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[ ☼ ]

       Bobby is on the phone with Sam and walking down the street. Sam is outside at Singer Salvage Yard. "Lovecraft tried to jimmy a damn dimensional door. Idjit." Bobby says.

      "So what happened?" Sam asks.

       "Well, nothing much. Except, I dug, and every guest invited to the hoedown, dead or disappeared inside a year." Bobby says.

       "Wow, um, so where are you off to now?" Sam asks.

       "Have a chat with one of the guests."

       "Wait, didn't you just say that everyone there died?" Asks Sam.

        "Yeah, everybody Lovecraft invited died. Seems the maid had a nine year old boy. He was there." Bobby says.

        "So, he'd be what, 83 years old now? Where is he?" Asks Sam.

        "Same place he's been ever since the big night. Locked in a mental ward."

       A fight can be heard inside the garage behind Sam. "I see, um... Well, keep me posted, huh?" He says.

       "Okay, stay in touch. How's things going there? You got a lead on Lisa and Ben?" Asks Bobby.

       "Well, um, we're making a few inquiries." Sam says.

       Inside the garage, there are screams. Dean kills a demon with Ruby's knife. There are several other dead demons on the floor.

       "Slow going." Sam says.

       "How's Dean?" Bobby asks.

       "About how you'd expect."

       Dean looks at the bloody knife. "Next customer." He straps a demon into a chair over a devil's trap. Dean paces around him with the knife.

       "Look, I don't know anything." The Demon says.

       "Yeah, we'll see." Dean walks away to take a sip of whisky. Sam and Elena walk in.

      "Dean." Elena says.

       "Yeah?" Dean wipes the knife.

       "Look, man. You - you're running on what, uh, whisky and - and coffee and whatever else you're taking." Sam says.

       "Yeah, and?"

       "And we're grasping at straws here, man." Elena says.

       "Look, I kill enough of these demons, eventually one of 'em's gonna tell me where Crowley is. So we good?" Dean asks.

       "Well look, you've been at it for a while, why don't you at least let me take over? You deserve a break."

       "No thanks." Dean walks forward.

       "Dean." Sam grabs Dean's arm.

       "Sam, back off. Lisa and Ben, wherever they are, that is a hundred percent on me. And if they are hurt... I'll yell if I need you." Dean says and Sam walks out.

       Outside the garage, Sam begins praying to Castiel. "Castiel, it's Sam. Um, so look, I don't know if you're in on this whole Ben-Lisa thing, but if you have any heart whatsoever, bring 'em back to us, man. C'mon. Please. I'm begging you. I am begging you, do you understand?" Sam looks around. Nothing. He scoffs. As he walks away, Castiel is standing next to him, unseen.

[ ☼ ]

       Crowley is reading an anatomy book. Smiling Faces Sometimes by The Undisputed Truth plays. Castiel walks in. "Sweetie. You look tense." Crowley says.

       "You took Ben and Lisa." Castiel says.

        "Oh. That."

        "I told you—" Castiel starts.

        "Not to touch Sam, Elena and Dean. And I've respected that. I'm merely exploiting the obvious loophole." Crowley says. "As long as I have the woman and boy, your fop-coiffed little heroes will be scouring the earth for them, therefore not you, and not me. Everybody wins."

       "You should've talked to me first."

        "I'd rather ask forgiveness than permission." Crowley chuckles.

        "Where are they, Crowley?" Crowley makes a motion of zipping his lips and putting the key in his coat pocket. "You are not to harm them, do you understand me?" Castiel asks.

       "You know what? You're all maxed out on putting humans out of bounds. I'll do with them as I please. Want to stop me? Go find freaking Purgatory!" There is a high pitched sound and Castiel touches his temple. "Call on the bat-phone? Never call during business hours, do they?"

       "I'll be back." Castiel says.

[ ☼ ]

        "Cas, Cas, Cas. So good of you to come." Balthazar says.

        "Balthazar. Why'd you summon me here?" Castiel asks.

        "Can I ask you a direct question?"

        "Of course." Says Cas.

        "Are you in figrante with the King of Hades?" Balthazar asks.

        "Of course not."

        Balthazar laughs. "Always were such a terrible liar. So it's true. Alright then, why?" He asks.

       "It's a means to an end. Balthazar, you understand that." Castiel says.

       "Oh, absolutely. But what's the end here exactly? You know, raid Purgatory, snatch up all the souls?"

      "Win the war." Says Cas.

      "And I can only assume that you'd be the vessel, correct? Suck up all those souls into yourself? All that power?" Balthazar asks.

      "It's the only way."

        "Or too much juice for you, in which case you explode, taking a substantial chunk of the planet along with you." Says Balthazar.

       "That won't happen." Says Castiel.

        "Sure, sure. Of course." Balthazar scoffs "Just—just tell me that it's entirely risk-free."

        "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, but I need to know. Are you with me or not?" Castiel asks.

        Balthazar chuckles. "Ah. You know, you may be certifiable, but fine. In for a penny, in for a pound." He says.

       "How'd you hear about this anyway?" Castiel asks.

       "Oh, your howler monkeys of course. See they're just a touch worked up about that kidnapping business, you know?"

[ ☼ ]

       A patient spins a wheel. A patient touches another patient's ear. Bobby is talking to Westborough, the 83 year old man who was 9 nine years old at the time of H.P. Lovecraft's dinner party in 1937. Westborough was the maid's son.

       "You sure you're not with that other reporter, in the coat? Liar, that one. Not who he says." Westborough says.

        "No sir. Uh, I'm not affiliated with his paper. I just have a couple of questions about a dinner party you were at in 1937." Bobby says.

        "Everyone's so fascinated. Wanna know about my night at the home of the great H.P. Lovecraft."

       "If you don't mind." Says Bobby.

       "Well you know the story. They did their spell, and they all said it failed." Westborough looks around and leans in closer to Bobby. "Do you believe in monsters?"
       "Yep." Says Bobby.

       "You know, you go saying that, they'll lock you in here, rest of your life."

       "Whatever you saw, you tell me and I'll buy it straight." Bobby says.
        "The spell worked. A door opened and something came through. B - but it was invisible, so no one knew, except me." Westborough says.

       "How did you know then?"

       "Because it took my mother. It went into her. She wasn't the same. She even smelled different. And then, she disappeared." Westborough says. "And surprise, surprise, one by one, they all start dying."

      "I'm sorry, about your mom." Bobby says.

       "You're the first person, ever said that. Hey, you wanna see a picture? Hmm?" Bobby nods. Westborough, smiling, pulls a photo out of his shirt pocket and hands it to Bobby. The back of the photo says "Eleanor - 1935". Bobby looks at the photo.

      "I'll be damned."

[ ☼ ]

       Dean fills a syringe up with blood. He walks over to the demon that is bound in a chair over a devil's trap. "I promise you, pal. Start talking." He walks over the devil's trap. Unknown to him, his shoe rubs away part of the devil's trap. The demon notices. "Or I swear, I will rip your skin off, strip by strip. And then I'm gonna kill you." He leans in front of him. "And then I'm gonna do it to the next demon. You hear me?"

       "Yeah." The Demon's eyes go black. "I hear you." Dean is surprised.

       The demon telekinetically throws Dean against a van. The demon breaks out of his bounds and walks towards Dean. He puts his hand around Dean's neck.

      "So you can stop talking, you miserable sack."

       Castiel appears behind the demon. He lays a hand on the demon's head and light comes out of the demon's face as he dies. Dean looks at Castiel in shock.

       Dean catches his breath. "I didn't ask for your help." He says.

       "Well, regardless, you're welcome."

       "Why are you here?" Dean walks past Castiel.

        "I had no idea Crowley would take Lisa and Ben." Castiel says.

       Dean picks up the broken strap. "Yeah right." He says.

      "You don't believe me."

       "I don't believe a word that's coming out of your mouth." Says Dean.

       "I thought you said that we were like family. Well I think that too. Shouldn't trust run both ways?" Castiel asks.

      "Cas, I just can't..."

      "Dean, I do everything that you ask. I always come when you call, and I am your friend." Castiel says. "Still, despite your lack of faith in me, and now your threats, I just saved you, yet again. Has anyone but your closest kin ever done more for you? All I ask is this one thing."

       "Trust your plan to pop Purgatory?" Dean asks.

       "I've earned that, Dean." Castiel said and Dean scoffs. "I came to tell you that I will find Lisa and Ben, and I will bring them back. Stand behind me, the one time I ask."

       "You're asking me to stand down?" Dean asks.


       "That's the same damn ransom note that Crowley handed me. You know that, right? Well no thanks. I'll find 'em myself. In fact, why don't you go back to Crowley and tell him that I said you can both kiss my ass." Dean walks away and presses his fist to his mouth, visibly upset. Castiel disappears.

[ ☼ ]

       Bobby gets out of his car. He walks to the door and knocks. There is some sort of protection symbol drawn on the door. A woman answers. It's Dr Visyak. Dr Eleanor Visyak. "Bobby?"

      "Ellie. It's been a while." Bobby says.

      Eleanor exhales sharply. "Come in." Bobby enters the cabin. Eleanor looks around, then closes the door. Bobby sits on the couch. Eleanor pours a drink. "So, how did you find me?"

       "Well, we weren't together long, Ellie, but, uh, I know a thing or two about you. I know your safe houses. And let me tell you, this one ain't all that safe." Bobby says.

       Eleanor sits down next to Bobby and hands him a drink. "So, did you come here just to um, chat?" She asks as Bobby takes a gulp of his drink.

       "I know what you are, Ellie." He pulls out the picture of young Westborough and his mom and hands it to her. "You're not exactly from Milwaukee, are you?"

       "Not exactly." She puts the picture down.

       "And, not that I'd have minded, but you kind of fibbed about your age too." Bobby says.

       Eleanor exhales sharply. "Just slightly... 900 years." She says.

       "So what's your game, then?" Bobby asks.


       "Yeah, why are you here? Eve came through and raised all kinds of hell quickly." Bobby says. "You've been here how long, what's with the slow burn?"

       "Well, you know, we're not all alike."

       "Monsters?" Says Bobby.

        "Okay, if it makes you feel better to call me that? Fine." Eleanor says.

        "You're from freaking Purgatory. You never thought to mention that the whole time you slept with me?"

       Eleanor scoffs. "I am what I am, Bobby. And I happen to be a friend." She says.

       "You wanna explain that to me?"

        "I didn't ask those idiots to crack the door. I just happened to be the thing that fell through." She says. "And let me tell you something, you are lucky it was me."

       "You're saying you're on our side?" Bobby asks.

       "I'm on my side. I happen to like it here. I don't want to see this place turned into some bloody wasteland."

        "So you killed H.P. Lovecraft?" Asks Bobby.

       "Please. That guy couldn't even write "hello"." Eleanor stands up. "Look, I have spent 75 years trying to keep Purgatory closed. Why do you think I gave Dean the sword?" Bobby sighs. "To stop Eve. Hell, you guys were supposed to kill the damn dragons."

       Bobby stands up. "Look, this all comes down to one angel. He wants Purgatory and he's looking for you." He says.

       "Well, thanks for the heads-up."

        "I know him, El. He's gonna figure it out. One way or another. Now, the only way I can stop him is to get ahead of him, so I need to know how you open the door."

        "No. No, Bobby, it's too dangerous for anyone to know." She says.

        "If I found you, he ain't far behind. At least let me take you somewhere, protect you." Bobby says.

       "No. Thanks. I have a couple of other places lined up. Don't worry. Bobby, you're just a man. I'm better off protecting myself."

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