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     Dean is looking through some of Samuel's belongings in his office. Christian comes in and sees him. "You lost, Dean?" He asks.

      "Had to make a phone call. Just needed some privacy." Dean says.

      "Oh." Christian says. "Samuel's locked office is pretty private."

       "Wasn't locked." Dean says.

       "Who you calling?"

       "Your wife." Dean says. "Let her know I'm not gonna make it over tonight."

       "You know, I've tried playing nice, Dean, but I think I'm done." Christian says.

       "Wait, are you trying to tell me that you're a bigger knob than you've been letting on?" Dean asks.

       "I'm the guy who's been here, doing my job. Who are you? You think we need you here? You walk around like you're playing pro tennis. Only action you seen lately is between your slut girlfriend's legs." Christian says as Dean punches him. Elena happens to pass by and storms over to the men. "You sure you want to come with us tomorrow? Accidents happen."

      "Hey, knock it off." Elena says.

      "Hmm. Don't worry, man. I got your back." Dean says. He walks out angrily and Elena follows after him. She is soon stopped by Samuel.

      "Hey, I want to talk to you two." He says and leads them to where everyone else is. "We're going out tomorrow and we need all hands on deck. And that means we only need the best fighters on field."

      Elena crosses her arms and realizes what he's trying to say. "Are you suggesting that I stay behind?" She asks while squinting her eyes.

      "I'm not suggesting anything." Samuel says. "I'm telling you."

      "Woah woah woah." Dean holds up his hands. "She's coming."

      "Not if I say so."

       "Besides, what can Polly Pocket do, make reservations?" Christian asks as he and Gwen laugh.

      "This is a family mission." Christian says.

      "For your information, before we even knew we had a family, Elena was by our side. We have all been to Hell and back together...literally." Dean says. "So before you kick her to the curb, remember this. She is our family. If she doesn't go, neither do we." Sam stands by Dean's side and crosses his arms, obvious agreeing with him.

      "Alright." Samuel says and rolls his eyes. Elena mouths a 'thank you' to Dean and Sam.

[ ☼ ]

      "The house is just over the hill. About a dozen vamps and the alpha. We got one shot at this son of a bitch." Samuel says. "Christian, take flank. The rest of you are with me and Sam. Dean and Elena, Gwen... hang back, sweep any stragglers we flush out. Problem, Dean?"

      "No, sir." Dean says.

       "I'm in the rear with the rejects?" Gwen says.

      "All right, let's go." Samuel says.

      "Don't worry. It's fine." Sam says.

      "No, nothing's fine. You're not fine. Go. Go."

      "Sorry about the 'reject' thing." Gwen says.

      "Ah, we've been called worse." Elena says.

      "Just, uh, get sick of getting left behind. Think it's probably 'cause I remind him of his daughter or something."

      "Well, you just speak your mind." Says Dean.

      "I'll take that as a compliment."

      "You should." Dean says as a branches snap. Suddenly, a vampire appears behind Elena and Gwen kills it.

      "You're welcome." Gwen says. They hear gunshots and Dean and Elena run towards the sound. "We're supposed to wait here!" A Man and a Woman screams. "Dean!"

      "Sam!" Samuel yells. Dean and Elena are watching Samuel and his crew pulls someone along. "Careful, now!"

      "Yeah. Got him." Sam says. They put the Alpha in a van and shut the doors.

      "Get in." Samuel says. Dean and Elena leave, realizing what they saw. Later, Elena and Dean appear next to Gwen.

      "Where were you?" Gwen asks them.

      "Everything all right here?" Samuel asks as he also appears.

       "Just, uh, chopped up a runner. No big deal." Gwen lies. "How'd it go?"

      "Rough, but one alpha down." Samuel says.

      "Where is it? Want to pay my last respects." Dean says.

      "Well, bring marshmallows. Already on the pyre."

[ ☾]

      "Things go okay back there?" Dean asks Sam.

      "Fine." Sam says.

      "Nothing weird?" Dean asks and Sam shakes his head. Dean turns on the side of the road and shits the engine off. "I saw you walk that alpha out the door, Sam. Now, call me crazy... But that seems weird."

      Sam sighs. "Oh." He says.

      "'Oh.'" Dean mimicks.

       "You weren't supposed to know about that." Sam says.

      "Know what?" Asks Elena.

      "It's just something Samuel's been doing." Sam says. "Catching things, taking them somewhere, grilling them for info."

      "Grill. Torture, right?" Dean asks. And not telling me—that was his idea?"

      "No, it was mine." Sam says.

      "Why?" Dean asks.

      "Honestly? 'Cause you'd mess it up." Sam says. "You shoot first, ask questions later, and we needed to ask questions."

      "You know, I—I don't care if you've got soullessness or the freakin' mumps, man." Dean says. "You know better than this! Do you even want your soul back?"

      "How does that have anything to do—" Sam stars.

      "Have you been to the place where Samuel takes them?" Elena asks. "I mean, have you been in on these interrogations?"

      "No, but I hear—" Sam starts.

      "And why? And did it ever occur to you that this is really shady?" Asks dean.

      "He's our grandfather." Says Sam.

      "Yeah. Yeah, a guy who talks a great game. But you can't assume that family means the same thing to him as it does to us. He's not Dad." Dean says. "Wow. You don't see it, do you?"

      "What?" Sam asks.

      "You've got no instinct." Dean scoffs. "I mean, you are seriously messed up."

      "Thanks." Sam says sarcastically.

       "I'm not kidding, man. Nobody's forcing you to work with me, okay?" Dean says. "But if we do this... I drive the bus, I call the shots, and you tell me everything, whether you think it's important or not, because—trust me—you can't tell the difference. Or, you know what, go—go with Samuel. See how that goes. It's up to you."

[ ☾]

      "Samuel?" Sam asks.

       "Damn, kid. Learn how to knock. Where's your brother?" Samuel asks.


      "What do you mean, 'gone'?" Asks Samuel.

      "I mean he left about an hour ago. He and I just weren't seeing eye-to-eye anymore, I guess."

       "That's too bad." Says Samuel.

       "I want in." Says Sam.


      "On the interrogations, on everything. I can help. This family—this is it for me now. Whatever you need, I'll do." Sam says.

      "Yeah, I know you will." Samuel says.


      "But until we can figure out this soul business of yours, I need you to keep doing what you're doing." Says Samuel.

      "But I can—" Sam starts.

      "No you can't." Samuel sighs. "I'm sorry."

      "Right." Sam says.

[ ☾]

       "Hey." Dean says.

        "You didn't think I'd come back." Sam says.

       "I figured 60/40."

       "So, Samuel didn't take the bait. So I went with plan 'b.'" Says Sam.

      "We had a plan 'b'?" Elena asks.

       "Fired up the GPS on one of his cellphones." Sam says. "We should be able to track him right to the alpha."

      "The old man won't notice?" Dean asks.

       "Trust me. He thinks Velcro is big news." Sam says and we hear beeping. "There. Got him."

[ ☾]

      "Dead man's blood?" Sam asks.

       "Smart. Lock the place down with vamp repellent."

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