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Henry directed them four hours away to a street with several businesses including an antiques store and a shop called "nu" that advertised salads and pita bread. Henry climbed out of the backseat with Heaven while the boys got out of the front. The trio hung back as Henry led them further down the street.

"How you holding up?" Sam muttered quietly.

Heaven turned her head, realizing he was talking to her.

"I... honestly don't know," she admitted. "This is insane."

On her other side, Dean snorted and Sam shot him a look over Heaven's head. Meanwhile, Henry had stopped in front of a door with a sign that read "Astro Comics".

"What's going on here?" he mumbled to himself.

He reached out, touching a faded symbol that was carved into the door.

"No," he shook his head.

"All right, well this was enlightening," Dean said, clapping his hands once. "Let's hit the road, huh?"

"Give him a minute, Dean," Sam told him.

"We just spent four hours driving, okay? All he did was stare out the window and request Pat Boone on the radio. He had his time."

Heaven hit him in the arm and he glared at her. She just smiled innocently as Henry continued to talk to himself.

"It's just a façade, a way to rook our enemies into believing we're housed elsewhere..."

Dean gave a frustrated huff, moving away from Heaven so she couldn't hit him again.

"Okay, enough with the decoder talk. How about you tell us what this whole 'Men of Letters' business is or you're on your own?"

"It's none of your concern," Henry bit out.

"Why, because we're hunters? What do you have against us?"

"Aside from the unthinking, unwashed, shoot-first-and-don't-bother-to-ask-questions-later part, not much, really."

Dean looked furious at Henry's words, but Sam held out a hand to stop him before addressing his grandfather.

"You know what? Wait a second. We're also John's children."

"You're more than that, actually," Henry said. "My father and his father before him were both Men of Letters, as John and you two should have been. We're preceptors, beholders, chroniclers of all that which man does not understand. We share our findings with a few trusted hunters- the very elite. They do the rest."

"So you're like the Yodas to our Jedis," Dean nodded.

When Henry just gave him a blank look, he shook his head.

"Never mind, you'll get there."

"Okay, but if you guys were such a big deal," Sam cut in, "then why haven't we- or anyone we know- ever heard of you?"

"Abaddon," Henry said simply, heading through the door of the comic shop.

Sam and Dean followed and after a moment's hesitation, Heaven brought up the rear.


They had found an article about a fire that had occurred in a gentleman's club August 12, 1958 located where the comic store was now. Henry had recognized one of the names in the article as an alias the Men of Letters used when something went wrong. So that's how Heaven found herself standing off to the side with Henry, watching as Sam and Dean dug up a grave.

"This is insane," she muttered to herself.

Henry glanced over at her from where he was crouching.

"I assure you, there is nothing insane about this."

"Yeah, I beg to differ. Nobody sane would believe half the things you guys have done today, and they definitely wouldn't begin to consider digging up some grave..."

Dean looked up at her from inside the grave before going back to helping Sam dig.

"I'm afraid I don't understand," Henry furrowed his brow as he stared at her.

"Whatever. Just forget it," Heaven shook her head.

Again, Dean glanced up at her as she drew her arms tightly against her body and backed up a few steps to distance herself from the grave. He shared a look with Sam just as they hit something solid. A few minutes later, they had lifted the coffin out of the hole and cracked it open.

"Hey, was, uh, Larry a World War I vet?" Dean asked, staring at the body in the coffin.

"No," Henry shook his head.

"So who's the stiff?"

"No idea."

Sam studied the metal tag on the skeleton's uniform.

"Captain Thomas J. Carey III. That mean anything to you?"

Henry shook his head once more.

"Well, somebody wanted you to see this, so maybe that somebody is Larry," Dean suggested, giving Heaven a concerned glance.

She was still hanging back, though staying close enough she could hear the conversation. Part of him felt bad about dragging her into the middle of everything. She was just a regular girl, and she wouldn't even be in the situation she was in now if they hadn't decided to drag her along with them.

"So, what, maybe he, uh, survives the attack and hides out with this guy's identity?" Sam was saying.

"Okay. What are we waiting for then?"

Henry started to walk off, calling back over his shoulder.

"Cover this up. Let's be on our way."

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