25. Tasks, Surprise

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1012 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 7 2019
Posted January 9 2020

When Kaito set off that night, Ginzo would have been lying if he said that he hadn't been at least a little worried when he'd left. What if Kaito didn't deem superintendent Hakuba trustworthy enough? He didn't want Kaito to go back out and start selling himself again. He visibly shivered at the thought. Kaito may be smart, but he was also young, much weaker than a full grown man. What if one of the men had decided to be too rough and had ended up hurting the boy? Or had decided that they wanted to keep Kaito for their own personal use? Kaito was very small for his age, it probably wouldn't have been very hard to sneak away with him. Without clothes the boy wouldn't be able to hide away any tools for escape.

Ginzo shook his head, not wanting to think about that horrible train of though any longer. It was starting to make him feel sick just thinking about how easily the boy could have been lost. That can't happen anymore, Kaito was most likely going to decide that the superintendent was trustworthy enough to financially rely on. Kaito was not going to sell himself anymore, he wouldn't allow it.

Kaito let out a soft yawn as he slipped through the bedroom doorway, they still hadn't gotten around to getting a door for it, and now they probably never would. There had been a lot to look up regarding the superintendent, and it had taken longer to do a precise sweep through his estate. So far he hadn't found anything bad on the guy yet, but that was only the first night. He needed to do a few more searches throughout the week to be absolutely sure. There was too much at stake for him to trust anyone so easily. It wasn't just him who was at risk now, it was also Ginzo and everyone connected to him. He silently slipped into the bed, burying himself snugly beneath the covers. There was still a few hours left before he should get back up.

When Ginzo awoke, he was relieved to see that Kaito had returned safely, he even noted that the boy didn't seem to have any new marks on him. Instead of waking him up, the inspector decided to let Kaito sleep a little longer while he prepared breakfast. He figured that Kaito was probably out too late and needed the extra sleep.

Unsurprisingly, the boy didn't make his way down the stairs until a little past noon. Ginzo raised a curious brow when Kaito sleepily made his way down the stairs, the boy still looked quite ruffled from sleepiness "Your brunch is on the counter" He informed, placing the book he'd been reading on his lap. For some odd reason most of the books that weren't text books were crime dramas. He'd mentioned that fact once but Kaito had just blushed and disappeared for the day. It was kinda funny thinking that Kaitou Kid was actually a big fan of police dramas.

"Thanks" Kaito murmured sleepily as he made his way to the kitchen counter. He smiled gratefully when he spotted the dried meat and lettuce in a bowl, it was topped with some wild berries. It was nice waking up to food that was already made. He quickly finished the odd salad off before heading over towards where the inspector had been.

Ginzo had bookmarked his place in the book and was now nowhere in sight. The other's absence didn't really alarm him, one of the buckets were gone, meaning that Ginzo had gone to collect some more water.

Kaito pondered in thought for a moment before shrugging. He had some time to kill before he needed to check on some of the tests, he might as well help out. He swiftly snatched up a bucket of his own and jogged off to catch up with the inspector. Tasks were more enjoyable when done in the company of another, or at least most tasks were.

At the sound of footsteps approaching from behind, Ginzo glanced back in confusion only to see Kaito right behind him "Aren't you supposed to be in the lab?" He inquired, normally the other didn't accompany him during his trips to fetch water.

Kaito flashed him a bright grin "I have some time to kill before checking on some of the tests" Indigos gleamed "I figured that I might as well help you out a bit until then" He really hated being idle so this was a good way to prevent that, plus it also helped out the inspector. He was grateful that the other had been making good meals for him.

Ginzo nodded in understanding "Thanks" He replied, Kaito really was a good kid. Besides his thieving and prostitution, he was the ideal behaved child. He didn't even pull off any pranks using magic the whole time he's been with Kaito. Though now that he thought about it, that was a little odd. His heart clenched at the boy's possible fate after everything gets settled. He gave the boy beside him a curious glance "I haven't seen you perform any magic" He paused "I kinda figured that you'd be the kind of person to incorporate it into your everyday life" He mused.

Indigos darkened as Kaito lowered his head "I used to love doing magic..." He trailed off for a moment "But I've recently grown to hate it" Magic had prevented him from really getting to know his parents. It was also a tool that he used to commit countless crimes, causing trouble for the police. He glanced at the inspector "I only really use magic outside of heists when I really need to... Other than that I prefer not to use it"

The inspector blinked, a little shocked. He hadn't expected that to be Kaito's answer "But why?" He asked, Kaitou Kid made so many people smile and had helped so many people with his magic. He didn't understand why the person dubbed 'The Magician Under the Moonlight' would hate magic. It just didn't make sense to him.

Me: Maybe one day Kaito's love for magic will come back?

Hope you did with zee enjoying of zee chappy~

•^• pickles are amazing, but have little nutrients according to jar labels, thus berry does not spend money on zee pickle.

Pickle is luxury item for berry

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