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Kayla: Hey! I know, I'm finally updating, amazing right?

All the boys except Mikey: No!

All the girls and Mikey: Yes!

Kayla: *giggles* And you may ask: Why aren't you finishing playing house? Well this dare should clear it up

FROM: @lightingamer66

DARE: Since I know Raph's pain I shall dare to stop the playing house! Your welcome

Casey: Thank you reader! And I thought all of the people reading this was going to torture us

Sabrin: Don't get your hopes up just yet, Jones

Casey: Why?

Emi: Because this game is no where to the ending

Raph: Crap

Genesis: *rolls eyes* you got a truth Raph

Olivia: And from the same person

FROM: @lightingamer66

TRUTH: Raph, is someone died, who would you miss the most, Leo, Donnie, or Mikey?

Raph: That's a tough one

Leo: Shouldn't be hard for you then

Raph: *tapes chin* Let's see...I wouldn't miss Leo's constant nagging, or Donnie's greekiness, or Mikey...at all

Leo, Don, and Mikey: Hey!

Emily: Ha!

FROM: @ngoodman2

DARE: I dare Casey to tell his deepest, darkest, most embarrassing secret ever! And if his doesn't, he has to be Donnie's test subject for every experiment for the next year.

PS I hope you have fun

PPS I want someone to record the deep dark embarrassing secret

PPSS it has to be in front of everyone most importantly APRIL and even Splinter, if you want to

Everyone: 0.0

Larry: That's a looong dare

Anju: I don't know about you guys, put this is going to be fun to watch

Mercedes: *grabes video camera* Shell yea!

Mikey: Hey! The video camera is my thing! *pouts*

Mercedes: *pats his shoulder* You can do it next time, okay?

Mikey: *still pouting but smiles* Okay

Bella: Sensai! April! We need you!

Splinter and April come out of the dojo

Donnie: What? No one told me April was here!

Siham: I thought Nova told you

Everyone looks at Nova

Nova: Ohhh yea! That's what I was suppose to do *nervous chuckle*

April: What's going on guys?

Kayla: Casey has something to tell all of us

Casey: *gulp* I do?

Alyssa: Yes you do!

Casey: *sighs* Okay *stands in the middle of the room*

Emily: You recording, Mercedes?

Mercedes: *holds camera up* Yup

Casey: Okay, you all wanna know my secret is?

Everyone but Splinter: Yes!

Casey: Alright, my darkest secret is...I use to help my dad murder people

Alexi: Wha-!?

Donnie: I don't believe it

Casey: You better or you'll be...our...next victim

Larry: Dude are you-

Casey: Serious? Yes

Raph: Woah I never expected-

Casey: Me to be a murderer? There's a lot you don't know about me

April: Casey I swear if this is a joke-

Casey: Does it look like I'm joking *narrows eyes*

April: *starts to get scared*

Emi: *folds arms* I don't believe him for a second

Casey: You sure about that? *gets closer to her*

Emi: *gulps* Yea...?

Leo: Casey, what are you doing?

Casey: *gets in front of Emi* Showing her what happened to the other people who didn't believe

Olivia: Casey-

Casey: *grabs Emi's shoulders and screams in her face, making all of us scream*

Everyone but Splinter: AHH!

Bella: *jumps into Leo's arms*

Abbie: *jumps into Raph's arms*

Nova: *jumps into Donnie's arms*

Mikey: *jumps into Mercedes arms*

Sabrin and Siham: *hug each other screaming*

Olivia, Alexi, and Emily: *hides behind Larry*

April and Anju: *hugs Splinter's arms*

Kayla and Genesis: *hugs each other screaming*

Emi: *screaming while crying* Okay okay! I believe you now!

Casey: *stops screaming and lets go of Emi* Well, you shouldn't of

Emi: *sniffle* Wha-?

Casey: I was totally joking! *rolls on the floor laughing* You should've seen your faces! Priceless!

Raph: What the shell dude!

Alexi: You gave us heart attacks!

Mikey: I saw my entire life flash before my eyes

Mercedes: What did you see?

Mikey: Pizza

Splinter: Mr. Jones that was not very wise of you *leaves into the dojo*

Abbie: *kicks him in the knee* Idiot *storms out*

Leo: *to Bella* You okay babe?

Bella: *through chattering teeth* Y-y-y-yea I-I-I'm f-f-fine

Leo: You wanna go see Nemo?

Bella: *nodes*

Leo: *glares at Casey and goes to Nemo's room*

Olivia: *helps Emi* I think she needs to go home thanks a lot Jones *leaves with Larry and Alexi*

April: *slaps Casey* Your so stupid Casey! *runs off*

Casey: *rubs cheek* um ow

One by everyone leaves except me and Genesis, who are still tightly holding on to each other

Kayla: Well, congrats Casey

Casey: For what?

Kayla: You actually made me scared of you

Genesis: I second that

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