35. Blue Birthday

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1004 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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Written November 20 2019
Posted February 22 2020

Ginzo sat outside on the balcony, it was nearing the time when Kid's heist was supposed to begin. Kaito had chosen a nice night to do the heist, the air had a crisp bite to it, yet it wasn't cold enough to feel uncomfortable. He could easily get away with wearing just a light coat and thin mitts. The moon was also nice and full, the sky void of any cloud cover, an optimal night for Kid to strike.

He was vaguely curious to know how his task force would do without him, he'd never really missed a heist, until now. If anything had ever happened that would cause him to miss the heist, Kid had usually postponed it. Now after meeting the boy behind the mask he understood why that had happened, Kaito had all but admitted that he was the thief's favourite. The heist probably wouldn't have been as enjoyable without him.

The sound of cheers brought him out of his thoughts, he let out a small huff. He hadn't realized that the heists could be so loud, he usually just tuned out the crowd's reactions. He shifted in his seat peering at the rooftop, he could easily see Kid's white figure near the edge of the roof. Kid had already taken out his hang glider and was poised to take off. The heist had apparently been a success.

He let out a relieved breath before tensing, Kid wasn't alone on the roof, and it wasn't another task force member. He stood up, leaning against the guard rail, feeling helpless as one of the men took a shot. The hang glider shattered as Kid turned around to confront them.

Ginzo grit his teeth, he wanted to scream at Kid to run, but he knew that the other wouldn't hear him from here. He couldn't even run over to help, by the time he got there the conflict would have probably already ended. That, or he'd just get in the way. All he could do was watch, and hope that Kid would get away safely.

There was another shot and Kid was falling backwards, knocked right off the edge of the building "Kaito!" Why wasn't the thief doing anything?! Why wasn't he stopping his fall?! Ginzo swallowed a lump in his throat, suddenly feeling ill as the white figure fell out of sight. A building covering the rest of the lethal descent. What if Kaito had been killed on impact?

His eyes stung as his knees trembled, forcing him to slide to the ground. He was suddenly thankful that the building had stopped him from seeing the splatter. Why did it have to turn out like this? Kaito's smiling face flashed through his mind, he'd been so young. He clenched his fists, hitting the guard rail out of anger, it wasn't fucking fair! Kaito hadn't truly lived his life yet, he'd instead lived in fear for the majority of his life. He didn't bother wiping away the wetness on his cheeks as his arms rested limply at his side. Kaito had only just gotten the chance to have a more normal life, and now he was dead.

"Keibu?" Ginzo suddenly blinked out of whatever trance he'd been in, he didn't really know how long he'd been like that.

"Kaito?" He inquired softly, not believing his eyes. Hadn't he been killed? He tried to get up but he stumbled a bit, his knees having gone numb from him sitting on them for so long. But there he was, standing near him, out of his Kid outfit.

Indigos flashed curiously at the inspector's tear stained face before widening in realization "Shit" He breathed, he'd forgotten that Ginzo had been watching the heist from a distance.

"You're real" Ginzo breathed, a sudden flurry of elation filled him as he lunged at the boy, trapping him within a strong hug. A small laugh escaped from him "I'm so glad that you're okay!" He truly was, he hadn't expected that the other's presence would have affected him so much. It was shocking how much he'd come to care for the little shit.

Kaito let out a small pained whine, the inspector was accidentally holding him too tight "I'm sorry" He wheezed a bit "But please let me go" He stumbled a bit when Ginzo suddenly moved away from him. He gingerly rubbed his chest, even as a child Ginzo was strong.

"You're hurt" The inspector stated, now noting how the boy was taking in shallow breaths. Fear laced through his veins, had Kaito been shot after all?

The boy nodded, visibly wincing as he slid into the chair that Ginzo had brought out earlier. He pulled out a blue gem, the one known as Blue Birthday "This saved my life" Kaito replied softly "I had put it into my breast pocket on the left" Ginzo noted the crack that ran down the middle of the gem, eyes widening at the implication.

Kaito had been shot, in a location that would normally prove to be fatal. The boy really was blessed with luck "Your ribs..." That would explain why Kaito seemed to be having a bit of trouble breathing. The gem may have stopped the bullet from piercing him, but the impact would have still caused some heavy damage.

The other flashed him a crooked smile "Better bruised than bloodied" He laughed before wincing, letting his laugh fall short. That had really hurt.

Ginzo scoffed "Well I prefer neither" He huffed despite the small smile on his face. He was just so relieved that Kaito was okay.

Indigos softened, the boy feeling all warm and fuzzy that Ginzo truly cared for him. He didn't think that the inspector was one to cry without a good reason "I'm sorry for worrying you" He really was, it had been so long since he'd been in a position for someone to actually worry about him. He really needed to think about others more often, he truly was selfish. If not, then why was he happy that Ginzo had cared enough to cry for him? He really was messed up.

Me: There's no way that I could have killed Kaito then~

Berry still has so many plans~

And yes, if you already haven't noticed by now, this Kaito is really messed up, though not in the way he believes~

Hope you enjoyed~

•~• I cant wait until the galaxy train Conan special is out~ Can't get enough of Kaito >^<

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