27. Caught!

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1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 22 2019
Posted January 16 2020

Kid silently slipped through the Hakuba estate's windows, he'd already checked the superintendent's workplace and frequently visited places. Now it was time to thoroughly check the guy's home. Since he was technically breaking the law, he'd decided to suit up as Kid but had chosen his stealth colours instead of the usual flashy white. He didn't really like black, so a dark grey replaced white while a softer shade of grey replaced blue and the dark grey appeared once more to replace the red. They were less eye catching colours that at the same time blended in and refrained from looking too suspicious, and even if he were spotted, the colours weren't familiar enough for anyone to immediately think 'Kaitou Kid'. He wasn't trying to be in the spotlight right now, so his iconic suit had to be switched out.

The superintendent was currently working in his office, which meant that Kid was all alone within the luxurious mansion, much to his pleasure. He could take all the time that he needed to scope out all of the man's hidden secrets. A confident smirk played upon the thief's lips as he soundlessly crept through the shadows, just because he was alone, it didn't mean that he should forgo caution. That was how you got caught after all.

He checked the places with the least dust first before checking the more dustier areas, and was shockingly pleased when after about 3 hours of meticulously searching he hadn't yet found anything too bad. The worst thing that he'd managed to find was a few adult magazines, which was fine. None of them featured young children so he'd just placed the magazines back into their hiding places. He'd seen worse in real life so it hadn't really fazed him. Though he may one day use his knowledge to tease the guy if the proper opportunity presented itself.

"Why are you here?" Kid felt proud when he'd managed to stop himself from yelping in surprise, instead only his muscled had tensed. He placed the most recent magazine down and slowly turned around to see the speaker, making sure that not an ounce of nervousness showed within his actions. Indigos flashed with momentary surprise, it was a young boy, maybe a year or two older than him, he couldn't really tell. He didn't look full Japanese so it was hard to tell.

Kid gave a lazy shrug, his movements non-threatening "Just looking around" He replied lazily, noting the boy's unique features. The boy's eyes were a pretty shade of gold and his hair was a nice blond. He'll be quite the looker when he grew up.

The boy frowned, looking up at the taller male's face, it was annoying that both the shadows and a monocle were hiding the intruder's features. His golden gaze narrowed in thought, the other didn't seem to be worried or with ill intent "I highly doubt that you broke in just to look at my father's porn collection" The boy drawled.

Kid couldn't help but snicker at the other's joke, he shook his head in amusement "I may tell you if you reveal how you found me" He offered, was this the superintendent's son? The guy didn't have any family listed within his records, so why was this boy here?

The boy's gaze narrowed, usually by now a thief would have either tried to attack or flee. This intruder was odd  "I set heat sensors around father's porn collections" He paused for a moment "I like to know when I should avoid certain areas" His father often tried to be subtle, but in reality he wasn't. He liked knowing when he shouldn't wander around or when he should use headphones. 

The thief nodded in understanding, he hadn't expected heat sensors to be within someone's living space. He flashed his trademark Kid grin before his clothing was suddenly replaced with his trademark Kid suit. He knelt down to the shocked boy's level, leaving a chaste kiss on the back of his hand. This boy seemed like quite the smart cookie "Would you believe me if I said that I only wanted to look into your father's secrets?" He inquired.

With an embarrassed scowl, the boy quickly took his hand back. He recognized that outfit from the media, the intruder was Kaitou Kid. He let some of his tension fade a bit, Kid was always non-violent and never really stole anything. He wasn't in any real danger, maybe he could learn a bit about the odd thief "My father doesn't have any unforgivable secrets" He replied "I made sure to search every inch of this place in detail after being placed in his care. If what he'd been told about Kid was true, the thief probably had some ulterior motives. That was apparently always the case whenever Kid did something unusual.

Kid tilted his head slightly as he appraised the other "You're acting like a little detective" Those gold eyes were highly observant, more so than most adults. His own were similar to the boy's in that way.

The boy nodded, looking pleased that someone as smart as Kaitou Kid had noticed "Indeed I am" He stated "Hakuba Saguru, it's been interesting meeting the number one suspect for the murder of Nakamori Ginzo" Gold watched the other's expression, intrigued when surprise momentarily flashed over the thief's features. So his deduction was correct, Kid was innocent in at least that matter.

"So your father is trustworthy..." He mused, Saguru's existence complicated things, what if asking the superintendent for help endangered him? More so, why hadn't he ever heard of Saguru? It was as if the boy had popped up out of nowhere.

Saguru observed the phantom thief who seemed to be lost in thought, he had no doubt that if he tried to capture him that the thief would escape easily. That was the main reason why he hadn't tried to capture Kid once he'd found out. At first it was for his own safety, but then when it had been revealed that the thief was Kid, he knew that the thief was too skilled. Questioning the thief felt like a better use of his time.

Me: So Hakuba is strangely here~ This was fun to write~

He didn't pounce because he doesn't have a rivalry and thinks that Kid is too skilled to take on~

Plus he's still too young and thinks that Kid is an adult~

Hope you enjoyed~

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