13. Curious

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1018 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written September 15 2019
Posted November 4 2019

Extra update~ due to same reason as last time~

Ginzo nodded, he was fine with that. He highly doubted that the other would try to murder him in his sleep "As long as you don't snore" He replied.

"I don't snore" Kaito huffed, crossing his arms against his chest "I only snore if my nose gets broken the wrong way" He replied before motioning towards the package he'd given Ginzo "I caught something last night and smoked it's meat" He flashed a grin "I ate my share after it was freshly smoked so that's your share" He stated.

The inspector gave the leaf package a curious look "What type of meat is it?" He wasn't going to throw it away, he was just curious. Any sort of freshly cooked meat was better than eating somebody else's leftovers.

"Squirrel" The boy replied, his grin widening "It crawled right up onto my lap so I pet it for a little while first" It had been really cute, he'd felt bad killing the little guy but had done so anyways. The meat was good and the pelt could be added to his collection after he treated it. He almost had enough to make a huge blanket to cuddle up in during the winter.

"You made friends with it before killing it?" Ginzo asked, a little concerned. Most little kids couldn't eat an animal after they've made friends with it. Let alone kill said animal.

Kaito shrugged "It was fully grown and wasn't caring for any young" If it had been a nursing mother or young squirrel he would have let it go. It wasn't good to hunt those animals. "I killed it humanely for food and it's pelt, it won't go to waste" He didn't mind killing animals humanely for food, he just didn't like it when they were killed just for fun.

Ginzo nodded in acceptance of the answer, it was a mature one, and also suited Kaito "That seems fair" He began unwrapping the leaf package "What are the plans for today?" He inquired, he had a feeling that the other wasn't idle often.

"I plan to check on some of the lab results, snatch us some food, then do more tests depending on the results I get" He paused for a moment "Then I plan to do some favours to get some money for us" He visibly grimaced "Due to extenuating circumstances I need to go back there sooner than I had hoped" Kaito sighed, he didn't blame Ginzo. He just really didn't like how his arrival had skewed a good amount of his plans.

"What kind of favours?" He asked, both intrigued and a little concerned. Most of Kaito's contacts had to be criminals of some sort. He took a bite of the meat, it's smokey taste was surprisingly pleasant.

Kaito rolled his eyes "Nothing too dangerous, nor too illegal" He smirked, amused by Ginzo's concern over him meeting some of his contacts "The money also shouldn't be associated with blood or theft if that makes it any better" He added, just to soothe the other's concerns a bit. He'd never accept blood money, even if he was starving and trapped. Accepting blood money was the same as saying that the act to receive that money was okay. He wasn't a Crow, and he would never be one.

Ginzo frowned as he swallowed a piece of meat "Can you just tell me the kind of favours you're doing?" He grumbled "It's not like I could report you right now" He huffed. He was really curious by what Kaito meant.

The boy shook his head, giving Ginzo a small smile "Sorry I can't" Indigos gleamed "I value my hearing. So I don't want to listen to you yelling at me" He snickered. He knew for sure that if the inspector ever found out, he'd probably never hear the end of it until Ginzo got his way. He liked the money, it funded his heists nicely and he didn't really need any identification because it wasn't legal.

The inspector didn't like that answer, yet he could tell that Kaito probably wasn't going to budge on his stance. Just what did he mean by favours? He wondered if he'll ever know "Is there anything that I should do then? Or am I free to do whatever?" He breathed in defeat. Maybe if Kaito got more used to his presence in the house he would open up to him more.

Kaito hummed in thought for a moment "Could you boil and store the rest of the water?" He grimaced "I got too tired and didn't get to finish it all" He wasn't used to being awake during the day. Yesterday had really messed up his sleep schedule. He couldn't sleep during the day too much with Ginzo here, it wouldn't feel right to leave him all alone most of the time.

"I guess I could do that" Ginzo replied before finishing off the rest of the meat. He had no problem doing tasks that were necessary, especially when he figured that the other would be doing them himself if he hadn't needed to be in that secret lab of his "Though do you have anything here for entertainment for when I'm done?" He asked, it wouldn't take him the whole day to properly boil the water.

"Yeah, sure" Kaito agreed, noting that Ginzo was used to doing a lot of police work during the day "I'll bring up some of my books for you to read" He stated.

Ginzo blinked "Up?" He inquired, he hadn't seen some sort of staircase leading underground in the house.

Kaito smirked "You really thought that you've seen the whole house?" He snickered, indigos gleaming "What would I have done if some random person came across this house?" It wasn't likely, but he'd prepared for the possibility anyways.

He scowled "Then why the hell do you live in the uninhabitable floors?" If the house was bigger, why didn't Kaito live in the presumably better living space.

Kaito shrugged "I feel trapped when I'm underground for too long" He paused "And it's not really that habitable in the first place" Though it was in a different way than the floors Ginzo had seen.

Me: You'll eventually find out what Kaito's job is~ but what do you think it is? (Berry won't confirm nor deny)

When I started 'His Feathers' I spazzed the updates at first... so I guess I'll maybe do an extra update every time I write a NEW chappy until chappy 20 is posted, I wrote chappy 31 today~

After that berry will be more stingy... probably...

Do you guys have a phone app that murders your battery? XD berry does~ Animal Jam is mean to my phone

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