33. Apartment

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1001 Words excluding (A/N)~ Me no do with zee owning of MK/DC~

Written November 7 2019
Posted February 17 2020

Ginzo glanced down at his watch, the delivery people were late. Shortly after Kaito had found an ideal apartment, the boy had helped the inspector get into contact with Danashi. Though of course he'd been disguised, the inspector was now sporting the same shade of brown hair as Kaito, and was also given a slightly messier haircut. Kaito himself had put in contact lenses so that his eyes were less indigo and more blue, indigo was technically a shade of blue, but for some reason the boy had wanted his odd eye colour to be masked. Though Kaito really only had to wear his adult disguise whenever they were dealing with papers.

The names they were to take on were Kuroba Kite and Kuroba Ginga whenever they were near anybody who weren't in the 'Know'. Kite would be the father while Ginga the son. Ginzo had chosen the last name as he'd thought about the clover on Kid's monocle, while Kaito had chosen the first names. The first names were close enough to their normal names so that Ginzo would be able to catch himself if he ever started saying the wrong name. Though when he'd asked Kaito why the boy not just be called 'Kaito', the other had told him that he'd decided that 'Kaito' would be his true name. That reasoning had pleased Ginzo to no end, it meant that Kaito was thinking at least a little bit about the future.

The reason why Ginzo was currently glancing at his watch with unease was due to the fact that he was currently doing something behind Kaito's back. Kaito had gone off earlier to work in his lab, a move which the inspector had expected. Ginzo and Danashi had teamed up somewhat and had already chosen nice beds for each of their rooms, the two had talked a bit and had both came to the same conclusion. Kaito was likely to just pick out a cheap and used bed for himself. It had actually surprised Ginzo when Danashi had actually agreed, the boy really was good at charming people.

When he spotted people carrying the two single sized beds down the hallway he let out a relieved breath, Kaito was less likely to refuse his own bed if he came back to it already set up "Please set them up in each bedroom" He stated, it didn't really matter which room got which since both beds were literally the same. They'd also already signed papers so that an adult wasn't needed to sign on delivery. That would have been awkward since it had been decided that it was too dangerous for Ginzo to meet up with Danashi in person.

It had taken less than half an hour for the beds to be set up, so now all Ginzo had to do was wait for Kaito's return. Today was their first day leasing said apartment yet the boy had spent less than five minutes in total within it. He'd even bathed in the river instead of waiting to have a warm shower.

He frowned, maybe this change was too much too soon for the boy? He had apparently been living in that old house for years after all. But that didn't really make that much sense did it? Kaito was also Kaitou Kid, an elusive thief that was known for being very adaptable. But then changing heist plans was a lot different than changing living spaces.

Kaito let out a small sigh as he glanced up at the apartment, he didn't really think that he deserved to live in it but there wasn't really anything that he could do about it. He wouldn't dare to force Ginzo to stay at his old home, nor would he leave the other all alone. It was now dark out since he'd stayed in the lab for as long as he could, though now his head hurt since he'd been down there for too long. Stupid fumes.

Instead of entering the building and using the elevator, Kaito opted to scale the building instead. It was too much of a bother for him to dress up as Kite just to enter the new living space. As he slipped through the balcony window, he was met with the smell of Spaghetti. Despite himself, his mouth watered at the scent, it had been years since he's had homemade spaghetti.

Ginzo glanced over at Kaito, not really all that surprised that the boy had entered via the window instead of the door. He was just grateful that the other had allowed the window to creak to allow his entrance to be known "I had expected that you'd have returned before now" He replied, remembering how the other had told him about the time limit within the labs.

Kaito flashed him a small smile as he removed his shoes and picked them up, it was kinda amusing that the inspector had actually put a mat beside both the balcony entrance and one of the windows. Ginzo really knew him well "Sorry, I wanted to spend more time in the lab" He wasn't really lying, he just wasn't stating the reason why he'd wanted to stay in the lab.

The inspector let out a soft hum, realizing that the other didn't want to expand on the matter. Over the months he'd become able to read Kaito better than he ever would have imagined "I just finished making the spaghetti, come take a seat" He breathed.

The boy gave his thanks as he glanced around the room, there was now a soft looking light grey couch, a matching chair and a nice oak table with two chairs in the kitchen area. It seems like Ginzo had been busy picking things out in his absence, not that he really cared all that much. They were here for Ginzo's sake so the inspector could furnish the place however he wanted to. Indigos gleamed "It smells really good" It seems like the other's practice with boiling things has paid off. He couldn't wait to taste it.

Me: In the anime we've seen many times Kaito's ability to win other's hearts~

This was fun to write~ hope you enjoyed zee chappy~

>^< so excited that this book gets 2 updates a week now~

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