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Western music plays as Jared emerges from a room and hugs Jensen, Nina and Jim. Misha then walks up to him, but Jared doesn't hug him


Multiple shots of Jared being played with from the crew.


Jensen bangs an imaginary drum


Jensen is walking to the black mustang and is about to put his bag in the back when the camera shifts

Jensen: Come on man!


Jared and Nina are at a hotdog stand waving at Jensen from afar.


Jensen, Jared and Nina make weird faces in front of the camera.


Misha: Yeah this'll be hilarious


Misha is getting his makeup done off camera


Jensen, Jared and Nina continue to make funny faces


The Campbell's plus Jared and Jensen are grabbing their weapons. Jensen has a hard time


Jared: *in a crying voice* I got a line


Jensen high fives the actor that plays Samuel and then makes a fake gun with his hands to shoot at the camera


Jared: *comes running back to help Jensen grab his weapons* I got the knives, come on


Jensen: Newsflash, s***!


Jensen finally makes his way over to the Campbell's.


Jared makes a creepy face into he camera


The crew is putting fake glass on Jensen's shoulders

Jensen: Please keep me in focus


Jensen dances


Jared dances


Jim makes a weird face for the cameras


Jensen seems to be wafting away at something


Jared makes the blue steel face again


Misha wrings his hands out in pain


Jensen finishes dancing


Misha and Samuel are laughing.

Jared: I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. What do you say?


Jensen: *wafts at a fly* Sorry


Jared: Woah. Who puts a 300 gallon aquarium in a twailer?

Jensen: A twailer. Elmer Fudd.


Jim's next door neighbor tries to kiss him

Jim: Oh, golly


Jared: *holds up something that he begins to cut, but fails* Dammit


Jensen laughs into the camera


The boy that plays Ben laughs in his bed


Jensen continues laughing, but his face goes back to neutral


Jared: So the character in the show, Bobby Singer...


Kripke is dressed as a doctor and forgets how to open the door


Jensen: What kind of douchebag names a character after himself?


Kripke walks out the door and waves


Jared: Oh that's not right


Kripke: (?)

Jared: It works!


Jared: You know, maybe we should wait till she gets back

Jensen: Dude, she c-she said she's on the road, okay? She's like two shakes out, so...we really want to sit around and smell him sssstewing in his own juices?...*looks at camera* That was a terrible take

Jared: Yeah for you, I was doing good

Jensen: You didn't do anything

Jared: F****** great man. My line was brilliant, my acting was out there...

Jensen: Yeah you know what? You were so bad it made me bad

Jared: I hate you


Jared: You know what, maybe we should wait till she gets back

Jensen: She just called from the road, said she'll be home, but she—not home

Jared: Oh come on now!

Jensen: Not home

Jared: That's two!

Jensen: But that's a giveaway

Jared: That's two!


Jensen: Do you really want to sit around smelling him stewing in his own feces?

Jared: Yeah, I do. I like his feces


Jim pours liquor over Rufus's grave.

Jared: Woah woah, you nuts? Bobby. Bobby.


Jared: *is sitting at a desk reading papers* AAh! Ahh.


Jim: Yeah we're trying to work here


Jim: You know how I knew—when? Sh**.


Jim: The day I met him. The only question was—sh**!


Jim: I need fake booze next time, Robert


Jared: Circ de Solet


Jensen, Nina, Misha and Jared are prancing around in the woods at night


Jared looks at Jensen, then Jensen looks at Jared and he looks away and walks with him. The camera pans to Nina laughing.


They're still dancing in the woods


Balthazar jumps


There's still dancing like ballerinas


Jensen opens the door to Lisa's house and a gush of wind pushes him against the door.


Jensen: Why are you having my dreams, dude.

Jared: *begins flexing* I think you're having my dreams. Is Bobby's entrance that way?


Misha: Tug of worm anyone?

Jensen: Yes!

Jared: *laughing*

Nina: Eat it. I dare you to eat it

Jared: You have to eat it

Misha: I'm not gonna eat it, that's disgusting. I'm gonna wear it as a worm-stache

Jensen, Nina and Jared laugh


Offset: Ready...

Lisa: Graceful


Misha: No one's even seen God. The whole thing remains mysterious. What are you doing to my foot?

Jared: What?


Misha: It's the tiny matter of—why are you laughing?


Misha: Man, Did they print out new pages?

Jensen: New what?

Jared: (?)

Jensen: Yeah, oh. We skipped right past a while bunch of sh** but I was the only one


Misha: Jared a monster


Misha: Did I skip?

Jensen: We don't—

Jared: Oh no no no no.

Nina: It was Jared

Jared: I skipped a line and then I went backwards, so...

Jensen: This is part of this. This is the rewrites, these are the new pages.


Jared: I'll do the uh...

Jensen: I'm really confused now

Jared: I'm doing the Padalecki thing

Nina: Go back to being Cas and before the fight with Misha. Okay Misha?


Jensen: I'll be right up

Lisa: Good *holds a bottle of lubricant and a whip*

Jensen: Be right up. Coming right now. *thumbs up to the camera*


Jensen and Jared are model walking


Misha makes a weird face


Jensen walks back to the camera model walking and turns around fiercely.


Jared smooths back his hair


Jensen slides in his living room, then begins dancing


Jared hides behind his jacket


Jared model walks and then laughs


Jensen smells his old jacket


Misha looks passive


Misha is bent down as Jensen whips his butt with a handkerchief, hopping around


Misha is wearing a blue puffy jacket and turns to the camera


Jared holds a bloody knife to the camera


Jensen rocks in the wall


Jared: *drinks a cup of whisky and speaks in a gay voice* You sexy bastard.


Misha: I need you to let me touch it

Close up views from different moments in the show

Jim: Touch it?

Misha: Touch it

Jim: Touch it?

Misha: Touch it

Jim: Touch it?

Misha: Touch it

Jim: Touch it?

Misha: I have to do it, very gingerly.

Jim: Keep both hands on the wheel


Jensen pretends to shit himself in the mouth


Samuel runs down a hallway as Jensen and Jared follow him. Jensen backtracks and turns around.


Jensen looks at Jared


Jared smiles with the glass of whisky in his hand


Jensen, Jared and Nina are trying to hide. Nina and Jensen leave and Jared tries to hide in the kitchen.

Jensen: Jared!


Jared makes a serious face, then breaks it, then goes back to it again.


Jensen, Jared, Nina and Misha are all running down a hallway screaming.


Jared: We're f****** f***ed! Ah!


Jensen Climbs out of webs

Jared: *mouths* The f***?


The Cast is playing around


In the "Frontierland" episode, Jensen drinks his liquor and spits it out.


Jim makes a funny face


Jensen swings a wire in front of his crotch


Jensen: *spits out his drink again* It's like gasoline.


Jim: F*** face


Jim pours liquor in his coffee and is about to drink it when Jensen comes by and snatches it up out of his hands.


Jensen gags after he drank the nasty liquor.

Jared: Wash it down?

Jensen: Uh-huh

Jared: Not too much


Jared: *laughs* Is that a butt?


Jensen: There's only one thing that can kill freakin' anything, right?

Nina: Chuck Norris

Jensen: So you— *laughs*


Jared: Anyways, let's say you're right. Who would want virgins?

Jensen: You got me, I prefer ladies with experience. Yeah

Jared: *laughs* Yeah. *winks at the camera*


Jensen: Really pale skin, bad breath.

Jared: Yeah, fake fangs.

Jensen: Probably never seen a vagina in his life.

Jared: You staying in here? Where's the panty drawer


Misha: Well I'm sure you remember when you started turning tricks on Santa Monica Boulevard. Um, we were all a bit alarmed.


Jared: I'll give you one

Jensen: An erection?

Jared: An erection.


Misha: Your brother frequents the neighborhood.


Jensen walks in side a house. Someone is behind the door with a gun

Jensen: Jesus, sh**!


Jared runs after Jensen and into a house


Mark jumps around


Jared skips down the street


Jensen and Jared jump to kick down a door


Jared tries to successfully put in his jacket.


Jensen and Jared walk down a hallways and appear to turn back again


Samuel trips on a stair and Jared laughs.


Jared looks at Jensen seriously and then makes a face and we see Jensen wearing a bandana like a thug.


Jensen wear gold chains on his ears.


Jensen dances


Jared dances


Jensen winks at Jared in his cowboy uniform and does the jig. Jared and Nina laugh


Misha: *appears with a joint* Hey brah.


Jensen: Why does he get the bigger piece?

Jared: Yeah!


Jared makes a face while he's researching in the computer


Jensen: *looking at Jim* Oh that's great.

Jim: I think I lost one

Jared: Go find it


Jared is standing alone as Jensen, Misha and Nina appear behind him. He runs away.


Jim pretends to hit Jared with something


Misha screams in a car


Jensen: *drips his weapon* Sh**!


Misha is about to reach into Samuel, but pretends to spank him instead.


Misha laughs and points to someone off camera


Jared pretends to hit people and lifts his weapon in he air, making monkey noises.


Jared: *jumps out of the way hut knocks he bowl of blood down* Why didn't I catch that?

Jensen: Dude it's right there!


Jared tries to tell Jensen something silently.

Jensen: *turns back to Jim and mouths* What?


Drunkards Damnation Jamboree by Swank plays as we see a montage of pictures and clips from the cast


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