22. Horrifying Truth

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1003 Words excluding (A/N)~ Berry no owns MK/DC~

Written September 29 2019
Posted December 26 2019

Kaito paled, all traces of sleepiness suddenly rushing out of his system as he quickly slapped his left hand over the offending mark. Shit, he'd been too tired last night to make sure he'd properly covered himself up. He met Ginzo's horrified gaze with one of confusion. It was kinda hard to fake the expression "No?" He inwardly cursed when his statement came out sounding more like a question instead.

The inspector's eyes blazed with fury as he forcefully grabbed Kaito's left hand and moved it away from the boy's neck to get a better look "Don't you lie to me!" He growled, dread pooling in his stomach when he got a better look at the boy's neck. Yes, they were indeed hickeys littering all over Kaito's neck. Ginzo suddenly felt like he was going to be sick at the implications.

Indigos flashed with guilt as Kaito ducked his head "I'm sorry" He breathed, ashamed that he'd broken his word.

The inspector swallowed "Why?" He choked out, not wanting to voice the rest of his question. Had Kaito been caught off guard and raped? Or were his hickeys from something almost as terrible. Had the boy been selling himself for money this whole time? He really wasn't sure which thought he preferred more. Both were horrible.

Kaito seemed to shrink in on himself at the hurt in the inspectors words. This was why he hadn't told Ginzo what his favours entailed in the first place "I needed more money to make this place more liveable" Kaito replied, his voice barely audible. He wrung his hands together nervously "It's a quick and easy way to get money without hurting anybody" Except himself, but that didn't really matter. As long as he was careful not to get drugged and snatched away, it was fine.

Ginzo suddenly grabbed both his shoulders and shook the boy in an attempt to knock some sense into that head of his "Are you an idiot?!" He hissed, horrified that Kaito had been desperate enough to sell himself repeatedly. He grimaced, Kaito had been out almost every night these past few months "Making this place more comfortable to live in is not worth you selling yourself!" He growled before allowing his arms to drop to his sides.

"It is!" Kaito argued, turning his head to face away from the inspector "You're living in these conditions because you're too good of a person to leave me alone!" He looked towards the ground, eyes stinging. He'd manipulated Ginzo into staying with him all because he was lonely and too weak to pass on the chance of having human companionship.

"Kaito..." Ginzo breathed, taken aback. The boy had seemed fine and cheery most of the time he'd been around him. Had Kaito really been feeling guilty and blaming himself this whole time? "It's not your fault we're in  this situation" He scooted a bit closer to the boy, noticing a faint wetness on the other's cheeks "Please don't sell yourself anymore" He pleaded, the thought of Kaito selling himself just so Ginzo could be more comfy was horrifying. People shouldn't be doing something like that, especially children.

Kaito pursed his lip, he really did need that extra money whenever he needed to do a heist "I won't sell myself for 'extra' nice things anymore" He promised "I'll go back to only doing it when I really need to" It was really the only way of getting quick and easy money that he knew of, aside from the ones that would go against his morals.

The inspector grit his teeth, not liking the other's answer "No" He grit out "What if you get someone pregnant or get a disease?!" The boy was way to young to go about messing with adults like that.

The boy quickly shook his head, face covered in a bright red blush "I-" He trailed off, his blush darkening "I'm not capable of getting a girl pregnant yet..." He paused, clearly embarrassed "And my clients are solely male" He buried his face in his hands, mortified that he'd actually admitted that to Ginzo. It wasn't his fault puberty hadn't hit him yet.

Ginzo choked on his own spit at the boy's admission "That's worse!" He spluttered "It's proof that you're too young to be doing that sort of thing!" He insisted. How could he make Kaito stop going out to sell himself?! It wasn't like he could physically stop him or tattle on him. He suddenly remembered his other point "And what about STDs?!" There were so many things Kaito could catch if he wasn't careful. It wasn't worth the risk.

The boy gave a small shrug "I don't go out looking for random people" He breathed "I'm part of a safe club, everyone is screened often" His gaze lowered "And even if I did magically catch something, it probably won't kill me before the Crows anyways" Though if he caught something, he wouldn't be able to sell himself anymore, nor would he want to. He wasn't an asshole who'd purposely spread STD's to people. So then he'd have to find a new source of income.

The inspector bit the inside of his own cheek to stop himself from shaking the boy and yelling at him. Why can't the guy just think about his future for once?! He'd actually prefer if Kaito was stealing for money instead "Isn't there any other way that you could make money for your heists?!" He inquired "And what do your heists even accomplish anyways?" He figured that it probably involved the Crows or something, but he'd never been clearly told the reasons.

Indigos softened "I show up, and the Crows sometimes go after me" He shrugged "It's the only way that I know of that gets them to reveal themselves" He flashed a smile, all teeth "What better what to drag out the Crows than to flash a shiny white target in their face?" He snickered.

Ginzo's breath caught in his throat "This whole time you've been playing target practice with seasoned killers?!" How could he have missed this?!

Me: Berry probably hurt a few of you guys' hearts.... ^~^

Don't worry Ginzo is on zee job!

Hope you enjoyed~ It was so so very fun to write~

Berry can't wait for New Years Conan special >~< hope it includes Kaito~

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