Chapter 12

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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Jamesie, happy birthday to you! Hip hip-"


"Hip hip-"


"Hip hip-"

"Horray!" Everyone cheered, as Ginny and I held James. 

"Happy Birthday my lovely little boy." Gin told him.

"Big boy?" He asked.

"Yeah, you are. Do you want to open presents?" He nodded as he sucked his thumb.

The three of us sat down, as our family and friends crowded around us. Together, Ginny and I opened his presents, taking photos and thanking everyone.

"Gin, this one's for you. Seeing as it's a birthday, and you're the one who gave birth..."

"Oh Harry, you didn't have to-"

"I wanted to." I gave her a parcel which was wrapped as neatly as I could. She gently unwrapped it, and gasped.

"It's beautiful Harry!" I gently took the necklace out of the box, and put it sounds get neck, clipping it for her. "I love you."

"I love you too." I gave her a small kiss, and was surprised when she pulled away quickly.

"I er... I've sorry of got something for you too. It's not an actual thing… yet."


"I was going to save it until we were alone, but I think it'd be best just to tell everyone, and seeing as they're all here." In that moment, I got it, and a hopeful smile spread upon my face. "I'm... I'm pregnant. James is going to have a younger brother it sister."

"That's brilliant! I- oh Gin, this is great!" I kissed her again, before remembering we had company.

"Congratulations." Ron told us, smiling. That one word was repeated to us, again and again.

"We've er, we've got done news too." Hermione spoke suddenly, turning to Ron and nodding.

"We're expecting a child." Ron said, his ears growing red. "Your baby's gonna have a cousin the same age."

"And they'll have another friend too." Kay chimed in. "Draco and I are also having a child."

"Blimey, this is-" I paused. "-great! Gin, I'm so happy, and it's brilliant that he or she will have some friends too. Congratulations Ron, Hermione, Kat, and Draco."

"You too." So the congratulations (to the four of them) began again - until a toddler started crying. James was trying to bring attention back to himself. We went back to playing with him, everyone amused themselves, James and Fred got up to mischief...

Once we'd done the cake, they'd snuck some extra, found a wand lying around and managed to duplicate it. Let's just say that when everyone left, it was with jam, icing, and squished cake on their trousers. James and Fred were just giggling.

We cleared everything up, put James to bed, then settled down on the sofa together.

"So... How far along?"

"Six weeks. Give or take."

"This is fantastic Gin. We're going to have a bigger family!"

"Calm down. I know. So for a girl is it still Lily Luna?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I think that'd be great. What about for a boy though?"

"Albus? He was the greatest wizard." She suggested.

"I like it. Albus... Albus Potter. It goes. We still need a middle name though."

"Albus what Potter?" Ginny asked, pondering.

"Hmm... Neville? If it's bravest people... Well, I'd say you but I don't think he'd want to be named after his mother."

"Albus Neville Potter. Maybe. Didn't you want Severus in there any more? I know we've briefly discussed it."

"No. I know you still don't like him, and that's important. Another thing is... I realised something. Neville's parents were tortured to insanity, they don't even recognise their own son."

"Um yeah. That was LeStrange though."

"Exactly. Surely he'd be terrified by both her and the curse?"


"But his boggart was Snape. Think about it. Parents' fate-causer or the potions master? He may have loved my mother, but he bullied Neville into that kind of state. That isn't heroic. At all."

"He still saved your life."

"And it's because of him my parents lost theirs."

"What d'you mean?"

"Ginny, Snape was the Death Eater who relayed the prophecy to Voldemort."

"How come I didn't know this?"

"I could've sworn I told you."

"Maybe you did and I forgot. Either way... Albus Severus or Albus Neville? Albus Neville Severus even. It what about Regulus? Neither of us knew him bit he gave his life yo try to destroy that horcrux."

"Albus Regulus... How about we make a list of middle names?"



"We could just do named that we like, not name him after someone."

"Sure. Well we can make another lost and then choose what we'd like the most from either list."



Ginny stopped me there.
"Harry, we're not naming our child after the Greek God of lightening, forgery, the sea, the underworld, or poetry."

"Apollo also did hikus."

"It's not happening. 'Albus Apollo Potter'... No."

"It works, so I don't see the problem. But what about 'Albus Zeus Potter'?"

"Why Zeus?"

"Well he's the God of lightening, and the sky, and the pair of us are Quidditch players. So it'd make sense really."

"Harry, where'd'you get half of these names? We've already got Percy down. And Killian? Is that even a name? These are very muggle names."

"They just popped into my head. Besides, what's wrong with Killian?" She gave me a look.

"What's- I'm not even going to answer that. Look, what about something like... I don't know. Merlin? I know it seems then as though we think of our son as God-like, but Albus Merlin Potter. Two of the most powerful - and greatest - wizards of all time."

"Perfect. Now, I love you, James, and Lily or Albus very much, but I think we should head to bed now."

"Hmm. I love you too." We shared a kiss, then headed to bed, checking up on James, to find him fast asleep.

After using the bathroom, I got changed, went to bed, and slipped into s deep slumber.

Only to be woken a couple of hours later, because Ron decided that apperating into our bedroom at three o'clock in the morning was a bright idea.


"Hiya Harry, Ginny. Have a good sleep?"

"Well it was, but thanks to you it's ruined." I replied sourly.

"Go away Ronald." Was Ginny's reply, as she rolled over in bed.


"Why to going away or my ruined sleep?"


"Ron, it's fucking three o'clock! Go back to bed." So he started to go out of the room, and over to the one that we used to share in fourth-fifth year Summer holidays.

"Not that one." I groaned.

"It's your turn. I got James last time."

"I'm pretty sure I did." Just then, James started crying.

"I'll get James, you get Ron." We both said at the same time.

"No! No, no, no, no, no! Don't cry James! Please!"

"You said you'd get James. It looks like getting James is also putting Ron back at his house."

"Fine! Fine, I'll get it."

I got up, and walked across the hallway, where James' cries and Ron's pleads to stop the cries were coming from.

"Ron, what are you doing here?"

"Huh? Well you told me yo go to bed, so I did. But there was a kid in your room."

"Yes, it's my kid in the room in my house. Why are you in my house?"

"Hermione told me to go away, so I did."

"Are you drunk? And did you have a fight?"

"I am at liberty to withhold that information from you. But yes, Hermione and I had teeny tiny argument."

"Okay. Well grab my arm and hold onto it as tightly as you can." He did so.

I apperated to Ron and Hermione's house, where Hermione was waiting.

"Ron! Where did you go?"

"Mine and Ginny's bedroom." I told her. "We were fast asleep."

"Oh gosh I'm sorry. And Ron, I'm sorry to you too. I-I don't know what came over me."

"I'm sorry too 'Mione."

"Well er... I'll just be going then." I said awkwardly,as they shared a make up kiss.  I apperated away, leaving them to it.

"What was all that about then?" I was asked when I woke up properly in the morning.

"They had a fight, Hermione told him to go away. He took it literally, apperated here, was a bit drunk. I took him back, they made up, I left."

"I was woken up because of that? And James, too?"

"Yep. Being an in-law to Ron really does have its disadvantages, doesn't it?"

"You could say that. Anyway, remember you're taking James to George's later - he's got a 'play date' with Fred. Just turn up anytime around 1."

"So basically I'll be the victim. Fred and George Weasley combined with James Potter. If you'd've ever said that to McGonagall, she'd've left the country."

"Sorry. I've got work to do, and that means a bit of quiet."

"It's fine. I'll take his broom with me."

"Hmm. Okay then, but this time, please don't let him crash into that tree. Or the ground, or that vase- just don't let him crash Harry."

"I try to keep him away from objects and trees. It just doesn't seem to work."

"Right. But just to let you know, I'm refusing to let my son come home today with a chipped tooth, grinning widely, showing it off."

"That happened once."

"Twice. The baby shower for Molly's birth, and then-"

"Okay, okay! I get it! No injured infants."

When I got to George's later that day, he was grinning widely.

"What happened?" I asked hesitantly, in a worried tone.

"Just that I had the same idea about flying with the kids." It seemed like something more.

"Um all right then... What's the plan for today?"

"Well just let them play really."

"Okay." I was hesitant about that for good reason; those boys were just like Fred I and James I. Put together, they'd create as much - if not more - trouble and mischief as their namesakes.

So after some flying (during which I actually succeeded - for probably the first time ever - to keep James on the broom, away from objects), the boys were left to their own devices. Apparently, they were preparing a "surprise" for us.

The surprise was - thankfully - a "picture". More of a glitter-fied piece of parchment with some squiggles, but the gesture was there.

Their giggling, however, didn't make sense until it transpired that it was Weasley's Wonder Glitter, which hovered off the surface and dumped itself on top of the victim's head. They found it hilarious, and by the time were home - several hours later - it was with a tired child, and his dad covered in glitter, slime, and Merlin knows what else.

"Don't ask." I told Ginny, before going upstairs. I showered, got changed, then went to the kitchen, got some ingredients out, then was turned around and told that dinner was already made.

"And besides, you have green hands." Ginny told me. "If that stuff's not in store yet, who knows what it'll do."

"Hmm. What's for dinner then? Looking after a one year old... It's... Well, one way to exercise."

"I'm the one eating for two."

"Ah yes. Mt little Lily."

"What makes you think it's a girl?"

"I don't know. I'd just really like a little girl." I told her.

"So Albus Merlin or Lily Luna. Or both."

"Yep. And I really wouldn't mind an Albus but a little Lily, the spring image of her mother would be perfect. Don't get me wrong, I love James so much. But I love you too, and the little one in there."

With a few more words exchanged, I gave her a small kiss on her forehead then went to bed, worn out from the day.

This is overdue, a filler and doesn't have the new characters. They'll be included in the next chapter.

It's taken so long for this because of a) a lack of WiFi b) a lack of inspiration c) a bout of writer's block and d) it's been kinda stressful, as when I was in Switzerland with my cousin, my parents went cycling in Germany, and long story short, my dad is currently in hospital in a foreign country with a broken ankle.

He fell off his bike.

Anyway, it's also my brother's birthday tomorrow. And I've been stuck in the car all day.

But, this chapter was longer than usual so yeah.

The Random number selector selected the following numbers. I did three, because I felt & still feel guilty that not everyone's character(s) has/have have picked.

4 - kollerkats - Wisteria
2 - sofia___mota - Sophia
9 - @HufflepuffKid - Thor

So I'll include them all next chapter. Sorry, well done, and thank you for entering.


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