53. Awake Again

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1019 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written March 12 2020
Posted April 18 2020

When Kaito woke up again, he found himself alone in the room. Despite how he still felt a bit tired, the boy forced himself to get up and crawl over towards the end of his bed. He then grabbed the medical chart and began to read it, frowning when he realized that he was intentionally kept unconscious. He could have been out of this place days ago!

He sighed when he put the chart back, his injuries weren't actually all that bad, he could probably start planning his next heist any day now. Of course he wouldn't be able to actually do the heist anytime soon, Ginzo would throw a huge fit if he did. But that didn't mean that he couldn't start working on the plans. Planning was vital since he didn't really have a proper helper like his father did, and even if he wanted the help, that person was already busy caring for Ginzo's daughter. There was no way that he'd do anything that could draw attention to them.

Kaito contemplated going out to explore the clinic, but decided against it. Ginzo might freak out if he came back to an empty room.

When Ginzo slipped back into the room, he had a plate of brown rice with a side of some sort of mild soup resting on a tray. It had been tedious to play the role of Ginga just to bring in some food for Kaito "I figured that you wouldn't have wanted to eat out there" It had surprised him when he'd realized that the clinic had a very small cafeteria.

"Thank you" Kaito gave a grateful smile as he accepted the food, it didn't look the best, but it was hospital food. He settled the tray on his lap before turning towards Ginzo "I'm leaving once I'm done eating" He felt too exposed here, especially since he was here as himself.

"I figured" Ginzo sighed, there was no actual reason to force the other to rest here.

Kaito paused, spoon still in his mouth as he felt Ginzo ruffle his hair, he blushed a little. Where did that come from? He settled the spoon in the soup "It's not like I'm really injured" He just felt weak, which was normal considering the circumstances "I can rest just as easily back in the apartment, probably even better since it's familiar to me"

Just because his injury didn't affect his movement, didn't mean that it wasn't bad. He lost an eye! "I guess" Ginzo breathed, grateful that it seemed like Kaito was actually planning on resting "By the way, Hakuba-san set up an extremely private lab for you to use" He offered a small smile "You're not to go back into your old one unless it's to collect everything you need, and even then you'll have to wear a special mask" Kaito wasn't going to intentionally ruin his growth for his sake, he wouldn't allow it.

The boy lowered his head, pursing his lips "How?" It wasn't easy to construct a proper lab, let alone a private one. There shouldn't have been enough time to construct one so soon.

"He asked his son if it was okay for you to use it, and his son agreed" Ginzo explained, recalling what Danashi had told him "Apparently he'd had it made after finding out about his son's hobbies"

So it was Saguru's lab? That meant that it probably hasn't been used much. He couldn't help but grimace at the fact of being the reason why Saguru left Japan, only for him to take over the guy's lab months later "It's probably not well known then since Saguru wasn't really connected to his father's records when I initially checked..." And knowing Danashi, the lab would have a lot of fancy toys for him to play with "Okay I'll use it" He really didn't want to stay small for the rest of his life, and he trusted them.

"Good" Ginzo breathed, relieved that he wouldn't have to fight the other on this "It would have been very stupid of you if you didn't"

Kaito peered at Ginzo curiously, the inspector was acting a little odd "Did something happen that I'm unaware of?" He inquired.

Ginzo shook his head "No" His gaze softened as he ruffled Kaito's hair again "I just realized a few things" He added "It's nothing that you should worry about" Because he'll be the one to fix a few things.

Again with the touching? He scooted a bit out of Ginzo's reach "I never asked, how did the pill work?" Ginzo couldn't have passed out like last time, otherwise he'd probably have found a corpse instead of a living Kaito. People didn't last long in the sea at night, let alone in the winter at night.

"It lasted almost a whole day" He scoffed, at Kaito's raised brow he explained "I had to hide until it wore off" Unable to be there by Kaito's side. His gaze darkened "You were very close to death for a few days" It'd been terrifying, especially since he hadn't been able to do anything to help after reaching the clinic.

A whole day? That was very unexpected... Maybe the chemicals used to lessen Ginzo's pain had helped boost the effects. It wasn't as if he'd radically changed the formula or anything, or could it have been a fluke? Kaito grimaced, the only way to tell for sure was to have Ginzo try out both antidotes a few times to see which time had been the fluke, or if the added chemicals truly did boost the effects. If so, that would seriously help him in the creation of the final cure.

"What are you thinking about?" Judging by Kaito's face, it didn't seem good.

"It wasn't supposed to last that long according to my calculations..." Maybe he could make both a shorter cure and a longer cure that could be used depending on the situation "I'll need to do some more tests..." He frowned "And maybe have you take a few pills..." He didn't want to use Ginzo as a guinea pig, but the guy was the only one that the tests would work with.

Me: This was interesting to write~

Hope you enjoyed~

•~• chocolate and mint go together so well l~

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