Chapter 5

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Frisk POV

Nobody answered the door when I knocked. Toriel didn't come, greeting me with a butterscotch cinnamon pie in her arms. Nothing happened.

The door creaked a little when I opened it.

"Hello?" I said, looking around the house. Everything looked exactly the same. I could smell the scent of freshly baked pie in the kitchen. I could hear the crackling fire in the living room. Everything was just as it should be.

Except Toriel.

I walked through the house, calling her name. There was no way she was missing! She had to be around here somewhere! Every room I walked in showed signs of her being there, but nobody came.

Then it happened again.

I fell to the floor as the ground started to shake and covered my ears. The screeching was much louder this time, and made me feel like I was going to throw up. The constant motion didn't help either.

Finally, everything stopped.

I cautiously stood up, dusting myself off. That was the second time that had happened and I was determined to find out what it was. However, when I looked around, my feeling of determination vanished and was replaced with a feeling of pure terror.

Everything was gone.

I was still in Toriel's house, but this was not normal. All the furniture, the decorative plants, the bright yellow wallpaper, were all gone. There was no sign that anyone had ever even lived here at all.

Without a moment's hesitation, I ran downstairs, through the door, and headed straight for Snowdin, not even bothering to notice that Flowey wasn't waiting to greet me.

Sans POV

Now that I had a good test subject, it was time to find out how dangerous these cracks really were. Taking the Crab Apple that I had impaled with a fork out of my pocket, I crouched down to be at eye level with the experiment. Then, with a deep breath, I shoved the apple into the crack.

Nothing happened. The apple merely sank into the inky blackness as if it wasn't there at all. I frowned in confusion. What is this stuff?

After about five minutes of waiting, I decided to pull the apple out. When I did, I almost dropped it in surprise. It was rotten.

Now I did mention before that monster food isn't supposed to spoil, right? Well, this did. What would've taken human food a couple weeks to do, this void thing had done in five minutes. Even to something that didn't have the chemical composition to do.

Before I could teleport back to the house to get more supplies, I heard a shout coming from where my sentry post was.


Oh, shoot.

I immediately teleported back to my station, right in front of a very angry Papyrus.

"hey, bro," I said, doing my best at a relaxed expression. "'Sup?"

Papyrus merely glared at me. "Do I really have to do everything myself, Sans!? I specifically told you to not slack off again! Yet, here you are, being lazy, as usual."

I looked down at the ground, "hey, jeez, i'm really sorry, papyrus. i just got caught up in something and forgot."

Papyrus looked like he was fighting to keep the angry expression on his face. Eventually, he gave up.

"It's okay, Sans. Just... try to make an effort to do your job! If you ever need help on figuring out how to be a great sentry worker, you can always come to me!"

I smiled up at my brother. No matter how mad he was, he could never find it in himself to hate someone for more than five minutes. "thanks, bro. you're the best."

"I know I am!" Papyrus said, tossing his red cape behind his back. "Anyway, make sure to keep watch for humans. I'll be back later."

"no problem, papyrus." I replied with a wink. "i'll keep an eyesocket out for 'em."


3rd Person POV

The first thing the Doctor noticed when he woke up was just how loud everything was.

Noisy, unintelligible voices surrounded him, making his head spin. And it only got worse when he opened his eyes.

Either the room around him was spinning, or he was just going crazy.

The Doctor tried to speak, but it only resulted in about 20 people yelling questions that for the life of him he wouldn't be able to understand.

Eventually, slowly but surely, things started to make sense. Once he could see correctly, he could tell he was in some sort of laboratory, and the people around him were all monsters in armor, with one single monster wearing a white lab coat. He was also chained down to a chair, ensuring that he wouldn't escape. The lab monster walked over to him with a cup of purple liquid in her hands. She offered it to him. From what he could tell, she was trying to get him to drink it. He glared suspiciously at her, not understanding a word she said. His hearing was just too fuzzy.

The monster smiled at him, mimed drinking the cup, and gave a thumbs-up. Still slightly suspicious, he took the cup and drank it, grimacing at the horrible taste. Immediately things started to feel better. The fuzziness in his ears cleared and he could now hear what the sounds around him were.


A tall fish monster at the other end of the lab was shouting in rage at a few other monsters who, despite the fact that she was very intimidating, seemed completely unaffected by her burst of rage.

"Captain Undyne," one if the monsters said calmly, "we know you must be very upset, but please calm down. I'm sure there will be something you can do with him, even if his soul can't be used to shatter the barrier."

Undyne glared at the monster, then straight at him. "Sure. And I'm positive that the king will be absolutely delighted that we're all gonna have to wait another million years to get another chance to get out of this dump! Why don't we just take him, and go have some tea? It'll be great! We will all go frolic in the fields of friendship! ...NOT! What are we going to-"

She was cut off by the monster in the lab coat. "U-Undyne! We need to g-go over some of the d-data we collected here. W-Why don't you go h-home and train for a l-little bit?"

Undyne still looked furious, but the monster's words seemed to calm her down a little bit.

"...Okay, fine. But only because you asked, Alphys." She whistled. All the other armored monsters stopped what they were doing to pay attention. "Let's go, everyone! We gotta practice beating up humans in case a real one shows up." She turned, glared at the Doctor, and stormed off leaving only him and Alphys in the lab.

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