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Heaven paled at Castiel's words, stumbling back a step. Dean was out of his seat immediately and by her side.

"Her? Who's 'her'?" Dean asked, looking from the girl to the angel and back.

"Tell them, Heaven," Castiel repeated the order.

A single tear escaped from one of Heaven's eyes, making its slow descent down her cheek.

"M-my father..."

"Your... father?" Sam asked from his place at the table. "Who's your father?"


"I don't understand. What does your father have to do with anything?" Dean inquired.

Heaven looked up at him, blue eyes brimming with tears.

"My father is who Crowley was trying to get information out of me about," she said, voice timid.

"You said you didn't remember," Sam stood up.

"She lied," Castiel informed them.

"Which is why you showed up," Dean realized. "Even though she was telling us."

"She wasn't telling you everything. She needed to."

"Why did Crowley want information about her father?" Sam questioned Castiel.

"Her father is a person of interest."

"Person of interest," Dean repeated.

Castiel nodded once, staring intently back at Dean.

"Heaven, what happened to your father?" Sam looked at the young woman.

Heaven just shook her head, unable to get the words to form as more tears spilled over down her cheeks.

"You must-" Castiel started before Dean cut him off.

"Come on, Cas, can't you see this is hard for her? Let her take her time."

Heaven gave the elder Winchester a grateful look, leaning into his side ever so slightly.

"There are orders, Dean," Castiel reminded him.

"And she's already made a really good start with following them, but this is clearly a sensitive subject that she isn't comfortable talking about, so right now you have to forget about the damn orders and let her take her time."

There was a tense moment of silence as Dean and Castiel stared at each other.

"I will return in five hours. If she hasn't told you by then, I am telling you no matter what."

Dean nodded and Castiel disappeared. As soon as he was gone, Heaven turned, burying her face in Dean's chest as she cried.

"Sh. Sh. It's all right. Everything's going to be okay," he soothed her, one hand smoothing her hair as he held her tightly.

"So what now?" Sam asked.

"Now Heaven is going to take a break, and when she feels up to it, she's going to tell us more."

"B-but," the young woman stammered out.

"No buts," Dean protested. "You clearly need a break and we still have a full five hours before Cas comes back. That's plenty of time for you to clear your head enough to tell us more about what's going on. Okay?"

Heaven nodded against his chest, drawing in a shaky breath as her tears began to subside slightly. He led her down the hall toward her room while Sam went back to his research. When they got there, Dean helped her into her bed, tucking her in before sitting on the edge.

"What are you-" she started.

"Sh. Just try and fall asleep," he told her.

As she closed her eyes, he began singing.

"Hey, Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better. 

"Hey , Jude, don't be afraid. You were made to go out and get her. The minute you let her under your skin, then you begin to make it better. 

"And anytime you feel the pain, hey, Jude, refrain. Don't carry the world upon your shoulders. For, well, you know that it's a fool that plays it cool by making his world a little colder.

"Hey, Jude, don't let me down. You have found her, now go and get her. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better.

"So let it out, and let it in, hey, Jude, begin, you're waiting for someone to perform with. And don't you know that it's just you, hey Jude, you'll do, the movement you need is on your shoulder."

Dean noticed Heaven's breathing had evened out and switched to simply humming the final verse and fade out that finished the song. As he ended the tune, he remained seated on the edge of the bed, green eyes studying the sleeping woman. Reaching out, he tucked a strand of her dark chocolate curls behind her ear before he stood up. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead and then made his way back out to join Sam once more.

"How is she?" Sam asked when his brother entered the room alone.

"She's asleep for now," Dean replied, taking a seat. "We'll have to see how long it lasts considering..."

Sam nodded, closing his laptop again.

"How's the research coming?" Dean inquired.

"It's slow. I tried looking up her father while you were in her room with her."

"Did you find anything?"

"That's the strange thing about it. There's no trace of him anywhere. As far as the internet is concerned, there is no such thing as a Malak Bell with a wife, two sons and a daughter."

"Yeah, that's weird," Dean muttered. "Did you find anything about deaths matching her family's description at least?"

"I did find an article about a mother and two sons who's throats were slashed while they slept from about two months before Heaven tried to steal the Impala, but I don't know if it's them or not."

"Two months before?"


"She didn't tell us how long she was with Crowley, did she?"

"I don't think so."

"Okay, so if that article is about her family, and the murder happened two months before Heaven found us and she was completely healed of any injuries Crowley had inflicted when she attempted to break into Baby, but was still running from the police for murdering her family at that time..."

"She was running from the police?" Sam sounded surprised.

"Yeah, I asked her about that day, and she told me how she was trying to get away from a couple of officers when she attempted her Grand Theft Auto. Which means the case had to still have been fresh when that happened. But she didn't appear to still be injured that I can remember."

"No, she was fine. At least, she wasn't bleeding at all," Sam shook his head.

"Right," Dean nodded. "So the question is, how does the timeline add up?"

"No! No, please! Stop!"

Dean sighed, getting up from his chair.

"I'll be back," he said, heading down the hall in the direction of Heaven's screams.

"Let me go! Please, I don't know!"

"Heaven," Dean said, shaking her shoulder firmly.

"No! I don't know! Please, no!"

"Heaven, wake up," Dean spoke loudly as he continued to shake the young woman.

"No, I don't know him! I swear! Please!"

"Heaven, come on! Wake up!"

"Just let me go, I beg of you!"

"Heaven Mackenzie Bell, WAKE UP!"

Panicked blue eyes found his as she finally woke from the memory.


"You were dreaming again," he told her. "It's getting harder and harder to wake you."

"T-they're getting worse," she said. "More intense."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"N-no, not really... though if I don't want to risk Castiel telling you I probably should..."

"Don't worry about Cas right now, all right? We'll deal with him later."

"Y-yeah. Okay," she nodded. "L-later."

"Do you want to try and sleep some more? You look exhausted."

"No. No, I'm only exhausted because of the damn dreams. I'm never going to get any amount of proper sleep as long as I'm still having them."

Dean nodded in understanding.

"So, if you aren't going to sleep, what now?"

"I'm actually kind of hungry," Heaven admitted.

"Finding food it is, then," Dean smiled, making his way toward the door.

"Hey, Dean?"

He turned back to look at her as she climbed out of bed to follow him.

"Thanks. For what you said to Castiel earlier. I really appreciate it."

"Of course. Any time."

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