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      Ben is playing a video game. "Well, that's ridiculous. Plants could never kill a zombie." Dean says.

      "You think I'm gonna say 'I'm sorry'?" Ben asks.

       "And why would I think that?" Dean asks. "Because you lied to get me here?"

      "It was an emergency." Ben says.

       "A date's not an emergency, Ben."

       "It is if it's the third one. I watch TV. I know what that means." Says Ben.

      Dean clears throat. "Well, your mom's a grown-up. She gets to go out." He says.

      "Why won't you come home? Can't you just say "I'm sorry" and then come back?" Ben asks.

      "I'm sorry. I can't." Dean says.

       "Can't or won't?"

      "Both." Says Dean.

      "So, you hate Mom now?" Ben asks.

      "What? No, come on."

       "So it's me." He says.

       "Ben, stop it." Dean says.

       "Whatever I did, I'm sorry."

       "Listen to me. You didn't do anything. You understand that?" Dean asks. "Look, one day you'll, uh...You'll get this when you're older."

       "Don't talk to me like I'm six." Ben says.

      "Okay, fine. It's like this, then. Just 'cause you love someone doesn't mean you should stick around and screw up their life. So I can't be here."

      "You think something will follow you home?"

      "No. No, I don't, but I think my job turns me into somebody that can't sit at your dinner table." Dean says. "And if I stayed, you'd end up just like me."

      "Why do you say it like you're so...bad?" Ben asks.

      "Well, trust me, I'm not someone you want to aim to be."

       "Don't I get a vote?" Asks Ben.

      "No, you don't. I'm sorry, Ben. But, you see, this way you got a shot at living whatever life you want." Dean says. "You know, pick one. Pick five. 'cause with me, there's just the one road."

       "You're a liar, Dean." Ben says.

       "Excuse me?" Dean asks.

       "You say family's so important, but—but what do you call people who—who care for you, who love you even when you're a dick? You know you're walking out on your family, right?"

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       Sam is on his phone while he watches Rose's corpse burn. "All right, it's over. You're safe. And, Jonny? Look at this as a new beginning. Lot of chances not to be a jackass." He says.

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      "Jenny? Hon...We're leaving...tonight. So, pack up. Just the essentials. All I want is for us to move on with our lives." Jonny says. "I love you. You know that. It's been...It's been really hard, Jen."

[ ☼ ]

      Sam and Elena are at the crime scene. Sam sees Jonny's sex doll, "Jen" and calls Dean.

       "This is Dean's other other cell, so you must know what to do."

       "Hey, it's not over. Burning the remains didn't stop her. She's got to be hooked to something else. I'm gonna head to the sister's now. Call me." Sam says.

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       Sam is going through a box of Rose's things. "So, um, this is it?" He asks.

       "I gave most of her clothes to the Goodwill. She didn't have much." Isabel says.

      "Those yours?" Elena asks as she sees a set of college books.


       "Are you in school?" Asks Elena.

       "Mm-hmm, yeah."

       "Where?" Sam asks.

       "Uh, Great Falls." Says Isabel.

       "So let me guess...Um, you were at the chem lab and the factory this week." Sam says.

      "Well, yeah."

       "Did you happen to stop by a bar called McOwen's last night?" Sam asks.

       "Everybody from the factory goes there. I stop in maybe three times a week. Why?"

       "That's it. So this is all about you." Elena says and looks at Sam. He boss's

       "What? What is?"

       "The murders—your coworkers, your college janitor." Sam says.

      "What, you—you think I could do something like that?!" Isabel asks.

      "No, no, no, no, no. But—but I think you're at the center."

       "Me? How?" Asks Isabel.

       "What are you wearing of Rose's? A ring? A bracelet? Her baby teeth in a locket?" Sam asks. "What?"

      "You're scaring me."

       "Just think, please. What—what do you have of Rose that you carry with you?" Asks Sam.

       "I-I'm..." Isabel starts.

       "What?" Sam asks.

       "Well, the only thing I have of hers is a part of me. When I was 16, she gave me one of her kidneys."

       "Her kidney?" Elena asks.


       "You're kidding." Says Sam.

        "Will you please tell me what this is about?" Isabel asks.

       "Yeah. Um...But I'm gonna need you to come with me."

[ ☼ ]

       "So, that the girl with the haunted kidney?" Dean asks.

       "Yeah." Sam says.

       "Well, just when you think you seen it all."

       "Right." Says Sam.

        "What do you want to do? Can't exactly burn the thing." Dean says. "I mean, she kind of needs it."

       "Well, she can't just walk around with it, Dean. The spirit's attached. It's gonna use her to get close to anyone it wants revenge on. It's not gonna stop killing." Sam says.

        "Okay, so what are you suggesting, that we cut it out of her?" Dean asks.

       "And then what? Leave her in a tub of ice with a phone taped to her hand?" Sam asks.

       "Maybe we should call Dr. Robert. Might have some leads on some non-haunted, black-market replacement kidneys." Dean says.

       "He works out of a butcher shop." Elena says.

       "It's pretty clean. You'd be surprised."

       "No. I think we have to go hoodoo." Dean says.


       "Yeah, hoodoo." Sam says.

       "That's more of a band-aid, not really a cure." Dean says.

       "It buys us a minute." Sam says.

       "All right, Louisiana it is."

       "Voodoo?! What the hell are you talking about?" Isabel asks.

       "Actually, it's "hoodoo." It's a little different." Dean says.

       "Hold on, Isabel." Elena says.

       "You're not feds."

       "Just let us explain." Sam says. The Impala revs up.

       "No. No way." Dean says.

       "That's impossible." Isabel says.

        "No, no, no, no, no, no. She possesses sex dolls! This—this is not a sex doll!" Dean yells as the Impala's lights turn on. "Hey, you leave my baby alone! She's got nothing to do with this!" The Impala drives at them. "Go, go, go, go, go!"

      "Okay, here, here, here." Sam ushers Isabel into a car. "Get in."

       "Son of a bitch!" Dean stands in front of the store window. "I'm so sorry, baby." The Impala charges at Dean and crashes through the storefront.

       "Okay. You all right?" Elena asks him.

       "Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. You guys?" Dean asks.

       "Yeah." Sam says.

       "Yeah, I'm..." Blood pours out of Isabel's mouth and she looks down to find a giant glass shard sticking out of her stomach.

       "Isabel? Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey." Sam says.

       "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this." Rose's spirit goes up in flames.

[ ☼ ]

      Dean is repairing the Impala. "How's it look?" Sam asks.

      "Well, considering she got carjacked by poltergeist, could be worse. I mean, what exactly did we do back there, Sam?" Dean asks.

     "Yeah, I'm not putting it in the win column, either." Sam says.

      "We saved a few dicks, a-a-and we killed an innocent girl." Dean says. "I got a heartbroken kid and a woman who's so pissed at me...I see what you mean about facing your past. It's, uh -  It's awesome. Thanks."

      "Dean." Elena says.

      "I mean, all we do is make a mess." He says.

      "That's not true. We do save lives, now and again." Says Sam.

       "Yeah, I guess. I'm just...I'm just tired of all the bad luck, you know?" Dean says.

       "Well, you know, number one, bad luck is kind of in the job description. And two, it's not all bad. Really." Sam says. "Look at me. I mean, at least Satan's left the building."

       "Yeah. It's the little things." Dean says.

       "And I have a soul because of you. I never thanked you for that, did I?" Sam asks.

      "That's all good, man."

       "Well, thanks." Sam says.

        "You'd have done the same for me." Dean says.

        "I mean it. Look, we keep our heads down, keep swinging. We'll lose some. Hopefully, we'll win more. And...I don't know. Anyway, for what it's worth, I got your back." Sam says.

      "Yeah, I know."

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