43. Teamwork, Confliction

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1013 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written January 28 2020
Posted March 14 2020

Ginga blinked in surprise at the sight of Kid slipping out of an air vent. He'd left the main heist site in favour of standing near a barely used alleyway since the heist was over. He hadn't wanted to linger about since a nosy person might have inquired where his guardian was. He'd figured that the other would easily locate him so long as he was alone. Ginga's gaze narrowed a bit at the tears in Kid's outfit, some of which were tinted red. Kid had gotten hurt, which meant that the Crows had actually shown up.

The inspector spotted black coated figures in the corners of his vision, they were thankfully at an angle where they couldn't see Kid "There you are dad!" He huffed, crossing his arms. God that felt weird "Why'd you leave me to go drinking?" That would allow the over to favour any injuries.

Kid gave a wide grin before he was swiftly replaced by Kite, his clothing was dark. It would hide any blood that seeped through the fabric "I'm sorry Ginga" Kite walked over to him, ruffling his hair as he crouched down to eye level "Why don't we go back to our room to play some games to make it up to you?" He offered, the dark figures passed by, not even bothering to spare them a glance.

Ginga nodded, letting out a relieved breath "That sounds fun" Kite grabbed his hand before they headed back to their room.

"That was pretty smart" Kite praised once they were within the privacy of their own room. He swiftly removed his disguise so that he was Kaito once more.

The inspector raised a brow, Kaito had been in disguise the whole time. He hadn't thought that the other would remove it until they were back in their apartment. He gave a small shrug "I figured that a father and son would be less likely to show up on their radar" He grimaced "Referring to you as my father feels weird"

Kaito snorted, indigos gleaming in amusement as he fiddled with his bulletproof vest. It was very uncomfortable "They were more vigorous in going after me than usual" They must be taking his challenge seriously. He removed the vest, frowning as he observed the damage "Their guns were certainly a higher caliber than usual"

Ginzo winced before scanning the other for injuries "How hurt are you?" He knew that he'd seen blood, but Kaito didn't seem to be in any hurry. That meant that the injuries shouldn't be that bad.

The boy looked down at himself, then met Ginzo's gaze "I think I got grazed a few times" He gave a small pout "I've gotten rusty"

"What about your ribs?" They'd been mostly healed before the heist, but judging by the vest, he'd been shot in the back. Surely repeated physical trauma to the same area couldn't be good, especially if the person was still growing "Did they get worse?"

Indigos softened "I improved the vest by adding some more shock absorption" He'd probably still bruise, but it wouldn't be nearly as bad as last time.

Ginzo nodded, pulling out the first aid kit from his bag, handing it over "Why did you put the gem in my pocket?" He inquired, pulling out the pretty amethyst from his pocket.

"They wouldn't have expected a child to have the gem" Indigos gleamed "And I wasn't going to risk getting caught by the Crows with it. He could at least fake bargain with the Crows about its location if he did get caught. At the very least it would have gained him a bit of time. He opened the kit.

The inspector's gaze narrowed as he watched Kaito tend to his injuries, he really wished that Kaito would stop doing heists. Though he knew better than to suggest it "I hope that your next heist isn't anytime soon" The way Kaito was just wiping away the blood before disinfecting and wrapping the injuries was eerie. It spoke of experience. He clenched his fists, he hated whenever he remembered that the other had been tending to his injuries all alone before he'd shrunk.

Kaito let out a breath, closing the kit "Please don't tell me that you're going to become upset after every heist?" He appreciated the worry, but he needed to do this. Who else was both crazy enough, and skilled enough to do what he was doing? "I'm fine, these are minor injuries"

Ginzo grit his teeth, children shouldn't consider deep bullet grazes to be 'minor' injuries "I can't help it" He cared for the damn boy and hated seeing him injured. It was so easy to forget about the danger while living with Kaito so it almost always dug deep when things did happen. Kaito often gave off a happy air about him and was usually willing to help. He sometimes forgot that Kaito was damaged since things had seemed so much better recently.

The boy bit his lip, the inspector was too caring "I'm doing my best to prevent injuries" His gaze lowered to the ground, he didn't like disappointing Ginzo "I've been slacking off on my workouts" He had put the cure as his main priority "I'll start them up again so that I'll dodge better next time" There would always be a next time until he either died or beat the Crows.

"Fine" His shoulders slumped, he knew that Kaito wouldn't stop. Hell, he truly understood the other's reasoning, he just didn't like it "I'll eventually learn to deal with it better" He hoped that this didn't go on long enough for it to actually happen.

Indigos softened "I'm sorry, I'm still not used to people actually worrying about me" Yes people have worried about Kid, but worrying about Kid wasn't the same as worrying about Kaito. Kid was a role and Kaito was the one who played that role. Ginzo was the first one to worry about Kaito since his parents had died. He gave a small smile "Your worry means a lot to me"

Ginzo swallowed. Fuck that was messed up "You've grown on me" He huffed, tempted to hug the other.

Me: This was interesting to write~

Hope you enjoyed~

Berry posted so much this week now that she thinks about it XP

She messed up yesterday with A03 and accidentally posted a oneshot that she's already posted instead of a newish (but old for wattpad) one

Felt so stupid XD

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