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So hello. Here it is, the first chapter. I'll try not to make these ANs too long. Please comment and suggestions are helpful!



Alex's POV

I hadn't wanted to be abandoned, in a forest, but it was the best thing I had. Which really said something.

Our 'forest camp' was pretty simple. It had three sections partitioned off with wide, flat leaves intertwined with branches. There was a clearing in the middle, and old maps were strewn across one corner of it. The center of the clearing was worn from many years of troping back and forth through it, a sharp contrast from the edges, which were a healthy green.

And it was quiet.

Well, at least until Jasper came dashing through the clearing, causing a tremendous racket.

"Guys!" he shouted, causing me to frown and walk over to him.

"Do you really have to be that loud?" I asked. "If people find us, there could be trouble."

"Sorry. Where's Nat?" he asked, searching around for the third member of our party. She was approaching us from across the clearing. Once she reached where we were, Jasper brought out something wrapped in cloth from his pocket. Unfolding the brown wool, he pulled out a perfectly round piece of marble. It pulsed with an odd light, almost glowing. It wasn't any larger than my palm.

Jasper caught his breath before speaking. "I stole it fro-"

"Jasper! How many times do I have to tell you to not take things? One day, you're going to be caught, and then-"

"Yeah, yeah, and I'm sorry, but I think it might be Magic."

We all fell silent. Magic was a forbidden subject, for reasons I had never told them.

"Um, anyway, the people I took it from were calling it the Time Orb. Do you think it could be... I mean, I know Magic is rare, but..." he trailed away, but his meaning was clear.

"Jasper, this is a piece of marble. It is not Magic." The entire conversation put me on edge. I didn't like talking about this, for many reasons, the main one being that my parents had been converted protecting me from dark-Magic users when I was younger. And being converted was way worse than death. "We can call it the Time Orb, if that makes you happy, but put it away. We're not taking it out unless necessary. And one last thing to remember," I began to turn away, heading to my section of the sleeping area. "We don't use Magic here."



*rubs hands together nervously* 

Did you like it?

Alex:Why did MY parents have to die?

Me:It's the story line.

Jasper:Yeah Alex. It's the STORY LINE.

Alex: Oh shut up!

Natalie:I wasn't even in this chapter that much...

Me:You'll be in the next one!

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