Where Am I?

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Chapter 17: Where Am I?


"..my head"

"Why do I feel like I got hit by a bus?"

"Why can't I move...?"



"You don't understand."

"What? Understand what?"

"I am not."

"You're not what? Who are you?"


Mikey opened his eyes, stunned, and slowly rose from the ground. He rubbed his eyes and head; he'd never had such a bad headache. As Mikey adjusted himself, he looked around to see where he was and found himself in a room, well a messy one.

There were books all over the place, the bed had been flipped over, a broken table full of papers and supplies had been destroyed, and there were broken glass bottles all over the place, some with liquids spilling out.

"Where am I?", Mikey wondered, looking around the room from left to right.

He was roaming around he noticed the door was half opened and croaky, the doorknob was crushed and there were scratch marks on the right side of the door. He approached the door and began to exit the room.

As Mikey left the room, he appeared to enter a small hallway, where he noticed broken pictures on the ground. The curtains had been ripped apart, and a flower pot of blue flowers was on the floor, with water spilling out, petals falling out, and the tips burned.

"What could have caused this?" Mikey wondered as he walked down the corridor, looking at the chaos.

There was another door at the end that was exactly like the first one Mikey left, with scratched marks, a half-destroyed door, and a crushed doorknob.

When he exited the second door, his eyes widened as he noticed the fire on each side of the floor, books on the walls scattered everywhere and ripped into pieces, and more scratch marks that appeared dragged on the ground.

As he walked down a few steps, he looked up to see the ceiling cracked and gray clouds in the sky. There were more broken glass bottles all over the place, as well as jars that were open and missing their lids.

Mikey had no idea how this place had been destroyed or what had caused it to be destroyed. Suddenly, there was a whimpering sound evoking through the room, followed by a soft growl. He began to track the noise and noticed a soft bright blue light with a hint of purple coming through this door.

Of course, like the others, this door was scratched and damaged, but something about it seemed strangely familiar to Michelangelo, but he couldn't figure out why. He tried to recall and even figure out how he got here in the first place, but everything was a blur.

Before he could even reach for the doorknob, it swung open by itself, creating a loud creek that caused Mikey to jump and assume his fighting stance. However, once the door opened wide, he saw that no one was there and dropped his defenses, slooooowly stepping into the room.

This room was a mess, some books were on the shelves, on the ground, and burned. There were scrolls ripped in half and a desk on the other side of this room tipped over. Mikey walked through this room and saw more scratch marks being dragged on the floor.

"I feel like I've been here before, but why?", Mikey questioned as he continued to wander through this total mess.

"Come to think of it, how did I even end up here in the first place?" he pondered. Why is this place in such disrepair? And why can't he remember what happened before?"

Mikey was startled when he heard a loud growl and turned to see a large figure in the distance sitting near the window, wrapped in a blue burnt fabric blanket. When the figure began to move, he jumped to his fighting position.

It was, however, lowering its body to the ground and wailing in pain as it began to shake. Mikey lowered his hands and became concerned when he heard it whimper.

"Hey, are you alright?" Mikey asked softly as he slowly approached the figure.

But, the closer he got to it, the quieter its whimper became. Mikey raised his right hand, hoping to at least place it on its back. However, it began to growl angrily and back away from Mikey.

"No, it's okay. "I won't hurt you," Mikey reassured this figure. "Please let me help you.", he extended his right hand again.

Unexpectedly, the ground began to rumble, and everything in the room began to shake. Mikey was stumbling around, trying to keep his balance.

"What's going on?!?", cried Mikey, looking around the room and witnessing the figure growling and moving away.

There was a loud commotion coming outside of this room, it seemed someone was shouting, well more than one as more voices were being shouted over. It was getting closer and closer. Mikey noticed the figure was trying to get up and move but looked like it was struggling.

"Something must have attacked this place and injured this person," Mikey theorized as he gripped his fists.




Those bawling voices startled Michelangelo, and then a loud "BANG" struck, knocking some of the books from the shelves and this room. When it got closer and closer, the tension increased. Mikey grabbed his nunchucks and took his position, bracing himself for a fight.

Suddenly, it stopped.

The voices, the footsteps, and chaos... Did it just stop?

"Are they gone?" Mikey pondered, slowly bringing down his nunchucks while sustaining his position.

There was a sizzling sound, it was coming outside of the room and why was Mikey seeing a little yellow sparkle below the door crack-?


As the explosion erupted, Mikey ducked down and covered his head. The door and the walls were both destroyed. Smoke filled the room, and when he lifted his head, he couldn't see what it was until several figures approached through the door, provoking Mikey to withdraw.

"This isn't good," Mikey said as he turned to face the figure behind him; "I think you should-"

His eyes widened as he noticed a light emanating from the figure, a mixture of blue and purple shimmering from the figure's side, and the figure shrieking in distress. Even though the figure's face was hidden, the blanket dripped to reveal its body.

He gasped when he saw the figure's right waist bleeding while its left hand was sparkling and holding its waist. This figure gave Michelangelo strange and cautious vibes; he glanced at the figure covered in a blanket and began to reach for it.


Mikey jumped and turned to see an army of blue knights marching towards him, swords drawn. He got to his position by grabbing his nunchucks and spinning them quickly. The blue knights were closing in on Mikey and the figure in which he was trapped. What could he possibly do?

"Oh no," Mikey's mind was racing, he was trying to devise a plan, but he was stuck.

"Damn it."

That venomous voice made him pause and notice his shadow getting bigger; he then saw the figure emerge from the ground and let out a roar. Of course, Mikey stumbled back from that roar and fell behind as his eyes widened in horror. He wasn't the only one shivering down his spine, the blue knights in front were shaking in fear that they started to back away.




The figure reached out and grabbed the handle of the window. Mikey then started to notice the figure's left hand on the window door, it was burning into flames and the tips of its finger were sharpened. The figure's hand was forming a small blue and purple ball that was flickering together and destroying the handle.

It's hand... The more Mikey examined it, the more his eyes began to widen. "Why does it remind me of-"


Mikey jumped and turned to see the blue knights trying to move forward but falling apart one by one. The blue knights were arguing and drawing their swords at each other, which allowed him to stand up and begin backing away from the blue knights.

"I need to get out of here."

"That voice..." Mikey gazed at the figure and noticed its left hand was still glowing, but the purple seemed to outshine the blue.

It was swirling together as a small unrevealed object appeared, and Mikey couldn't tell what it was, but he felt an unknown aura coming from his right hand. It was only a matter of time before he looked at the figure head without seeing a face, but Mikey seemed determined to find out for himself.

He started to approach the figure, step by step. The closer he got, the more he felt his aura getting stronger. He needed to know and to find out the answer.

"What if it is-", Mikey started reaching for the figure blanket.


A sword flew past Michelangelo's face, his eyes widening as he saw the sword strike the window, alarming the figure as it let out a roar. The blue knights were so taken aback by the sword and the beast's roar that they came to a halt and looked back. Mikey turned to see the blue knights forming a line for each side.

Another knight was walking through however this one was different from the others, his armor is metal aquamarine with a black leather sword belt, and buckle, and in his hand was a crystal sword. The handle had a shape of a royal blue raindrop. His face looked stringent, with a scratch on his nose and dark golden brown hair.

"Who is he?", Mikey thought as he looked at this certain knight.

Once he was in front of the blue knights, they began to whisper to each other until one blue knight stepped forward to this knight;

"We're sorry Commander, this creature caught us off guard and we tried-."

"SILENCE.", He spoke with fury, he reached for his sword and slammed it onto the ground causing the blue knights behind him to form back to position.

"Commander..?" Mikey reflected on seeing how he was able to control the blue knights with his sword, it was no doubt he was the leader of the group and Mikey gulped in fear.

Commander scoffed as it seemed he was looking at Michelangelo when he was gazing at the figure behind him. Commander started to approach and pointed his sword; "You."

Mikey turned left and right, then pointed at himself with a nervous smile, thinking Commander was speaking to him.

"As a result of your chaos and ruthlessness, you have attacked the Riverdale Kingdom and my people. "You will be RETALIATED!", Commander said as his sword reflected off the figure.

"What exactly are you talking about?" "I've done nothing to your people or your kingdom!", Mikey exclaimed, perplexed that he was being blamed for something he hadn't done.

"Sir, the creature appears to be struggling to stand." one of the blue knights pointed out, now Commander was looking at the figure and made his approach.

Mikey, on the other hand, realized the figure was still on the ground and trying to crawl away. He grabbed his nunchucks and took his position.

"How could you be so cruel! It's already in physical pain and doesn't need more of it!"Mikey shouted looking at the Commander with disgust.

When Mikey caught a quick glimpse at Commander, face to face. It was clear that something was wrong. He looked at the Commander's eyes and only saw the figure, not himself...

His eyes widened in bewilderment, Why didn't he see himself in Commander's eyes and only the figure behind him, was he a ghost? Is he dead? Or was this a dream?

An instant growl suddenly drew his attention as the figure began to rise once again, but this time there wasn't any blood dripping from its body. He could now see the light that was forming around the figure's right arm and waist.

"SIR!" yelled the blue knights to Commander as they pointed to the approaching figure, and Mikey had been staring at the light for far too long.

Michelangelo was startled by the snarl and realized the figure was much too close to him, so he backed away. Commander raised his sword as a signal to the blue knights to do the same. However, as the figure 'appeared' to be approaching Mikey, the blanket covering its body began to slip off.

And once the blanket finally came off. Mikey was so stunned that he stumbled behind and fell to the ground.

Those long terrifying claws...

Razor-sharp teeth...

Body in flames...

And those mischievous shiny purple EYES...!

Mikey stared at the beast in confusion and fear, unable to get up due to his shaky legs.

The beast roared, rumbling the ground all around, and the blue knights struggled to maintain their balance. As the beast snarled, it began to raise its right arm, revealing a ball of purple light as the blue faded. When the Commander and the blue knights noticed the beast raising his right arm, they knew it was time to act.

"Get Ready, brave knights!" "LET'S END THIS BEAST FOR THE SAKE OF RIVERDALE KINGDOM!", Commander Knight screeched with his sword up high.

Mikey was caught up in the moment and got up quickly to at least leave, but he soon realized he was in the middle of the battle between the Commander, the blue knights, and the beast.

"There's nowhere else to go!" Mikey exclaimed, turning to the beast and then back to Commander with his blue knights.


Commander, the blue knights, and the beast charged at each other head-on. Mikey, on the other hand, shields himself and shrieks in terror.

A bright blue light unexpectedly zoomed through the room, spreading its light throughout. The blue knights, Commander, and the beast came to a stop and stood motionless as statues.

A gentle breeze ruffled Mikey's spine as he looked up to see this place was completely blue. Although, as he was about to take a step that he realized was in front of the beast, he yelped in surprise.

Mikey was terrified of seeing the beast, seeing its claws, pointy teeth, thriving purple flames, and those shiny purple eyes.

"Wait..." Mikey stopped for a moment to examine the beast from head to toe.

He couldn't help but wonder about this beast. Why did the beast look so familiar to him, and why did it remind him of someone he knew?

At that moment, Mikey started to notice the beast's waist was wrapped in a shimmery cloth. Then he discovered the ball of light that was forming from the beast's right hand. The sight of that light fascinated Michelangelo's curiosity, and he did begin to reach for it.

However, before Michelangelo could touch the light, he became aware of something behind him and turned to see another ball of blue light approaching him, so he stepped back in caution. The blue light faded away when it got close to Mikey and revealed itself to be a blue butterfly.

"A butterfly?" Mikey found myself wondering as the blue butterfly fluttered its glittering wings.

There was something familiar about the blue butterfly wings that Mikey saw that he had seen before. It started to flap all around him, which he followed, and when it landed on Mikey's forehead, his eyes turned completely blue.

"Please Midnight, I know what I did was wrong and I regret it deeply!", Mikey hollered as he spins his nunchucks while keeping his distance from Midnight.

"Oh sure you do, you RUNT!", Midnight shouted sarcastically, forming a magic blast in his right hand.

The blue light flashed through more as it shows Midnight in his demon form with his magic pushing Michelangelo back and causing his struggle.

"Midnight... I don't see you as a monster."

"I see you as a friend."

Midnight's eyes suddenly returned to normal, he looked straight into Michelangelo as his eyes reflected blue for a split second and he started to cover his head. It seems Midnight was creating another magic blast by combining his demon form.

"Midnight!", Mikey shouted and was going to place his hand on Midnight's shoulder."

"Get away from me!", Midnight slapped Mikey's hand away from him.

Another blue light flashed through as it showed Midnight and Michelangelo falling off the edge of the sewer, revealing a purple ribbon wrapping around their right arms causing them to vanish out of thin air.

Darkness was separating them

The light between them was still remaining ...

Mikey was falling as the curse from his right arm still stayed

Before he could hit the ground, a bright blue light zoomed through and created a small ball to save his fall...

As he did went through and softly landed on the ground...

The blue butterfly landed on Mikey's mask which caused it to glow orange

He suddenly started to wake up.

Mikey's eyes returned to normal, and he gasped and took a step back in fear. The blue butterfly flew off his forehead and landed on the floor, fading the entire scene away. He appeared in the dark, surrounded by blue orbs that flickered to purple.

"Riverdale kingdom"

"The Blue Knights"

"The Beast"



Realization finally struck Michelangelo as he place both hands on each side of his head;


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