57. Talking, Ideas

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1019 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written March 24 2020
Posted May 2 2020

Voting results in the end notes~

Ginzo blinked in surprise as he landed on the ground, he'd been thrown through a door. It thankfully hadn't hurt that much, the floor was covered in a soft carpet "Hello Nakamori-san" Ginzo's gaze whipped towards the origin of the voice, faltering a bit when he noted that it was a woman. She had long black hair that made it past her shoulders, and slate grey eyes. Though the fact that she was dressed in an oversized black T-shirt and grey sweatpants threw him off a bit. She didn't look like a criminal, but then again, appearances could be deceiving.

He bristled when he caught sight of Kaito, the boy was laying limply under blue silk sheets "What do you want?" He growled, his anger growing when the woman had the nerve to giggle.

Mistressan smirked, eyeing the inspector curiously "What I want" She paused, gaze softening as she smoothed some of Kaito's hair out of his face "Is to talk with you about Kaito"

She wanted to talk about Kaito? Ginzo didn't relax his stance, but did take a second to look at the boy. He didn't seem more hurt than before, but there were dried tear tracks on his face. Why had Kaito been crying? Especially around a stranger? He pursed his lips, meeting her gaze "Who are you?" Why was this woman acting so familiar with Kaito?

"Kaito calls me Mistressan, so that's what I go by" She reached over and scooped up the sleeping boy "Look at the poor thing, he's completely out" She let out a sigh as she propped Kaito in her lap, hugging the boy like a teddy bear. Kaito was adorable, but he'd never let her do this to him while he was awake.

Ginzo grimaced at how limp the boy was "He's not drugged?" That was alarming, and odd. He'd always assumed that the other wouldn't be able to sleep deeply around strangers due to his high paranoia. Yet this woman was hugging him like a teddy bear.

"No" A small frown crossed her lips "He's just exhausted" Mistressan breathed "Anyways, we need to talk about Kaito" Slate gleamed "He told me everything"

His jaw dropped, the information silencing him for a few moments "Who are you, to Kaito?" Kaito had never once mentioned Mistressan to him.

Mistressan's face twisted into a grimace "I'm the one who taught him about sex and pleasuring clients" Regret laced her voice as she looked down at the small boy in her arms. Kaito had been too young back then, and he was still too young.

Taught him? Rage filled Ginzo's vision, did that mean that she'd touched Kaito too? "What the fuck?!" He went to lunge at her but a clear glass suddenly popped up between them. The inspector banged  his fists against it, gritting his teeth "Why the hell did you encourage him?!" Did she even know how much it had bothered Kaito?! And that woman currently had her hands on him.

She bit her lip, eyes burning "I had no choice"

Ginzo snarled "You always have a choice!"

Mistressan shook her head "Kaito came to me for help" Her voice wavered "If I didn't agree" She shivered "There was a high chance of him going out on his own" Kaito's eyes even back then had been filled with determination "He wouldn't have had anyone watching over him to make sure that he was safe" Or at least as safe as he could be.

The inspector paused in his assault on the glass, that sounded awfully similar to how he was letting Kaito go out to do heists. His arms fell down to his sides "That does sound a lot like him" He bitterly replied. He eyed Kaito "He's still asleep..." That was worrying, he'd been quite loud.

She pressed a hidden button and the glass slid back down into the floor, she didn't think that the other was a threat to her, anymore "He's just been discharged before crying to you, then me" She laid Kaito down on the bed since she figured that the inspector would want to check on him "Emotions can be exhausting, especially for someone like Kaito"

Ginzo hurried over to check on Kaito, breathing out a sigh of relief when he noted that Kaito was truly sleeping "Why would he come here after leaving to be alone?"

Slate softened "Your words and actions towards Kaito, reminded him of how I treated him" She offered a small smile "He wanted to confirm that it was true, and not just him wanting it to be true"

For some reason that left a bitter feeling in his gut "Why is it so hard for him to truly believe that he can be loved?" Kaito hadn't been able to take his word as truth, he'd thought that there was more trust between them than that.

"Usually those who sell themselves have a low self esteem" She'd seen plenty of her friends break down over the years "That doubles in Kaito's case since he finally admitted to me today that he'd been using it to punish himself" She closed her eyes. Why hadn't she noticed the signs? Kaito's smile had been too bright for her to notice it's falseness. She'd failed in protecting his heart. She opened her eyes, slate were watery "He seriously didn't believe that I truly cared for him until you made him think"

Ginzo swallowed, so Kaito hadn't been lying to him. The boy had truly believed that he'd had no support besides him. He glanced down at Kaito "Do you think that he'll accept it now?" Mistressan had known Kaito far longer than him.

Mistressan pursed her lips "I'm not sure" She met his gaze "But we're the closest people that Kaito has for support" She tilted her head "I wouldn't mind trying to work together in order to make him feel loved" Kaito deserved it.

Having more than one person would definitely leave a bigger impact than one "Unlike me, you're not relying on him" Which should help "You technically have no reason to keep on his good side" So Kaito wouldn't have the possibility of it being fake eating at him. Just in case.

Me: This was interesting to write~

Protective dad mode Ginzo!

>^> berry messed up and got caught up in fanfic reading... midnight it is... she feels overtired now >^< gah... *proceeds to read more*

Hope you enjoyed~

'His Magic' will take up this book's Monday timeslot due to the voting outcome ^-^

... I'm kinda relieved since it gives me an extra free day •~•

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