2. Denial

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1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own DC/MK~

Berry is bad for posting this early... She'll just write another chappy to replace this...

Written September 9 2019
Posted September 19 2019
Next official Update September 25 2019

"Kid!" Ginzo gasped, eyes wide with shock. He quickly lunged at Kid, grabbing at his face and tugging it. The thief made no move to escape, instead silently wincing as he allowed Ginzo to tug at his cheeks. After a few moments of tugging, Ginzo sat back in awe. Kid wasn't wearing a mask. "That's..." His voice trailed off, he was sort of in a state of mild shock. He'd never thought that he'd actually see Kid's unmasked face, even if the thief was de-aged like himself.

Kid gave Ginzo a wry smile "Yes" He let out a soft chuckle "This is actually my real face" He rolled his eyes when Ginzo visibly perked up "But I'm probably not as old as you probably think I am" He teased.

The shrunken inspector blinked "You're at least older than me at least" He mused, after all, if Kid was only turned into a child older than him, when he himself became 7, the other had to be older. He was brought out of his musing by a small giggle.

He was met with the sight of amusement filled indigos "This is actually how I really look" A wide Kid grin spread across his face "The Tokyo police have been continuously bested by a thirteen year old" Kid snickered, he always thought it amusing whenever he stopped to think about it.

"Impossible!" He hissed, he'd been chasing Kid for over 13 years! This Kid looked no older than 10 if he was really pushing it, there was no way that this was his real age. Sure there was that 2 year hiatus five years ago, but that was because that heist had been dangerous and Kid had gotten severely injured after taking a bullet for him. He'd returned after that two year recovery though "You've become younger just like I have" Ginzo scoffed. He wasn't going to believe Kid's silly tales.

Kid gave him a pitying glance before turning his gaze towards the ground "It's the truth" He sighed "The first Kid died taking a bullet for you" His voice went oddly soft "I'm the Kaitou Kid that you've been chasing for the last three years" He breathed, doing his best to keep his voice steady. It still hurt to think about it.

The inspector's breath caught in his throat, it couldn't be true. Kid was just messing with him, the thief just loved to do that. There was no way that the first had actually died, only to be replaced by the second two years later. There was just absolutely no fucking way that the bastard had actually died! It didn't matter that he'd seen the guy coughing and choking up blood before disappearing into the night. That guy was alive right in front of him. That has to be the case. He glanced at the small frame of the supposed second Kid, the boy was much too young to be moonlighting as a phantom thief. Hell, he wasn't even big enough to fit into Kid's famous attire. "You're too young for this to be your real age" Ginzo breathed, feeling solace that he'd easily seen through another one of Kid's tricks.

Kid nodded, his lips set in a thin line. His features suddenly void of all amusement as he leaned over and pulled out a false arm, it was frighteningly realistic. Ginzo watched in awe as the other stuck the arm over his own, the adult limb moved seamlessly, as if it was real. Kid met his gaze "I'm a master of disguise, it's not that hard to place adult limbs over my own and use makeup to touch up the rest of me" He stated as he removed the arm, placing it back beside the bedside.

Ginzo shook his head in denial, he wouldn't accept Kid's words as truth, he just couldn't. If he did, then he'd have to accept the fact that the first Kid had gone out and died on him. That he'd never even noticed that his rival had apparently been replaced without him ever noticing. "Please just stop this joke" Ginzo pleaded, feeling half sick "It's not funny anymore" It hadn't even been funny in the first place, but that was beside the point.

Kid gave the inspector a sad smile, feeling bad for hurting him. He could easily understand the pain of losing someone he cared about, it'd already happened too much for him "I'm really telling the truth Keibu" Kid whispered, mouth sightly dry "That night we both lost someone important to us" He breathed "For you it was a rival, for me..." His voice trailed off, he silently cursed himself for looking weak "For me, I lost a father" He admitted.

When he'd brought Ginzo back to his own home, he'd decided to be truthful with the other. Ginzo couldn't go around spreading his secrets without getting the both of them plus others killed. By the time that it's actually safe for the inspector to spread his knowledge of Kid's identity, the crows would have already been beaten. He wasn't afraid to pay for his crimes, laws existed for a reason. So if laying things out to Ginzo damned his own future he didn't care, it'd be worth it if it made the other easier to work with. It wasn't like he really had a life in the first place and the thought of his future was just plain silly with how things were. His dad had liked Ginzo, and even he himself had grown to admire the inspector. If anyone deserved to turn Kid in, it was him.

Ginzo looked at him in horror, his face suddenly paling a few shades "You're not lying..." He choked, finally admitting to himself that despite how much of an annoying bastard the guy could be, he would never play such a messed up joke. The first Kid had died for him, and his son had taken up the mantel. He was sitting in front of a child who'd lost their father because he hadn't been on the lookout for snipers. Hell, this Kid had also taken a bullet for him a few months ago. He swallowed, he'd almost caused the death of both Kids.

Me: Ah such beefy paragraphs~ This just made me so happy to write~

I just love Kaito and Nakamori interactions~

I hope you enjoyed~

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