76. Pirate Talk

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1021 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written September 17 2020
Posted October 10 2020

Kaito flushed as he walked into the kitchen, the place still had a lingering burning smell to it "Thanks, it looks good" He stated as he took a seat. Neither the bread nor eggs were burnt.

"It does" Ginzo agreed, he then glanced at Kaito. The boy's eye was covered again with bandages "What sort of eye patch are you going to get to tide you over?" He inquired, remembering that the other was planning to get a very realistic false eye eventually. The bandages were doing the job just fine, but it would probably be easier to just get a proper cover for his eye.

"Oh" Misty suddenly had a mischievous grin "I once saw ones that you can print a design on in a cosplay store"

"A cosplay store?" Ginzo was confused.

Misty nodded "Some of my clients are interesting" She offered, giving a shrug "But anyways, you could get the Kaitou Kid logo on it"

Kaito winced, patting the inspector on the back when the guy choked on his food "Misty, that's just mean" His tone was scolding, but indigo was gleaming with amusement. It would actually be quite fun to do that, but he wouldn't mess with Ginzo like that "I think that I might just get a simple black one"

"But that's too boring" Misty argued. If Kaito had to get one, it might as well be fun.

"Which means that it won't attract as much attention" The boy countered with a grin. He tilted his head "You have anything against pirates?" He didn't bother to hold in his snicker.

"... I'm going to buy you a pirate hat" Misty vowed "One with a big purple feather on top" And she'd bring her camera. It would be a crime not to.

"Just try not to become anymore like a pirate" Ginzo sighed, he would not tolerate the other going for a hook or a peg leg "Thieving and an eye patch is enough" He added, noting that the boy was less zoned out than before. That was good, maybe it was because they were having a conversation.

Kaito smiled, gaze soft "I have absolutely no plans to become more like a pirate" An eye didn't matter, but his limbs kinda did. He couldn't risk having his mobility compromised. The three of them easily finished their breakfast "I'm going to watch some Tv" He breathed once he finished drying the dishes and putting them away. This way he wouldn't stress out the inspector even though he really wanted to start his work on the cure back up. The thought of using Saguru's fancy lab that he'd accidentally acquired temporary ownership of made him hopeful, if not still a bit guilty.

Ginzo let out a relieved breath, glad that the other wasn't planning to head out in his current state "That seems like a good plan" He turned towards Misty "Are you staying or going?"

"I've got to go sort some things out at the lounge before work" She admitted. She'd neglected a few things due to her worry for Kaito, so she had to go. It wouldn't be right to push off her responsibilities onto the other workers.

"Ah, okay" The inspector felt a bit bad at how when he thought about what Misty's job was, he couldn't help but grimace a bit.

The next week passed by peacefully, Kaito had zoned out a lot during the week, but he hadn't managed to hurt himself as a result of it. Though that hadn't meant that there hadn't been any close calls. The boy had ended up getting banned from the kitchen until he got his head back on straight. Watching Kaito chop vegetables had just been too nerve wracking for the inspector so he'd put a stop to it before any incidents could occur.

Misty hadn't really shown up a lot due to being busy, but she had managed to drop off a simple black eye patch for Kaito. The boy had been pleased after putting it on to find out that it was soft and comfortable, more so than the bandages had been. It also didn't make the area around it sweaty or stick to him. Misty had bought him 7 more of the same make for some reason after seeing the other's approval of it.

"I'm not sure how comfortable I am getting my picture taken..." Kaito shifted nervously, glancing at the camera that Misty had brought.

"It'll be fine" Slate gleamed "This isn't connected to anything like my phone" She assured "You don't exist in the system anyways so a picture of you won't be dangerous. You'd just be a random boy" It was impossible to connect a random child to someone like Kaitou Kid.

Kaito blushed, covering his face with the pirate hat that'd been on his head "I'd thought that you were joking" He'd actually forgotten about her promise.

"You look great Kaito" Adorable actually, slate softened "Just a few pictures?" She'd gotten the boy to dress up in some blue pirate clothes, had even gotten a purple eye patch with a skull and crossbones on it for this. The only black bits were the hat, and cat ears that she'd insisted on. Misty gently took the hat and plopped it on Kaito's head, making sure that the cat ears were sticking out and visible.

It wasn't like he hadn't worn worse right? Kaito's shoulders slumped with defeat "Fine, just no really weird poses"

Ginzo snorted, shaking his head in exasperation from the couch. He couldn't really see why Kaito was putting up a fuss, the boy had often dressed up oddly for heists all the time "You lost the moment you agreed to try the clothing on"

Kaito stuck his tongue out in response, knowing that the inspector was right, blinking at the sudden flash from the camera "I wasn't ready!" He flushed at the thought of the undoubtedly childish picture, there was another flash.

"You looked ready" Misty teased, taking a few more pictures before putting the camera away. If she annoyed Kaito too much, he might sabotage how the pictures developed since the camera was one of those cool old ones that required the film to be developed.

Me: So Kaito has an eye patch finally~ Bandages were a waste

XD though the timing is kinda funny considering @JennieRightMeow drew a pic of this Kaito with one a few days before this chappy was posted. And no, I gave no spoilers to her XP

Hope you enjoyed~

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