Špirit Journëy

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The Lotus Ninjas and Taissa screamed while falling down from the sky. But Marisa quickly managed to generate winds around her feet to float and saved her friends as she landed them down safely on the ground through the trees.

"Is everyone okay?" Donna asked as she and the others got up from the ground.

"I feel like falling off hard from the Empire State Building." Lee replied with a groan.

"I'm good." Ella said, holding a thumb-up in the air.

The Lotus Ninjas and Taissa looked around to find themselves standing in a gigantic forest filled with giant, hostile thorn-covered vines and a thick green fog overcasting the sky.

"Uh, where are we?" Taissa asked.

"Silent Forest." Marisa responded. "We must move if we're going to take Taissa to the Pyramid Temple."

"And you really expect us to walk past this spooky wood?" Ella asked as she placed her hands on her hips.

"It's the only way for us to get back to our home dimension." Ellie pointed out.

"Ellie's right, Ella." Donna said. "We have to move forward."

"Marisa, lead the way." Lee said to Marisa.

Marisa walked forward as the Lotus Ninjas and Taissa followed her from behind.


As the Lotus Ninjas, Marisa, and Taissa had walked deeper into the forest, the entire area was starting to get darker that only made Taissa stop walking.

"Taissa, are you okay?" Ella asked as she turned around to see Taissa standing behind her in fear.

"This place...it's...we shouldn't be here." Taissa replied in fear.

"Don't worry, Taissa. I'll carry you." Ella said with a soft smile.

Ella picked Taissa up in her arms before following the others. Taissa started to get scared that made her hug the red mystic kunoichi, making Ella pat the child on the back.

"Look, are you sure we camp here for the night, Marisa?" Lee asked.

"No. This forest is the home of wandering spirits." Marisa answered. "We must continue to avoid trouble. The fastest way to get to the Pyramid Temple is through the Hightail Falls."

Suddenly, the sound of screeching crows made the mystics look up at them as the crows started flying out of the trees. Donna then heard a familiar whispered cry that snapped her head around.

"Uh, guys, what's that sound?" Donna asked in alarm.

Everyone directed their attention to a floating ball of purplish blue light with flame shaped heads, glowing yellow eyes, and oval shaped bodies between two large trees. The creature was glowing gently and calling for the six mystics in its pitched noise and slight arm movement.

"What's that?" Lee asked.

"A will o' the wisp." Taissa said in awe as she got off from Ella's arms. "My mother told me that the will o' the wisps can lead you to your fate."

Taissa moved closer and closer to study the magical creature. She reached her hand out with curiosity, but the wisp disappeared in a pitched whisper. Taissa, Marisa, and the Lotus Ninjas looked around to see another wisp appear with a small noise followed by a trail of other wisps as if they were leading the mystics deeper into the forest.

"Come on, guys." Taissa whispered to the Lotus Ninjas and Marisa.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Ellie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We used to have will o' the wisps back in her dimension." Ella said. "I remember meeting a Phantamp when I was five years old back in Japan. Whenever path they lead us, they must face it."

Ella and Taissa turned back to the wisps as they slowly started walking towards the trail of wisps. Marisa, Lee, Donna, and Ellie exchanged looks before rushing after two mystics. The forest grew denser and thicker while the trees got older when six mystics followed the wisps. The last of the wisp disappeared that gave the Lotus Ninjas, Marisa, and Taissa the sight of a dark, morose mountain few miles in front of them.

"Why would the wisps lead us here?" Donna asked in confusion.

"I don't know, but I don't wanna spend more time in the forest anymore than you guys do." Lee said. "So, let's keep moving."

Lee walked forward to the mysterious mountain as Donna, Ella, Ellie, Marisa, and Taissa followed her from behind.


Later that night, the mystics jumped onto the mysterious mountain and climbed their way up into a cave. They walked through the cave that was covered in golden yellow spider webs.

"Okay, this is totally creepy." Ellie said with an uncomfortable face as she was poking a golden yellow web with her finger.

"I detect the presence of evil coming deep within these giant spider webs." Taissa said with narrow eyes.

"Everyone, get ready." Marisa said firmly.

The Lotus Ninjas, Marisa, and Taissa rushed forward as they carefully moved out of the hole to see voluminous giant blue crystals and a female jellyfish-like spirit standing on one giant crystal. She has a pear-shaped figure with red skin, dark grey eyes and a gelatinous umbrella-shaped bell head with tentacles drooping from the sides. She wore a sleeveless black leotard with a skull emblem on both sides of her hips. She also wore black bangles on both wrists and gold bangles on both her wrists and ankles.

"Greetings, fellow mystics." The female spirit spoke.

"Meduza?" Marisa asked in shock.

"Oh dear!" Meduza said with a giggle. "Five mystics brought the child of the Demon King in my domain? I do sense dangerous power within the child. Bestow her to me and I may let you all live."

"Not gonna happen, jellyfreak." Lee snapped.

Lee rushed forward to attack Meduza with her psychic energy constructed twin tessen, but Meduza swiftly grabbed the blue mystic kunoichi with her two tentacles and lifted her to fry Lee with surges of electricity before tossing her away. Marisa jumped in the air and raised her arms in the air to attack Meduza with twin tornadoes rising from the ground. Donna and Ella summoned their magic in alert while Ellie held Taissa tight in her arms. Meduza teleported away from Marisa and grabbed Donna with her tentacle to glue the purple mystic kunoichi onto the crystal with sticky red goo. Meduza then grabbed Ella with her tentacle and trapped her in a sticky red goo onto the crystal next to Donna. Ellie placed Taissa down and created a bright orange orb between her hands to release multiple orange energy beams to attack Meduza from different direction. But Meduza moved out of the way and trapped Ellie in a sticky red goo onto the crystal between Ella and Donna. As Meduza teleported away from the captured mystics and stood in front of Taissa with a sinister grin, Marisa suddenly rose behind Meduza and summoned a large pillar of lightning to electrocute the jellyfish-like spirit from beneath that allowed Lee to grab Taissa in her arms before leaping away. Meduza turned around and began whipping her tentacles at the weather mystic, who was dodging with remarkable speed. Lee freed her captive sisters from the goo and they landed on the ground. They looked up to see Meduza finally striking Marisa with fist-shaped tentacles that made the weather mystic fall to the ground. The Lotus Ninjas ran over to help Marisa. Before Meduza could finish off the Lotus Ninjas and Marisa, a large black vortex was formed right in front of the mystics and Taissa slowly emerged from it that made Meduza halt from her position.

"I won't let anyone from the likes of you hurt my friends!" Taissa cried with an angry face.

Taissa unloaded a machine-gun barrage of dark telekinetic bolts at Meduza. The jellyfish spirit was trying to fly past the bolts, but she ended up getting knocked out cold to the crystals with high damage.

"Whoa." Lee, Ellie, Donna, and Ella breathed in awe.

"Thank you, Taissa." Marisa said with a smile. "Your mother will be very proud of you."

Taissa's eyes went wide and delivered her mystic friends with a soft smile.


As the Lotus Ninjas, Marisa, and Taissa made their way out of Meduza's domain, they took shelter in another cave to make camp. Marisa was looking outside at the weather with no use of her magic as the Lotus Ninjas and Taissa gathered together around the campfire.

"You know, for a daughter of the Demon King, Taissa isn't so bad." Donna commented as she looked at the sleeping Taissa.

"Yeah, that little girl got more gut and power than all of us put together." Ella said. "Well, let's get some sleep."

"Way ahead of you, sis." Ellie agreed.

Donna, Ella, and Ellie yawned as they fell asleep to the ground. Lee looked at her three sleeping sisters with a smile and turned her head to Marisa, who was sitting next to her.

"Marisa, thank you for everything." Lee said.

"And I like to thank you, Leona." Marisa said with a smile.

"Me? For what?" Lee asked.

"Your courage and trust." Marisa replied. She let out a soft yawn. "Get some sleep."

Lee nodded her head with a smile as she and Marisa lied down to get some sleep.

Few hours later, the campfire went out that only woke Lee up from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes and saw a familiar silhouette, who turned around to reveal himself as Slade!

"Girls, wake up! Get up now!" Lee shouted as she was shaking her sisters and her friends.

"What's wrong?" Ella asked as she and her two younger sisters woke up from their sleep.

"It's Slade!" Lee replied.

The Lotus Ninjas turned around to find Slade gone from their sight. They sped out of the cave and looked up to see Slade floating above them. Slade punched his fist to the Lotus Ninjas, who quickly moved out of the way. Slade stood up and looked at the four mystics with a dark smile.

"He's mine!" Ellie shouted.

As Ellie charged forward towards Slade, they fought each other briefly until the Demon King built up his demonic magic between his hands and released a large, powerfully destructive red laser-like beam that went straight into orange mystic kunoichi's chest in a massive explosion. Lee, Donna, and Ella gasped wide eyes as they watched their youngest sister fall off the cliff.

"Ellie!" Ella screamed.

With a raging scream, Ella rushed forward to strike Slade with her psychic energy magic. But Slade unleashed many fierce red flames in the form of elongated circles at the red mystic kunoichi that knocked her off the cliff. Donna looked at Slade with a glare and rushed forward to attack the Demon King, but she released a large, bullet-like stream of fire towards the purple mystic kunoichi that caused her to fall between Ellie and Ella.

"No mystic can defeat the wrath of the Demon King." Slade said.

"Ellie! Ella! Donna!" Lee screamed as she quickly ran over to her deceased sisters. "NOOOOOOOO!"

Lee was staring at her younger sisters as she could feel tears filling from her eyes and rolling down on her cheeks. Her screams echoed through the mountain in rage as she unknowingly started to feel a change within her.

Suddenly, a blazing blue spade-shaped emblem appeared underneath Lee as a swirling column of blue energy rushed up around the blue mystic kunoichi and her gypsy clothing was changed into a skintight black bodysuit that has light blue sleeves with attached gloves and black and blue striped heels connected to her bodysuit. Bright blue energy began surging around Lee's body that only made Slade smile wider.

"Besides my daughter, I can sense the great potential inside of you, Leona." Slade said. "And I will corrupt for you for it!"

Lee stood up on her feet to glare at Slade as she slowly constructed her twin tessen with her psychic energy magic and gripped them in deep anger. With an enraged yell, Lee charged forward to attack Slade with her twin tessen as she began swinging them at him with rage. Slade unleashed several fiery, curved red beams towards Lee, who was able to avoid them with her twin tessen in remarkable speed. Lee tried to attack Slade as best as she can with her weapon until Slade managed to extend his hands upwards and conjured a large ball of fire to lob it at the blue mystic kunoichi that made her fall near Donna. Lee looked back at Slade with a dead glare.

"You may unlock your true power, but I grow stronger." Slade said. "You pose no threat against me, witch."

With that, Slade began to rush towards Lee in a flash of white light.

"Lee! Lee, wake up!"

Lee opened her eyes with a sharp gasp when she heard the sound of Ella's voice calling her name and looked up at her sisters and friends in confusion.

"Ella! Donna! Ellie! You're okay!" Lee cried as she lunged forward and hugged her sisters tightly. "Wait a minute. Was it all a dream?"

"You were controlled by my father's magic." Taissa explained.

"We all had the same dream. But when Slade destroyed us, we just woke up." Donna added.

"But why?" Ellie questioned.

"I don't know. I thought you were all gone." Lee responded with a solemn look. "But I do know that he will stop at nothing to get what he wants."

"Be wary, Lotus. We're not out of danger yet. We must approach the Hightail Falls until we can make to the Pyramid Temple." Marisa spoke.

Lee stood up on her feet as she and her sisters started walking behind Marisa and Taissa to their destination.

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