70. Confliction, Worry, Plans

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1008 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

~Yay 70k Words~

Written June 30 2020
Posted August 15 2020

Kaito could feel himself trembling as he stared blankly at the screen, it had been around 70, he glanced at the time, 71 hours since the threat towards his moonlight persona had been made. Indigo burned, 70 children had died because of him, because he'd been too scared to check the news before now. The only reason why 71 kids hadn't died was due to the fact that he'd actually been targeted. The boy swallowed feeling sick, the shooter had to be stopped "I-" He lowered his head "I need to stop them" So many kids had been killed just for the sake of luring him out.

Ginzo wrapped a hand around the boy's wrist before Kaito could even manage to make a move "You can't go out there" His tone was firm "They're eventually going to come to the conclusion that you're dead so it should stop soon" Because there was no way that Kaitou Kid would willingly let so many children die if he could stop it. His gaze darkened "You also promised not to leave"

The boy curled in on himself, a small whine building in the back of his throat "I can't just sit here and do nothing now that I know" He wasn't the kind of person to do that, it was against his nature "What about a day heist?" It would both tell the Crows that he was still alive and be less risky.

"It's still too dangerous" The inspector breathed, the Crows were acting crazy so he didn't want Kaito to risk it.

Kaito lowered his gaze "Technically every heist is dangerous" If the police ever caught him, he'd probably be dead.

Misty frowned "Maybe a small in and out heist?" Ginzo gave her a dark look "The target could be just a small gem" She didn't think that Kaito would be able to handle doing nothing.

Ginzo scowled "But then the Crows would know that they could easily manipulate Kid" There'd be more and more hostage situations until they eventually asked for Kid himself. It was a wonder that they hadn't done so in the first place instead of just asking for him to show up. It was odd.

The boy chewed a bit on his bottom lip, the inspector had a good point. It'd be a lot more dangerous if the Crows knew how easily they could tie his hands "How many kids will die until they stop?" What if they didn't stop? Either way, he was pretty sure that the next heist would have a lot less fans around.

Over 70 dead children in less than a week was bad, even he knew that. Ginzo could understand where Kaito was coming from, but at the same time, he didn't want the boy to do a heist so soon "They can't keep this stunt up forever" He breathed, it was attracting too much attention as it was. Soon the big guns would be pulled out to catch the child killers, he figured that the higher ups were already scrambling to get measures set up.

"It'll be worse at the next heist if I do nothing" Kaito countered. The police wouldn't be as friendly towards him.

"Kaito" The boy blinked up at Misty "What if Kaitou Kid stays dead?" Slate softened a bit when the other's eyes widened "You could use this as an out to live a normal life. Kid would be assumed to be dead since his last sighting was of him getting shot" She ruffled the boy's hair "Or Kid could return years from now under the guise of healing from a serious injury" Misty offered a small smile "You'd be older, and would have had a lot more time to allow you to heal" Mentally.

Kaito's eyes watered, it was tempting, so very tempting "I'm not going to lay low and let them hurt more people in their silly search" He sucked in a breath "If Kid is to disappear, then Pandora has to do so with him" Which isn't likely, so he'd have to take down the Crows instead. He met her gaze "It'd be too suspicious if we potentially fake finding Pandora anytime soon" It'd also take a while to figure out how to make a realistic gem to play the role of Pandora. The Crows would have to see both the glow, and the destruction of the gem. How could he make a gem glow without using items that'd give away the fact that it was fake? "Keibu would also have to wait to see his daughter again if the Crows are still around"

Ginzo let out a weary sigh, feeling like he was twice his true age "If you do the day heist, you're not allowed to endanger yourself" At Kaito's confused look he explained "Ignore any hostages, and make your actions look like you're more injured than you are to clear your name" He couldn't believe that he was agreeing to this.

Indigo lit up at the other's words as Kaito gave him a firm nod "I won't do any fancy tricks to show off" He hesitated a bit before continuing "And I won't risk myself for a hostage" His head lowered, fingers curling into fists "I can't let myself be taken down" He didn't want to die, especially not before he could cure Ginzo and reunite him with his daughter.

Misty leaned over to wrap the boy up in a hug, she was worried, but proud of Kaito "Thank you" She then let the boy go "If I know anything about you" Slate gleamed "Then I know that the heist is going to be tomorrow isn't it?" Today would be too soon.

Kaito gave a small nod, a fragile smile on his lips "Yeah, most likely at noon" Now all he had to do was find a simple gem that wouldn't take too much effort to steal. Maybe he'd target the same museum as the one that he stole the Blue Birthday from, it was quite close so he wouldn't have to go far to get to safety.

Me: This was interesting to write~

Hope you enjoyed~

•~•..... *cackles*

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