6. Realisation

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1009 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~ Meow~

Written September 12 2019
Posted September 16 2019
NEXT UPDATE: Thursday September 24 2019

I'm changing the update day to Thursdays due to a magical reason

Seeing nothing else of significant interest to him for the moment, Ginzo decided to head outside to inspect the exterior of the building. He couldn't really place his current location besides some place in the woods, though which woods, he wasn't sure. He'd never really cared much to know the locations of most of the woodlands within Tokyo. Though he did know that they certainty weren't in the Edoka district anymore, he was at least familiar with the woods in that area. Many thieves had run into those woods in an attempt to evade capture, and he was pretty sure that a sketchy building would have been the first place that said thieves would have headed to.

The outside of the building was interesting to say the least, it was much larger than it had initially seemed to be. Though Ginzo also had to take into account that most of the rooms had been boarded up. The building was an old one, he could easily tell at first glance that it had to be at least over 100 years old mainly because of the building materials that'd been used to build it. The sunken wood looked like it had maybe once been painted a nice shade of grey, though Ginzo wasn't positive on that. As he circled the building he couldn't help but notice that the only real exit besides the shabbily partially boarded and clear windows was the door that he'd exited from. That was a major building violation even if he disregarded its state of disrepair. Ginzo had a small smile on his lips, proud that studying building structures had paid off. It was a useful skill to have since Kid liked to replace things often, especially walls.

Eventually, after wondering how the hell the building was still standing, Ginzo just decided that either Kaito or his Mother had reinforced the building without making that fact obvious. He nodded, that seemed like a good way to deter others from inhabiting their dummy house "So you didn't leave" Ginzo couldn't help but jump at the unexpected voice, he hadn't heard anything approach him.

"Shit!" The inspector cursed, whirling around to see Kaito standing idly "A brown plastic bag nestled in his arms. Kaito snickered as he held out the bag in offering, which Ginzo accepted. Though not without a little suspicion. "Can you not sneak up on me?" He scowled, being snuck up on while one thought that they were alone in the woods is not fun. It also often didn't turn out well.

Kaito blinked, tilting his head slightly to the side in thought before a small smile tugged at his lips "Sorry" He amended, now looking a little sheepish "It's kind of a habit" Ginzo scoffed at that, of course he'd have weird habits. "But I'll try my best to not sneak up on you by accident" He promised, inwardly smirking. There was no way he was going to stop sneaking up on Ginzo completely. Sneaking up on people was fun.

Ginzo gave him a sceptical look before glancing down at the bag in his hands "That house is fucking creepy by the way" He muttered as he pulled out a loaf of bread, a very small block of cheese, and a few ham cold-cuts. His eyes narrowed at the oddness of the items "Wouldn't it have been easier to just buy some sandwiches?" He inquired, having not expected the boy to use the healthier route.

Indigos widened, Kaito looked somewhat appalled "Do you know how expensive pre-made sandwiches are?" He inquired, feeling a little disappointed despite the fact that he should have really expected the question. When he received a confused look in response Kaito shook his head, letting out a small sigh "It's cheaper to buy the ingredients than to buy a sandwich" He scolded, both hands on his hips. He waved towards the sketchy building "By both my appearance, and my house not give away the fact that I'm tight on money?" He stated, having thought Ginzo was smarter than that. Ginzo was lucky enough that Kaito had gotten him fresh food rather than what he normally ate. He'd figured that the guy had needed a serious break and got the good stuff.

The inspector gaped, looking back at the house than at Kaito, the boy was borderline dangerously thin. Horror dawned upon him, his face paled a few shades. What would Kaito look like if he didn't have any muscle meat on him? The boy was too young for his muscles to be too visibly developed, but he knew the boy had to have a good amount of muscle. He was Kid after all. "That isn't just some dummy house?" He choked out, how the hell did the guy get all his fancy tools then? The props he'd seen Kid use couldn't be that cheap.

A good amount of Kaito's ire faded at Ginzo's words. The other's self drawn conclusion wasn't really that bad, though it was still wrong. Kaito let out a breath "No, all money I find or earn usually goes towards heists" His goal was more important to him than living in comfort, that and he didn't really enjoy his money 'job' that much. He paused "Though I'm thinking of going on a little hiatus until we get everything sorted out with you" He finished.

Ginzo grimaced, the Kaitou Kid was living in a crumbling building that didn't even have running water. He blinked suddenly concerned "How will we bathe if there's no running water?" Surely Kaito had to have some way to bathe, he'd never really seemed dirty at heists.

A wide Kid grin spread across Kaito's face "There's a steady stream not far from here" He snickered at Ginzo's shocked look "Don't worry, I do have proper hygiene items, and hopefully things will be sorted before winter"

"Wouldn't we get sick in the winter?" Ginzo inquired, a little fearful.

"Nah, you eventually adjust to it" Kaito smirked "And for other bathroom needs..." His voice trailed off ominously for dramatic effect "We are in a forest" He finished.

Me: Poor Ginzo... but also poor little Kaito~ at least he's not alone anymore~

Hope you enjoyed~

Ah~ Berry remembers how much of a little shit she was when she first started writing in 2014... her main goal was to make her readers attached before ripping their hearts out and crushing them~

Berry has mellowed a lot since then ^~^ her goal now is emotions, both good and bad~

This story is intended to be a 'feel good' story in the end~ unless berry for some reason goes askew in writing XP

Death threats used to be expected XP and meant that she was doing good~

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