Chapter One

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"You paying attention there, Frost, or are we gonna have to explain everything again?" Tony's voice dragged Chavonne out of her own thoughts, getting the woman to jump slightly. Her movements were accompanied by a small bit of ice and snow falling from her body. Albeit not enough to be noticable unless you were looking for it.

"I'm good. Don't worry." Her smile was forced as she played with the sleeves of her hospital gown, her clothes still being repaired. And examined under a microscope. Like hell S.H.I.E.L.D was letting the opportunity to examine something from another world get away from them.

"Okay. Then what did Tony just say?" Steve gave the obviously lying woman a knowing look, her whole body tensing and her brain scrambling for an answer. It would almost be amusing if the stakes weren't so high.

Chavonne dug her nails into her arms, the sharp pin pricks of pain clearing up her head enough for an answer to come to her. "That I'm stuck here for the foreseeable future as he and Bruce try to figure out why the Tesseract brought me and five other people through?" Sure, it was a gamble but sometimes gambles pay off.

And this time... it actually did. "Told you she wasn't an idiot. Pay up." Clint whispered to Natasha, the pair sharing teasing smiles and holding back snickers at Chavonne's glare. In their defence... the woman did kind of look like a ticked off kitten when she attempted to be scary.

"Oh, haha. Make fun of the woman just yoinked from her nice, safe world and tossed into a dimension where aliens, Norse gods and who knows what else exists. Wonderful idea." Chavonne scowled, crossing her arms over her chest and sinking into her seat.

"Well, you do make it easy." Clint teased only to get a coffee cup tossed his way. Naturally, he caught it. However, the moment it was in his hand, he dropped it. Why? It was completely frozen over and nobody wants to hold onto something that cold for more than a couple seconds.

Chavonne raised an eyebrow at the reaction but before she could open her mouth to question what was going on, Bruce picked up the cup by the handle and examined it. Even from her position across the table, she could see the ice hanging from it like a stubborn bat. "Oh..."

"Lady Lehmkuhl... Are you by chance a Jotun?" Thor approached the idea as delicately as he could, well, delicately for him. Having just gone through all the drama with Loki, you could see why he would ask the question.

"I'd say no but... honestly, I have no clue." Chavonne ran a hand through her hair, finally noticing her breath was coming out as puffs of steam and her hospital gown was decorated with swirls of frost. And yet she didn't feel cold. Weird.

Fury rose an eyebrow, his arms crossing over his chest slightly defensively. "How the fuck can you not know?" The question was on everyone's mind but he just happened to voice it first.

Chavonne awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck, unsure of how everyone would take her backstory. "Well... I'm adopted and... I kinda, sorta don't know who my birth dad is. Birth mom, sure, but dad? Not a clue. So for all my luck, I could very well be part Jotun."

The news hit everyone in different ways, the reactions ranging from Thor looking confused at how someone couldn't know who one of their parents was to Fury regarding Chavonne suspiciously as if she could be the next Loki.

"Or... It could be that the gamma rays from the Tesseract mutated my DNA. That seems slightly more likely." Chavonne offered up the alternate theory and almost everyone in the room relaxed as they held onto it as tightly as possible.

"It does seem plausible..." Bruce put down the cup, looking at Chavonne cautiously. Last thing the world needed was an ice powered Hulk. What would that even look like? Something like Marshmallow from Frozen, I suspect.

"Yes, you can run tests to confirm the theory." Tony and Bruce perked up at getting permission only to frown in confusion when Chavonne held up a finger to show she wasn't done. "After, I go to Asgard and talk to Odin."

"You wish to speak with the All Father?" Thor frowned, wondering where Chavonne was going with this. The fact that there was still a lingering doubt about her parentage in the air didn't help matters.

"Yup. I've got things to discuss with him." Chavonne hoped she would have her clothes back before they went, figuring that showing up in a hospital gown wouldn't make the best first impression. And considering what she was planning to discuss with Odin, she'd need every advantage she could get.

"What 'things'?" Thor narrowed his eyes, stepping towards Chavonne and getting her to squeak and shrink into her chair. Instantly realising he spooked her, he stepped back and held up his hands in a placating manner. "I apologise. I'm simply concerned about what you wish to discuss with my father."

Chavonne shook her head, mostly at her own reaction. "It's alright. I understand where you're coming from. I just... I'm not a fan of loud sounds." She straightened up, forcing her anxiety to calm the f down. "I wish to discuss with him about granting leniency to Loki. Among other things."

At her words, the room broke out into a rush of words, the woman shrinking in her seat again. To her, nothing was quite as scary as men shouting, especially when it was aimed in her direction. The only person who didn't seem to be shouting was Fury.

"Why do you want him to get off scot-free? He destroyed most of New York." Fury's voice shut everyone else up, something the young woman was grateful for. While she may know how to get her voice to carry to the back row of a theatre (thank you drama class), it didn't mean she was a fan of raising her voice.

"And your superiors were planning on nuking it." Chavonne shot back, praying her backbone would hold under the weight of everyone's stares. "I'm not saying he should get off scot-free. I'm just saying all the facts should be taken into account before he's tossed into an oubliette."

"Which are?" Tony crossed his arms over his chest, reluctant to hear any defence for Loki's actions. He was trying his best not to think too deeply about the battle they all just survived, simply biding his time till he could drown his liver in enough alcohol to pickle it.

"He was tortured and brainwashed?" Chavonne raised an eyebrow at the confused looks she got at her words. "You guys didn't know? Or did you choose to not know?" There was a bite of defensiveness to her words, the woman protective over her favourite characters.

"How do you know he was brainwashed and tortured?" Clint was reluctant to believe that his brainwasher was, himself, brainwashed. It was just easier to believe that Loki was just an asshole.

Unfortunately for Clint, Chavonne was on the debate team at her first school. And had visual aids, provided by S.H.I.E.L.D's constant need for surveillance. By the time she was done explaining, everyone was at least mildly on board with her craziness, which, considering her mental state, was quite a feat.

"... Any chance of me getting you for my legal team?" Tony joked when Chavonne's rant was done, the woman out of breath and her eyes bright with passion. The windows of the room had frost patterns painting them, the ice on the inside of the room. No one was quite up to saying they were freezing, unwilling to hurt Chavonne's feelings.

"I'll consider it. So, how about it, Point Break? Am I allowed to present my case to Odin?" Chavonne looked hopeful, batting puppy dog eyes at the God of Thunder.

Thor nodded, hope running through him that Loki might get the same treatment he did: being stripped of his powers and banished from Asgard for a little bit. Maybe find a love interest alongside some new friends.

"Sweet! Asgard, here I come. Okay, what else is on my list..." Chavonne ran down her mental check list of all the stuff she had to do to make sure her favourite characters got happy endings. Next on the docket: inform Fury that S.H.I.E.L.D had a bad case of HYDRA. ... maybe that could wait till she got back.

"Um, sir? Miss Lehmkuhl's clothes are ready." A nervous looking agent stuck their head into the room, flashing an apologetic smile and getting an excited one back.

"Awesomeness!" Chavonne stood up with a small bounce, turning on her heel to head out to get her stuff. Unfortunately for her, this rapid movement caused her hospital gown to open up just enough for her tattoo to be exposed. Or, more importantly, the arc reactor symbol in it.

"Huh. I don't know whether to be honoured or a little creeped out." Tony's words froze Chavonne to the spot, the woman quickly grabbing her gown to keep it as closed as it could be.

Chavonne tried to think up a response, her face turning a bright cherry red and the colour standing out thanks to the lack of competition from her hair or general complexion. "... I'm a big fan?" She squeaked before bolting out the room, shouldering her way past the agent.

'Great work, Lehmkuhl. What's your encore? Freezing yourself to the ceiling? At least it wasn't recorded.' The woman thought to herself as she followed the agent to her clothes, not feeling the cold but wanting instead to cover up. A sigh left her as she wondered just how the rest of the day would go. 'Huh. Just realised I haven't met the other dimension hoppers yet. Ah well, it'll happen when it happens. Hopefully soon though. By everything above and below, I hope I'll be able to remember their names...'

((A/N: Hello! This is your author speaking. Yeah, I know we're focusing a lot on my character for the moment but until we get more characters in, you're kinda stuck with her. So be sure to share this book and vote so we can get this ball a rolling! Anywhozzles. Hope you all have a nice day! Peace out))

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