20. Bet

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1009 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written September 21 2019
Posted December 19 2019

Ginzo glanced towards the ground, knuckles going white from how tightly he clenched his fists "Surely you can't mean that?" He ground out, unimpressed with the boy's outlook on life. He met Kaito's gaze "Not even during heists?" He growled, there had been many times where Kid had looked like he was having the time of his life. There was no way that all of those times had been a lie. It was impossible.

A wry smile graced Kaito's lips "Okay, there were times during heists that I actually enjoyed myself" He admitted "But that can't really be considered as living, I was playing a part" Being Kid was both amazing and horrible. It allowed him to interact with others without forming normal connections with them. Though at the same time Kid was the reason why he couldn't go out and do that like a normal child.

The inspector shook his head "You know..." He paused for a moment "Your personality is a lot like Kid's, just a lot more tamer" He breathed "I think that you've intentionally blinded yourself to the truth"

Indigos glanced at him in confusion "I don't really understand what you're getting at Keibu" How could he possibly be doing that? He had no reason to delude himself.

"When you're Kid, your real personality leaks through" Ginzo stated "Doesn't that mean that you aren't actually playing a part but being yourself with some extra flare?" He squinted at the sun shining down through the leaves "Kid isn't some made up persona, Kid is a part of you. Which means that your life isn't as empty as you seem to think it is" He scolded. Kid has thousands of fans, a lot of them even included the police force. He'd personally won the support from most of the people he went up against.

Kaito let out a soft sigh, tucking his legs up against his chest before wrapping his arms around them "But Kid won't be around forever" He replied softly "And the only connection that I can keep from being Kid is our weird relationship" He snickered "And that's only because you went and got yourself shrunk"

Ginzo frowned "One of the reasons you brought me here was because you were lonely right?" He was almost positive on that fact, but he also wasn't completely sure.

A faint pink tinted the boy's cheeks as he turned his head away "Sort of..." He figured that hiding his motives was useless, especially if Ginzo had already suspected "I don't get to talk to others as myself much..." He muttered.

The inspector nodded "I figured that was the case" He let out a tired breath "It also explains why you're doing your best to be as truthful as you can with me" Kaito didn't have anyone else to be truthful with.

"Contrary to the common belief, I really don't like lying to people" It didn't matter that he was trained well in the art, it still made him feel fake whenever he lied. He already had enough fake to deal with, he didn't want to create any more.

"That's why I always took you for your word" Ginzo agreed, yes the guy had frustrated him to hell with his crazy riddles, but at least he always kept his word "You've never really outright lied" If Kid said he was going to show up, he would. During the few times that he hadn't there had been whispers the next day about Kid being caught up in something dangerous. Eventually it had led him to become concerned whenever the thief was late. The apologetic flowers and candies sent after those times always eased his worries. It meant that Kid hadn't left or changed his ways.

"Lies if told enough times often become the truth" Kaito breathed "I didn't want that to happen to me" He didn't like the thought of becoming like that, he'd witnessed it happen to others and hadn't liked the outcomes.

"When this is over, I'll do my best to get your punishment lightened" Ginzo replied "I don't think that you're a bad enough guy to spend the rest of your life in prison. Especially with how young you are" In some ways he wondered if the way Kaito was living wasn't already punishment enough. The boy was living in fear and wouldn't care for himself due to that fear.

Indigos narrowed "You don't need to do that Keibu, I've already prepared myself for worse outcomes" He flashed a smile "I wouldn't even know what to do next if my crimes were lessened"

Ginzo scoffed "Well you better start thinking about it" Even from the short time he's been with Kaito like this, he knew that he didn't want Kaito to rot in jail for the rest of his life. Yes he deserved to pay for his crimes, but there were probably other ways he could do that. Kaito had to pay no matter what. He didn't think that the boy would ever move on if he didn't. Kaito didn't seem to like himself enough to allow that.

Kaito rolled his eyes "I doubt it, but I guess that I'll humour you" He sighed. There was no way that the police would just let him go. His capture status was too high profile for that. There'd be many promotions after his capture. He smiled sadly. At least Ginzo would get to reap most of the benefits from his capture. The guy could stand for a bit more respect thrown his way.

"Then I guess it's a bet" Ginzo smirked "If you win I'll do one favour of your choice" His gaze sharpened "But if I win, you have to do a favour for me" There wasn't any real danger to the bet so he figured that it was fine. He'd just have to decide what he'd ask for before then.

Indigos gleamed at the prospect of a bet, he liked challenges "Very well" He flashed a confidant smirk "I'll accept the bet" Maybe he could make Ginzo visit him in jail occasionally. It wasn't like the inspector would break a promise.

Me: I wonder if you guys have ideas of what they'll ask for? XP

Berry won't agree nor deny your guesses ^-^

Hope you enjoyed zee chappy~

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