31. The Request

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1014 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written November 3 2019
Posted February 6 2020

Extra chappy because I like snowstorms •~• and it's snowing a pretty storm~

Danashi didn't really know what to say in response once Kid had finished telling his tale about the international criminal syndicate. On one hand it was highly impressive that one as young as Kid had managed to survive so far, on the other it was horrifying to know that all this had been happening right under the police force's nose. He swallowed and looked at the young thief with a new light "How do you want me to help?" He asked, why was Kid coming to him now of all times for help?

Kaito grimaced at the question, he'd neglected to tell the other that Ginzo had shrunk "Keibu wasn't pleased when he found out how I was earning money for the both of us" He replied, not wanting to explain further. He glanced towards the ground "Keibu suggested that you were someone who could potentially lend us the funds we need until the Crows are caught"

The superintendent frowned, so they needed money? Kid had previously stated that he didn't really exist within the system and hadn't wanted to make dangerous bonds with people "What did you do for money?" If Kaitou Kid didn't keep the priceless gems he stole, he doubted that the thief would steal small things for petty money.

"I was selling myself for money" Kaito replied softly, feeling a little ashamed but not as ashamed as most people would feel. He'd had a very good reason for doing that. He wrung his hands together nervously "I overdid it and Keibu noticed and confronted me" He let out a small sigh "I don't know what he'll do if I don't stop" Ginzo was very rash at times when it came to his emotions after all "But I can't stop unless we have enough money to live with" He didn't want to become a real thief.

Many possible bad scenarios passed through Danashi's mind, he'd been a cop for most of his life. He knew that there were so many ways that Kid's plan could have gone wrong. He let out a weary breath "So if I fund both you and Nakamori-keibu's expenses, in the long run these Crows will be taken down?"

Kaito nodded "Yes, and you'll either be locking me up in jail or burying me" He really wasn't sure which route seemed better to him. If he was sent to jail he'd have to keep living with his regrets and hurt, but if he was killed, he'd at least be able to rest. He wouldn't kill himself though, and he also would fight his damn hardest to survive. He owed Ginzo at least that, the fame would boost the inspector's career. Indigos gleamed "I already promised Keibu that I wouldn't run" He stated "He will be the one who gets the fame regarding my capture"

There was something within the boy's eyes that he didn't like, but he just didn't know what it was "Then I guess that I'd be both a fool and a horrible cop to refuse you" Kaitou Kid was known for keeping his word, and with how he now knew what the thief looked like, he doubted that the other would go back on his word. He could also somewhat understand why Ginzo had stayed with the boy, the inspector had always been a softy when it came to children.

Kaito felt his shoulders sag in relief, he wouldn't have to let himself be used by older men anymore. It had been necessary at the time, but he'd still hated it "Thank you" He replied, accidentally letting out a bit too much of his relief into his words. He bit his lip "How will the money be sent?" He inquired.

Danashi walked over towards a very ugly painting of white tulips on the wall "I know that it's a common hiding place" He stated as he removed the painting, revealing a safe "But it works for sparing some excess funds" He punched in the code, aware that Kid was watching him "Take as much as you need to live comfortably in at least a small apartment" He replied, he didn't really need this cash anyway.

The boy blinked in shock "No, that's way too much" He and the inspector had been living just fine in their hidden house in the woods. He'd only been expecting enough to live off of and a bit extra for the occasional heist.

The older shook his head "Boy, I don't need this money at all" He held out a large wad of cash "Think of this as a thank you for keeping Nakamori-keibu safe and for your help with capturing those Crows and other criminals" He smirked "With this you can afford to use disguises often in order to rent out a place" With how Kid had previously spoken, he'd figured that they probably weren't living in a place on the electrical grid. False identities would have been needed to make the required payments.

Kaito slowly reached out and accepted the cash, holding it close to his chest. He really was allowed to live in a place with heat? "I-" His voice cracked slightly, he didn't know what to do with all of the unfamiliar emotions rushing into him "Thank you!" He choked out before bolting out the window, he didn't want to react to these new emotions while in front of the other.

"More money will be in the same place" He called out "I'd also like to speak with Nakamori-keibu at some point" He added before turning off the lights, Kid had surely heard him. Maybe he'd even learn the boy's name next time. His lips turned downwards at the thought of the boy, he'd looked so vulnerable for a split second before he'd made his escape. Poor boy, he couldn't even imagine what had caused the boy to act like that.

Kaito silently cursed himself for his rudeness as he leaned against the upper branches of a tree. He then glanced down at the cash still clenched in his fists. Was it really okay for him to be selfish enough to use the money for an apartment?

Me: Awww poor little Kaito shouldn't have to feel so confused about wanting something for himself...

Hope you enjoyed zee chappy~

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