3. The Offer

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1018 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written September 10 2019
Posted September 25 2019

Kid gave him a solemn nod "I'm not" He agreed, seeing no point in messing with Ginzo, it wasn't really the time. It was bad enough that the poor inspector wasn't able to return to his normal, everyday life.

Ginzo sighed, suddenly feeling tired. He wasn't used to so much shit happening all at once. He met the other's gaze "What should I do now?" He inquired, ignoring the fact that he was asking a child for advice. That didn't really matter, Kid as much as he hated to admit it, was better at making plans that he was. A plan sounded like a good starting point, he didn't really know what else he was supposed to do otherwise.

Kid pursed his lips, giving Ginzo an appraising look. The inspector didn't really have many plausible options "I've already thought of an idea while waiting for you to regain consciousness" He paused, a little unsure on how Ginzo would react "You don't really have that many options right?" At Ginzo's reluctant nod he continued "Well, how opposed to the idea of you staying with me are you?" Kid offered, ready to shield his ears if need be.

The inspector froze. Stay with Kid? Was the thief serious? The main goal of his job is to catch the thief, so why would said thief invite Ginzo it stay with him? The very idea was absurd at the very least. Ginzo's gaze narrowed "Why are you offering me the choice to stay with you?" He asked. It really made no sense on the thief's part. Though when did anything easily make sense when Kid was involved?

The thief smirked, having expected Ginzo to be sceptical of his offer. He didn't blame the guy, his motives were often a bit odd. He gaze a small shrug "I figured that it'd be nice to work with someone who shares the same enemy as me" He breathed. Not to mention that it'd be nice to have someone to talk to as himself. It'd been too long since he'd had that kind of opportunity. Indigos gleamed "Plus it'd be dangerous for others to know your real identity" His voice took on a faintly teasing tone "You really wouldn't want to stay with someone who treated you like a real seven year old would you?" He finished. Most adults didn't really take children too seriously, Kid knew this because that happened whenever he wasn't disguised.

Ginzo grimaced at that prospect, he'd probably end up being snatched up by child services. Children couldn't really live properly without the help of an adult, multiple laws have made sure of this. He'd be trapped by an orphanage or a future family, forced to grow up all over again. His shoulders slumped, he didn't really see a better option than to accept Kid's offer "I'll eventually arrest you" He breathed, it didn't seem fair for him to not give Kid any sort of warning.

Kid nodded, he'd anticipated this outcome "I won't run" He stated, knowing full well that what he was doing, despite not harming anybody, was wrong. He was a criminal, and Ginzo was a police inspector. He wouldn't blame Ginzo for doing his job.

The inspector's eyes widened as he went silent for a few moments "Why won't you run?" Running was what Kid did best, besides his magic of course. It was absurd.

"I won't run because by the time you'll be able to arrest me" He smiled "My job will be done" There was no need for Kid once the Crows were gone, Kid was just the means to an end. Hopefully that end was one involving the Crows defeat instead of his own death. He'd even be fine if it was both, as long as those Crows went with him.

Ginzo frowned at his words "What job is that?" He'd actually forgotten that he was talking with an actual child for a moment. Surely no child's goals would be great enough to warrant him dodging bullets while dressed in clothes that easily marked him as a target. Nothing says 'Shoot me!' better than a shiny white target at night.

Indigos hardened with determination "To take down the people who poisoned you" He stated "They didn't just kill my dad" He paused "They've killed millions of people throughout the time of their existence" He didn't want anybody else to be hurt because of them. Whenever they killed one person, they hurt the ones who were left behind as well. He clenched his fists "I don't really care what happens to me, all I want is for them to go down" He finished, his voice a few octaves away from being a growl. It was the Crows fault that he didn't have a life. It was also their fault that he'd probably never even have one as well.

A small chill ran down the inspector's spine, he'd never heard Kid sound so hateful before. Then his words registered "You can't really mean that" He breathed, wasn't the boy too young to disregard his own future? Aoko was the same age and she was all happy. Every child may be different but still, he couldn't imagine Aoko being like that. "You're too young to take on a criminal syndicate" He almost told Kid that the police could have helped but he thought better of it. A syndicate meant that there were probably people who've infiltrated the police. Depending on how far their reach was, going to the police was a potential death sentence. As much as Ginzo hated to admit it, 'Dirty' cops did actually exist.

"I do" Kid breathed "The syndicate, often referred to as 'Crows' took everything from me" The only thing left for them to take really was his life, and he'd fight tooth and nail to stop that from happening. He wouldn't go down without a fight.

The inspector grimaced at the response, though he doubted that he'd be able to change Kid's mind anytime soon. Instead he figured that he might as well ask a question that he'd been dying to know the answer to "What should I call you?" He asked.

Me: Yup the Kaito of this story is surprisingly jaded~

It's so refreshing to see a diff book for notifications~

...... *Suddenly realizes that the cover is mostly bluish like the others* ...... •_•

Hope you enjoyed~

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