56. Sneaky Antics

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1013 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

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Written March 17 2020
Posted April 27 2020

Kaito sat crossed legged, staring down nervously as he wrung his hands together, he'd told her everything, absolutely everything about his current situation. What does she think of him now? He was an international criminal.

"Oh Kai-chan" Mistressan paused, slate eyes softening "I mean Kaito" It was surprising to know that the reason why Kaito hadn't given her his proper name was because he hadn't actually had one. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a gentle hug "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She could have invited him to stay here, sure this wasn't the best place to live, but at least it was warm and had running water. She also wouldn't have made Kaito be like her full time, not that she'd ever tried to do that.

Indigo watered as he leaned into her touch, it was warm and felt safe. Sort of like how Ginzo made him feel whenever he was hugged "I was scared to fully trust people" He bit his lip "But recently I've been relying on others..." He paused, a small blush tinting his cheeks "And Keibu's actions sort of reminded me of how you treated me outside of my lessons" Ginzo had said that he loved him, and as much as he wanted to believe it, it was hard to. But if Mistressan felt the same way, maybe he could try to believe it.

Slate studied the boy for a few moments before she ruffled his hair "So he loves you too?" It was good to know that the inspector truly cared about Kaito.

"I'm sorry..." He'd disregarded her feelings and had just left without saying anything "I didn't think that it was possible for me to be loved anymore" Not since his parents had died, leaving him all alone to deal with the Crows.

"It's fine" She began to card her fingers through his hair "You've finally realized it and came back" Though since Kaito was now being financially supported, she probably wouldn't see him as much anymore. It was a bittersweet feeling.

Kaito sniffed, all this time he'd thought that he was alone, but he hadn't been. Mistressan may not have known much about his life, but she'd always tried to help him when she could "I don't know what to do anymore"

"About yourself? Or the inspector?" From what he'd told her, she'd easily realized just how little Kaito had cared about his own future. And if the inspector truly cared for Kaito, the poor guy was probably worried about him.

"I don't know" He shook his head "It's hard to plan when I've got to factor in how much my actions could hurt him" It was easier when he'd been oblivious.

Mistressan smirked "Loving and being loved is a give and take relationship. That's normal"

Ginzo blinked in surprise when his phone gave a short buzzing sound, both brows raising when he noted that it was a message from Kaito. Kaito rarely messaged him with his phone, mainly because they live in the same place. He opened the text to read it.

I've Kidnapped Kaito, surrender yourself Inspector

Below the text was a picture of Kaito, the boy was clearly unconscious. He didn't look roughed up thankfully, in fact he looked like he was sleeping on the blue sheet.

Don't speak to anyone, or he'll die

Come to the Velvet Lounge and ask for the Mistress

You have 1 hour

What, the, hell. How the hell had Kaito gotten caught?! He was supposed to have been just in his lab. Fear iced his veins as he swiftly opened his browser to look up the location, he couldn't let Kaito die. He didn't really read much about the place besides the address before leaving since there wasn't much time. Kaito had done so fucking much for him, he couldn't let him die.

Meanwhile Mistressan stifled a small giggle as she tucked Kaito into the bed, she'd never seen him so out of it. Her gaze softened a bit, the poor boy must still be exhausted from recent events. She glanced towards her dresser and sighed, she didn't like clothes, they were stifling. Though since the inspector probably wouldn't react well to her current state of undress, she'd have to put up with clothes like a normal person.

Since they were apparently two of the few adults that had some sway over Kaito, she figured that they needed to talk. The message she'd sent to the inspector also doubled as a test for the other. It would let her know just how much she could trust the guy with Kaito's safety. Kaito obviously wasn't as good at reading people as she'd thought since it had taken him so long to realize that she truly cared.

Mistressan popped her head out of the door "Hey Haru, can you stand near the inside of the door and look all scary for me please?" She inquired to one of the discreet security staff. She had them to protect the workers from the clients, though accidents still did happen occasionally. Though they never went as bad as they could have due to the security.

"Okay sure" The young man nodded, he had short black hair and brown eyes "For how long?"

Slate gleamed mischievously "Until a young boy comes, lead him to my room. But be a bit rough to scare him a bit" She stated "But not too rough" She didn't want to hurt the guy, just test him.

Ginzo stared warily at the building before glancing at his watch, there wasn't much time left. He swallowed, had Kaito been injured during the last hour? His gaze darkened, what if the picture had been taken hours ago, and they'd only decided to message him after realizing that Kaito wouldn't talk?

He shivered, bracing himself before approaching the entrance. He suddenly felt so vulnerable, he couldn't fight back like this. If only Kaito had given him another pill to hold onto before leaving.

"Come with me" A startled yelp escaped Ginzo's throat as he was suddenly yanked up by the collar of his shirt. He flailed, not liking how he was being carried, not daring to speak.

Me: This was very interesting to write~

Mistrassan hates clothes XP that's why she wasn't fully dressed when Kaito came

Hope you enjoyed~

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