60. Heist? So Soon?...

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1016 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

~Yay 60k Words~

Written April 9 2020
Posted May 23 2020

When he woke up, Kaito felt sick, his mouth also felt really dry. Yuck, he wasn't going to take those meds again. At least he couldn't feel any pain "You drugged me" The boy whined, sitting back up.

Ginzo offered a sheepish grin from his place on the couch "I didn't know that they were that strong" The TV was on, but not very loud. Kaito eyed Ginzo with suspicion for a few moments before deciding that the other was telling the truth. 'Do you think that Kid will succeed in tonight's heist?' Both males froze at the news, Ginzo sent Kaito a firm glare "You didn't" His growl was threatening. Kaito wasn't in a good enough condition to do a heist, it was too soon.

The boy swallowed, sending the TV a nervous glance "I didn't" He bit his lip, suddenly feeling a bit scared. He shook his head, clearing the stupid thought, he couldn't be scared "But if it's not a challenge" He paused "Then it might be the Crows..." They might want to affirm if he was dead, and finish the job if he wasn't.

The inspector switched the TV off "You're not going" He'd physically knock the boy out if he really had to. Kaito was weak, and kept passing out, even before he'd accidentally drugged him. Kaito was likely to die if he went out as Kid right now, he was sure of it. So he wouldn't let Kaito go out.

Kaito opened his mouth to protest, but stopped when he spotted the genuine fear on the other's face. Ginzo was really scared for him. He lowered his gaze as he fiddled with his hands, he didn't want to do a heist right now, and Ginzo didn't want him to either "Okay" He was tired.

Ginzo blinked, having expected that he'd have more of a fight "You're not going to fight me on this?" He inquired. It was concerning that Kaito had given in so easily.

The boy let out a small sigh, shoulders drooping a bit "I'm tired" and scared for some reason "I don't want to do the heist either" He just wanted to curl up and go to sleep.

"It's okay to be tired" Ginzo breathed, the boy really did look tired, though he doubted that it was in a physical sense. Kaito had rested enough, so the boy was most likely tired mentally "Everyone gets tired once in a while"

Kaito's fingers curled into fists. What would happen when Kid didn't show up? Would they take a hostage to lure him out? Or would they assume that he was finally dead? He didn't want to think about it "Let's stay away from the media tonight" If he didn't hear anything, he'd be less likely to do something stupid. He offered a strained smile.

He easily saw through the smile but still nodded in agreement "I have no problem with that" If it meant keeping Kaito away from the heist, staying off the internet would be worth it. It wasn't like he didn't have books he could read in the meantime.

The boy was silent for a few moments "Since I'm not going to be leaving anytime soon, do you want to do some tests with the cure?" He wanted to see if it was a fluke, or if the added chemicals had boosted the cure. It also gave him another reason to stay because he needed to observe the effects.

"There are some pills here?" He'd thought that Kaito would have kept most of them hidden.

Kaito nodded "Yeah, I figured that you were mature enough to not go looking for them without my permission" Ginzo could be rash, but he'd mellowed a bit. It also helped that he'd actually be able to do more things as he was since the identity 'Ginga' wasn't a target. He got up, wobbling a bit before steadying himself. He then walked over towards the couch, crouched down, and retrieved two bottles of pills. Kaito eyed the contents of both bottles, maybe he should make them different colours. He could only tell them apart since the newer pills were slightly bigger.

Ginzo raised a brow "Why were they under the couch?" Anyone could have easily found them.

Indigo gleamed a bit "It may seem obvious, but it's also too obvious of a place to hide anything valuable" There weren't many places to look in their apartment, and he'd needed them to be in a place that Ginzo could reach, just in case something happened "Most valuables are generally hidden in rooms" Where the owner could protect them easier.

That made some sense "Which pill am I taking?" Kaito had both, and the boy did say tests.

"The newer one" He didn't like seeing Ginzo in pain "If it works in the same way consistently, you won't need to take the older version as often" He frowned after speaking "Though it would be useful to have for some situations" He undid the cap on one of the bottles and handed Ginzo the pill. Maybe he'd make the newer ones purple and the older ones blue instead of half and half for both. Maybe blue raspberry for the purple one since it's more tasty, and grape for the blue. That way the less painful one would have both the best colour, and the best taste. But then the new flavouring might affect the drug since the chemicals would be different. He'd think more on it later.

"Okay" The inspector headed over towards the kitchen sink, fetching a glass of water before downing it with the pill. At least it tasted a whole lot better than most pills. A gasp escaped him the moment he set the glass down, a dull yet strong thrum coursed through his body. He staggered, clutching his chest, gasping as he felt himself start to change.

His vision was a bit blurry, but it quickly cleared. Ginzo noted that he had a blanket wrapped around him, and that he'd ended up seated on the floor "I've got to stop forgetting about my clothes" He gave a weak laugh, grateful that Kaito had easily removed his clothes.

Me: So Kaito actually decided to skip a heist... That's odd of him

Did the title make anyone worry?

I hope you enjoyed zee chappy~

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