38. The Temporary Cure

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1013 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written December 29 2019
Posted March 2 2020

It had taken approximately three weeks for the bruises to mostly heal, instead of the ugly black that they'd been, they were now an icky faded yellow. His breathing had eased enough around a week ago, which meant that the boy had once again started to spend long hours within his lab.

Indigo's narrowed slightly, a small frown tugging at his lips as he eyed the small pill in his hand. It was a small capsule coloured purple and blue. He'd chosen those decorative colours since it made it look less like a pill, and more like those weird sponge capsules he'd once heard about. Apparently if a sponge capsule was placed in water, eventually the outer coating would fade, allowing a cutely shaped sponge alone to float in the water. It was a less suspicious option than if Ginzo were to be caught carrying something that was obviously a pill.

He bit his lip, a little frustrated with himself. It wasn't a cure, but it would temporarily stop the effects of the first poison. It was something that could be used in an emergency, that is if it even worked. Why did the stupid poison have to be self replicating? It meant that he'd have to find a way to either neutralize it completely, or create a counter poison to negate the effects. He wasn't that good at making self replicating drugs, hence the temporary solution. It couldn't even be taken enough for Ginzo to live his life as himself, all it would do was build up his immunity to the future cure.

The boy wasn't even sure if he should even inform the other about this, it was dangerous since he could only truly test it on Ginzo. There was a small chance of it killing the inspector with each time he took one of them "That's an uncharacteristically scary face you're wearing" Kaito blinked, turning his attention away from the pill.

"I was just thinking about a few things" He replied, closing his hand, removing the pill from sight.

Ginzo's gaze narrowed a bit at the action, he'd already seen the pill "Is that related to the cure?" Surely Kaito wouldn't have such a dark expression if it had been the true cure, so it had to be something else.

Kaito hesitated, pursing his lips before letting out a sigh "It's for emergencies only" He stated, holding out the pill for Ginzo to obtain "It's supposed to be a temporary cure" He admitted "But you risk death each time you take it"

The inspector gave a small frown as he examined the oddly coloured pill "I didn't think that you'd actually give me something that could kill me" He mused, he'd figured that the other would keep away all of the dangerous tests until the final cure.

Indigos dimmed, deflecting towards the ground "It's for in case there's an emergency where you need to be yourself in order to get away or something" Even though he didn't like it, it would be good for the inspector to have that option.

Ginzo pursed his lips, he could easily tell that Kaito was not happy to give him this "Thanks" He appreciated the other's concern. He was silent for a few moments "Shouldn't this be tested before an emergency?" Alarmed indigos met his gaze, he continued before Kaito could counter "What if it made a bad situation worse?" It could just knock him out for all he knew.

Kaito grimaced, he could see the truth in the other's reasoning "It's too risky.." He argued weakly.

The other scoffed "If it was too risky" He started "Than you would have never even brought it out of your lab" Kaito wasn't an idiot, he trusted the boy's skills. If the other thought that he'd be able to improve it with a little more time, than he would have done that instead of mentioning the pill.

Kaito's face was now pleading "Please just wait until you need it" He could just take the pill back, but then that wouldn't have been fair to Ginzo. The inspector deserved to have  the choice since his options were already limited.

Ginzo observed the other's expression, Kaito was visibly distressed at the potential harm that could be done. He frowned. The boy would probably be secretly worrying as long as he had the pill in his possession, which wasn't very healthy. Kaito already had enough problems to worry about. He popped the pill into his mouth, blinking at the faint blue raspberry flavouring. Of course Kaito would give it a flavour, the weirdo. If the pill was deadly, he may as well take it now to end Kaito's concerns. If he lived, then Kaito would be angry, but would have a lot less future stress.

"Keibu!" Kaito's cry was sharp as he watched the inspector swallow the pill. Indigos were blown wide in fear, as spasms began to wrack through Ginzo. Tears were already falling from the boy's face as he watched Ginzo clutch his chest in pain, slumping to the ground. It was happening all over again! Ginzo's eyes were glazed with pain, his horrible screams pained and loud, and Kaito couldn't do anything but watch and wait.

A small sob escaped from the boy when the other began to thrash and scratch in his pained haze. With his whole body trembling, Kaito did his best to pin the inspector's hands and legs with his own, he didn't want Ginzo to hurt himself further.

He closed his eyes, wanting to block out the screaming. He hated this. Eventually, the screaming died down, the inspector's body going limp right after. Kaito's breath caught in his chest, for a split moment he'd thought that the other had died. He swiftly scurried off of Ginzo now that he no longer had to hold him down. A watery laugh escaped, when he felt the other's pulse, it was erratic, but strong "Stupid idiot!" He hissed, wiping away his tears. Why did Ginzo have to scare him like that?! His anger was quickly replaced with panic when Ginzo began to grow, the other's clothes would surely strangle him.

Me: This was interesting to write~ Poor Kaito, Ginzo's intentions were good, but still...

Kaito isn't Ai, so of course the effects are different, that and Ginzo couldn't have been fed the exact same version of the APTX4869 as Shinichi due to the timeline...

So different it needs to be~

Hope you enjoyed~

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