rules over Time, from beginning to end. They know, they know, they know. Wisdom of the ages. The masters of the clock," I remembered.

"Alex?" Jasper nudged me. "You okay?"

Then I realized that my hands were clutching the bars so tight, my knuckles were white. "I'm fine. Just... remembering something."

He looked at me with slight concern, but I turned to continue listening.

"The Octet Court rules over Time, from beginning to end."


"They know."


"The wisdom of the ages."


"The masters of the clock." She paused, as if waiting for a reaction. She didn't get one. At least, not a visible one. Internally, I was freaking out.

Another person stepped up to stand beside the girl. He wore robes that were not unlike hers, and a plum-colored mask that covered his mouth and nose. He carried a huge book under one arm, and brought it out in front of him, flipping through it to find a page.

"As it has been stated under Section three, Paragraph ninety-eight, Sentence seven, All Temps-Balade Devices must be authorized in order for one to use them. You three have used an unauthorized Temps-Balade Device, therefore you must be punished."

"Uh, care to tell us what Temps-Balade means?" Natalie spoke up. The boy glared at her.

"It means Time Ride in one of your own languages."

"Which one?"


Natalie pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure that that isn't a correct translation."

"You know French?" Jasper hissed to her.

"That is a different conversation for a different time."

The boy looked like he was doing all he could to not go off on an entire spiel about translating languages, but thankfully, the girl cut him short. She stepped forward to stand in front of him, and motioned for him to return to standing back with others in masks. He glared at her, but retreated.

"As Kalale said," she glanced over her shoulder at him. "You three seem to have an unauthorized Temps-Balade. Care to explain how you got it?" She waited for us to respond, and I turned to Nat and Jasper. We met eyes.

"How in the world are we going to explain everything that's happened since we found this?" Nat whispered, holding out the Time Orb, or Temps-Balade, as they said.

"Hang on, I got this." Before we could argue, Jasper walked up to the bars of the cage, and spoke. "Three years ago, we found the Time Orb-"

"Is that what you're calling it?" the girl asked in horror. "That's-"

"HEY, weren't you ever told that interrupting is rude? Now be quiet, and listen. We didn't know what to do with it, so we kept it, until about a week-ish ago. It somehow transported us to some medieval time, and then it took us to this horrid sandy desert place where we fought a giant snake. I would recommend it; I'd probably give it about five-out-of-ten stars-"

"STOP STALLING." The girl clenched her teeth, seething in anger. "Get to the point." She moved closer to the cage. "Unless you can't. Then again... maybe you won't. Take them away," she called to more people. Half a dozen people in olive half-face masks and bronze armor walked out and yanked us out of the cage. Two guards flanked me, cutting off my vision of Jasper and Nat. But it could still hear them.

"Hey, put me down!" I heard one of Natalie's guards grunt with pain. She probably kicked him in the shin.

Despite the circumstances, a smile cracked onto my face. This was just ridiculous. Three forest kids found a magic ball that took them across time. And they just couldn't stop getting captured. Of course, it had to be us. Of course. Why would it not be?

At this point, I had become accustomed to the feeling of being ungracefully thrown into jail cells, so I was practically unfazed when I landed on the ground and heard bars close behind me. I heard a sharp intake of breath, and turned to Jasper.

"You okay?" I asked. A slight flush crept up my neck as I held out my hand to pull him to his feet.

"Yeah. But I'm pretty sure that that didn't help my concussion."

I almost froze. How had I forgotten about that?

"I'll be fine," he hurriedly promised me, most likely seeing my expression.

"Well. I knew you'd be here. I'm just surprised that you got here so fast."

I jumped and whirled around to face the place the voice had come from. In the back of the cell, a shadowed figure raised his head. Nat, Jasper, and I moved closer together, but the person didn't speak again.

"Wait. Back there. Remember? They said IT. Interdimensional-Traveling. We only went to different times. Do you think the Time Orb could take us to different dimensions as well?" Natalie looked me in the eye. Before I could respond, the stranger from the shadows spoke up.

"Ah, yes. That is indeed true. The Time Orb can take you to many dimensions, if you know how to use it." He seemed to be holding back laughter.

"You call it the 'Time Orb.' The Octet Court called it the Temps-Balade. They think that we made up the name Time Orb. Why do you call it-"

"Oh, you are so observant." He giggled. Giggled.

"I don't think this guy is sane," Jasper whispered to us. We nodded in agreement.

"Oh, no, I am perfectly sane." He stood up abruptly, making us jump and move closer to each other. "Oh, now, there's no reason to be scared of me. I won't hurt you. In fact, I want to help you. After all, I'm the one that gave you the Time Orb in the first place."


Alex : you have GOT to be kidding me


Me : yeah, sorry...

Natalie : that's what you said last chapter

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