4. His Name

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1003 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

Written September 10 2019
Posted October 2 2019

Indigos narrowed in thought, he wasn't really sure what to tell Ginzo. It wouldn't make any sense for him to give the inspector a false name, but at the same time, he wasn't really sure what his actual real name was. He had a good guess, but that was it, a guess "I guess you could call me Kaito?" His tone made it sound more like a question than an answer.

Ginzo raised a brow, the boy seemed to be unsure. Was he really going to give him a false name after he already revealed his face?! It didn't make any sense "Are you seriously giving me a false name?" He drawled, a fake name contradicted Kid's earlier claims.

Kid quickly shook his head in denial "No, I'm pretty sure that's my real name" It wasn't his fault his parents had been so paranoid.

"Pretty sure?" Ginzo scoffed, quickly growing tired of this nonsense "It's either your name or not your name" He retorted, what was this guy playing at?

Kid wrung his hands together nervously, indigos directed towards the floor "I understand your frustration, but that's the best I've got" He let his hands settle into his lap "I was never actually told my real name... Or if I've ever been told, I've forgotten it" He breathed "My parents were paranoid and were constantly insisting that we were to continuously change what we call each other..." His voice trailed off as he met Ginzo's gaze "I think that my name is Kaito, it's the name they called me the most" He grimaced "And it matched their odd sense of humour" He finished.

Ginzo stared at Kaito blankly, he couldn't believe that the kid wasn't even sure what his real name was. How did he even go to school like that? Surely whatever name he used for school had to be his real one "What about your birth registration?"

Kaito shook his head, a wry smile playing on his lips "My parents were too paranoid to register me" He gave a small shrug "I technically don't even exist" He replied. "I don't even know my family name, or even my parent's given names" He finished, not bothering to mention that he hadn't even known what they'd even looked like until they'd died. He'd carefully pulled off their disguises before burying them, not wanting to waste his last chance to know what his parents looked like.

The inspector's mouth went dry, just how dangerous was this syndicate if it made Kaito's parents that paranoid. Better yet, how the hell did Kaito even get by in like without any form of identification? False identification would have been just as dangerous because it would have been as good as real to him. Fake often became real if there was no real to begin with "How did you even get into school?" He asked, schools didn't just let random children attend. They had to be registered.

Indigos blinked in confusion, that was the first thing Ginzo says in response? "I've never been to school before" He admitted "I learn everything I need to from books and people watching" He didn't really exist so he couldn't go up to others as himself to start a conversation. He would have loved to go to school and mingle with others his age but he couldn't, so he just didn't think about it that much.

The inspector grit his teeth, what the hell? School wasn't just to teach people textbook information, it was to also help young children to learn how to interact with others, or at the very least expose them to socialisation "So you just read books and watch people?" He asked, both confused and a little concerned "Couldn't you have at least made a new school identity and switched schools every year?" Surely doing something like that would have been simple for him to do.

Kaito pursed his lip "Technically I could have easily done that, but I didn't really want to" At Ginzo's sceptical look he continued "I didn't want to be fake" He breathed "Any relationship I started would have had to be destroyed as soon as I took on my next identity" He paused "I didn't want that. If I'm ever to build a relationship with anybody, I want to do it as myself" A relationship wasn't worth anything if it was built on a foundation of lies. It just didn't feel right to him.

"How many people know you as Kaito?" He asked, Kaito tilted his head in thought "Only you actually, the others know Kid. But don't worry, my acquaintance is trustworthy. The only reason they don't know the real me is to protect them" Kaito gave a small smile, as if the information he'd just given wasn't horrible. He suddenly perked up "Ah! The rest of the task force may not know my real name, but I've actually been the most truthful with you guys"

"You're telling me, that you were the most honest with the people trying to catch you?" Ginzo asked incredulously.

The boy nodded "Yeah, I may have hid my identity, but I never really lied to you guys" He grinned "I just deflected the questions and hid the truth" Ginzo sighed, he couldn't really argue with that logic, Kid had never really outright lied to them. The only problems that'd aroused were when they'd received cryptic answers. That was one of the reasons why he'd actually sat down to talk to the thief rather than attempt to drag him to the nearest police station. Kid's word was almost always trustworthy in his books. It didn't matter that he was a thief, he was the most truthful thief he'd ever met. It was actually kind of sad how he'd always trusted Kid more than some of the other officers in other divisions.

Ginzo ran a hand through his hair "Dammit!" He growled, annoyed that Kaito was right. He really didn't like it. Why did things have to be so complicated whenever Kid was involved? Why couldn't things have been simple for once?

Me: Did berry surprise you guys with this plot twist regarding Kaito's name?

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