29. Lazy Chat

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1007 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written October 29 2019
Posted January 30 2020

Kid slipped through a side window of the Hakuba estate with the same agility and ease as last time. It had been a little odd since he'd been expecting a bit more security than last time. Though the lack of additional security was a good sign in his book, it meant that the younger Hakuba hadn't told his father about the estate's uninvited visitor. It was around midnight, an ideal time in his opinion, yet that also meant that it would be an hour or so until the superintendent returned home. That was fine though, he'd arrived early for the sole reason of checking out the aspiring detective, it had been interesting to meet someone close to his level who was around the same age as himself. If it wasn't for the blond's obvious lack of experience, he'd probably have maybe even allowed the other in on the big details.

With a wry smile tugging on his lips, the thief went over towards a known porn stash in an attempt to trigger the silent alarms. Once that was dealt with, he took a seat on one of the many soft chairs within the spare room. A few minutes later, Saguru crept into the room. His golden gaze was filled with curiosity befitting of a detective.

"You're back..." Saguru breathed, having not expected to see the phantom thief once again up close. He'd thought that with whatever business the thief had with his father, he wouldn't pay much attention to Saguru himself.

Kid nodded, a wide grin on his face "I wanted to talk to you a bit before your father returned" It was a rare chance in itself so he didn't want to waste it.

Saguru blinked, having not expected the answer. His golden gaze then narrowed a bit as he took a few steps back "Why would an international jewel thief be interested in me?" He shouldn't be on the radar of someone big like Kid "You're not a pedophile are you?" He asked, his tone accusatory.

The thief choked on his spit, the shear unexpectedness of the question startling him "Oh gross no!" He'd been accused of many things in his life, but being called a pedophile was a first "Why would you even ask that?!"

The blond nodded, reassured by the response "I just find it a bit weird that someone like myself has caught your interest" He replied with a shrug, though it was kind of flattering that the thief had acknowledged him.

Kid had to bite his tongue to cut off his instinctual reply, the other's words did make sense after all. To everyone except for Ginzo, he was thought to be an adult male even though he was far from that age. So instead of flipping out on Saguru, he tilted his hat and gave a sharp smirk "I find interest in intelligence" He paused "But do not worry a phantom thief such as myself has no time for relationships of that sort, my interest is strictly curiosity" His grin softened "For it's not often that I can speak with others on a higher intellectual level" He finished.

Saguru couldn't help but find himself agreeing with the sentiment, he raised a brow "Even if said intellectual is as young as myself?"

The thief gave a shrug "Age means nothing when it comes to intelligence, the younger people are often dismissed due to their age" He breathed. That very fact is why nobody would ever suspect him of being Kaitou Kid without being given concrete proof.

An appraising gleam flickered within gold "If you weren't a thief, I am quite sure that we would get along" It was hard when those around you weren't as smart as him.

Veiled indigos softened "I'm afraid that I can't go changing my thieving ways just yet" Maybe in another life where he wasn't a thief they could hang out together as friends, but in this life it was impossible without boundaries.

The blond nodded, a little disappointed "That's for the best I suppose" He sighed "I'm heading back to England for an unknown amount of time" He glanced out the window "Your warning seemed sincere, and I'm not experienced enough to be of any use" He replied, he knew when to back down. He'd never solved a case before, so for him to try to jump onto whatever case Kid was bringing in would be stupid.

Kid grimaced "I'm sorry, I seem to have basically kicked you out of your home..." While Saguru would be safer there, it still didn't feel right.

Saguru shook his head "No, it's fine, I don't know my father that well but I've met the person he's hired to care for me" A small smile played on his lips "Baaya seems like a good person" He oddly enough had felt more comfortable around her than his own father.

The thief flashed Saguru a genuine smile as he leaned over to ruffle the other's hair "Maybe by the time you return to Japan you'll have already become a great detective" The potential within Saguru was great and he really hoped that the other would allow it to take form, he had a very promising future ahead of him.

Saguru felt his cheeks warm, that was amazing praise coming from Kaitou Kid. He was oddly enough starting to respect the odd thief, he now sort of understood why the Kid task force usually stood up for him "Maybe I could try to catch you" He stated, curious to how the other would respond.

"It may be too late by then" At the other's confused look he explained "The things that I need your father's help in are connected to my thievery. My hope is that by the time my problem is settled, there will be no need for Kaitou Kid" He'll either be in jail, or dead. Either way Saguru wouldn't be able to chase him.

The blond pursed his lips at that "I've always figured that you had some sort of agenda outside of just pulling off your heists" He breathed, he'd seen the patterns.

Me: No I'm not just randomly adding hakuba in, these interactions will hopefully be important for the future depending on if I go a certain route~

And no this won't be a hakukai story, if anything I want to make it shinkai if anything but that's like in the way way distant future so berry can't affirm anything~

This story is going to be so long...

Anyways hope you enjoyed zee chappy~ This was interesting to write

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