chapter 1: pilot meets ninja

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Don't own anything

Earth modern time hebijo area author pov:

Rin sazune eating watching some random shows.

Bored out of her mind. She groaned & slammed her head & got dressed to go out.

She heads out but the people in front of her where looking at something passed her house " what are people looking at? " she turns around & sees this.

(0:00 - 0:29 only)

Cop: have you seen anything like this?

Rin: no clouds don't make that kind of circle. * calls miyabi *

Rin: Miyabi get your team look outside behind the school & call everyone

Ryouna looking up at the clouds frowned looked of something ain't right.

Ryoubi: there are you sis. What's the look?

Ryoubi looked at her direction

Ryoubi: what the hell?

Miyabi: Just look outside asuka bye. * hangs up* talk about unnatural weather

Murasaki: my tv was making these odd colors so did my laptop..... THAT IS NO TYPHOON

Hanzo academy:

Hibari: this is weird

Daidouji: what?


Hibari: the wind is blowing towards the storm

Yagyu looking at asuka's red scarf: asuka your scarf

Asuka: huh.... Okay what😅

ARC angels

Tsubaki: lex kun look outside

Lex: the fuck?

Back to rin

Then lighting struck a parked aircraft carrier flipped over capsized & explosion.



Katsuragi: hibari chan why can't deflect lighting

Hibari: lighting its over million volts be quiet😠

Ryoubi: damn it struck * lowering her sniper rifle * it overturned a the ship

Then the sky lit up rin looked at it. Large ship crashed in hebijo territory.

(1:18 - 1:26 only. Not a Nuke explosion)

Then several drop pods.  Dropping near the area. Rin shinobi tenshin. She calls miyabi again to let everyone know stay indoors.


Rin was running faster.

She saw IMC dropships hammering militia soldiers. She hid herself well to listen to them. To her surprised they speak english. She looks at them.

Rin thought: are those robots!?

Stalkers firing at them. She can tell already that there bad guys. However there's a single soldier with a hemlock assault rifle.

That guy is no ordinary soldier he's what he calls a pilot. Rin's red eyes open wide. 

Pilot named lynx

Doing what a pilot does. She has a shinobi had never seen this skills before there odds where against him.

But what came to her surprised the most. A titan, it came down from its own drop pod. Then it came life. Its a legion titan.

" a giant robot " she thought then she teleported missing a shotgun round. & killed a IMC grunt. The she looked jumped out of her hiding grenade blew up she landed in a grunt of pain.

Tone titan was gonna finish her off till titan powershot it. Camouflage pilot got out of it. Same guy she saw he checked on her.

Lynx: " judging by your blades. Your a ninja soldiers of the shadows. This type of battle it would be interesting for you if evading bullets & lasers that is. I'm giving you something that can give drowsiness "

Big guy: " pilot, i detected multiple titans "

Lynx: " shit. Blend in layed down goodnight "

She sees him fighting relentlessly until several more wounded him.

Next morning:

She felt her leg being dragged by yoma cursing herself. It was about to her until same titan shot its predator cannon killing it.

Rin pov:

(Lynx does not die)

Titan rose up weakly collapsed then the hatch open soldier fell out of it. The same soldier that saved me.  He's wounded.

I helped him. I took off his i blushed red. Blue eyes black hair.

Lynx: you okay?

Rin: hai thank you for saving me

Lynx: your ....

He's outcold. Miyabi & the others came to secure this area. Ryouna found 2 batteries from the crashed spaceship i put to in before we were freaking out the titan can talk.

Big guy: power at full capacity. Humans recognized ID confirmed shinobi soldiers of the dark, rin suzune Miyabi ryouna ryoubi imu & murasaki

Murasaki: oh uhh .....well its a robot so .... I'm gonna stop talking

Big guy: lynx needs medical attention

Rin: girls he's right. Destroy any evidence.

Let me know what you think

Goodnight going back to work tomorrow

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