88. Care, Unease, Realize

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1050 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written January 2 2021
Posted January 23 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on February 6 2021

Ginzo couldn't help the snort that escaped him at the other's comment, Kaito didn't seem worried or alarmed, just annoyed "How did you even manage to meet up with that girl?" He inquired, not remembering her ever giving them instructions on how to contact her. He turned his gaze away from the boy since Kaito was glowing too brightly to comfortably look at for longer than a few moments.

Kaito grimaced, a shiver running through him "The moment I had safely got away with each gem, I was suddenly transported to a creepy occult room" There had been countless oddly shaped sculls strung and hung about the room, ones that he couldn't identify, and ones that couldn't possibly be from this world. It had been so creepy, especially since they'd been shadowed by blue flamed candles. The witch had even laughed condescendingly at his glowing predicament! Rude.

"That doesn't sound disturbing at all" The inspector sarcastically replied, glad that Kaito at least seemed to be okay.

The boy quickly nodded in agreement "I know!" He tucked his knees to his chest with a pout "She didn't even say anything" Only laugh "She just did some crazy magic, tossed the gems at me, then warped me away" Kaito rested his chin on his knees "I puked each time" Apparently warping was very disorientating. He already hated it.

Ginzo grimaced at that "I would suggest just waiting to eat until after, but then you might end up throwing up stomach acid instead"

Kaito sighed "Yeah, that would probably be worse" He leaned his head back against the couch, frowning "I didn't even get the chance to ask her about how to deal with the dangerous gem I located" Was asking the witch for help truly not an option?

The inspector turned to Kaito with alarm, before promptly grimacing at the brightness. Moments later he blinked in surprise when he suddenly had sunglasses on "You can try asking her next time you go out" He suggested, not bothering to comment on the new item. He was relieved that Kaito hadn't attempted to touch anything he deemed dangerous "What gem was it?"

"Ah, it was the Lupus Morsus" Kaito gave a wry grin "Even the name sounds kinda dangerous"

"... I only understand the wolf part" Ginzo admitted, he wasn't the best with Latin, but some words were hard to not know.

"Understandable" Indigo gleamed "The translation is Wolf Bite, and I am not dealing with wolves on top of creepy and deadly witches" He wasn't that stupid, he at least had some self preservation "Though... " He put a contemplative look on his face "Wouldn't becoming a werewolf be cool?" He couldn't just pass this chance at messing with the other

Horrified at the thought of losing Kaito, Ginzo grabbed his shoulders "No" He gave the boy a small shake "Most stories involving forced changes also say that the person goes mad or is never the same" He resisted the urge to squeeze Kaito in favour of meeting the boy's gaze "I don't want to lose you like that, not after all we've been through together" Kaito was his kid, how could he not be after all this? The only one who could possibly have a claim was Misty.

Oh, Kaito blushed, feeling all warm and fuzzy at how much Ginzo cared while at the same time feeling like an ass. He lowered his gaze away from the other "I'm sorry, I was just joking" He should have known better, the inspector was already high strung with concern for him as it was "I'm not going to intentionally get hit by dangerous magic, I'll do what I can to work around it"

Ginzo let go of the boy, relieved "Sorry for grabbing you, I was just..." Scared "Worried, I don't like all this magic stuff" He couldn't do anything to fight against it.

Kaito shook his head, cheeks still a bit red "It's fine, I knew you were high strung from everything, I shouldn't have attempted such a bad joke" Ginzo hadn't hurt him, just startled him for a brief moment "I know that I now have people that really care for me" It was something that he'd never dared to wish for "But sometimes I forget since it's still so new to me" It was hard since he's been alone for so long, and even before that his parents had been too on edge and busy to show much affection.

The inspector's gaze softened "We should go sleep, we're both tired"

"Okay" Kaito was fine with that "I'm going out again..." He paused to check the time "Tonight" It was past midnight. He offered a soft grin "I guess my schedule will go back to how it was when I was working nights"

Ginzo frowned "You know that you don't have to rush right? Maybe you could go every other day instead of every night?" He didn't want the boy to push himself too hard "Wouldn't being hit by too much different kinds of magic be bad for you?" Even if none of it was really dangerous.

"Keibu" Kaito's voice was soft as his hands fiddled together. The look in his eye was sad "Every day I rest, is another day that you're separated from your daughter" His shoulders slumped, he didn't want Ginzo to be able to go back, he wanted the other to stay with him "I promised that I'd get the two of you together again, so I've really gotta work hard" It felt difficult to smile, but he did so anyways.

The inspector was silent as he took in Kaito's words, the boy was right. He eyed the boy, Kaito was visibly sad, he was failing at his attempt to look happy. That made Ginzo's chest hurt, Kaito was upset enough that even his acting skills couldn't cover it up "You don't want to help" He breathed in realization. Kaito was acting weird before too.

Kaito froze, face scrunching up in confusion "Of course I want to help you, I'm not going to abandon you"

Ginzo smiled "I know that, but I meant that you don't want what comes after everything is done" Or what he thinks will happen. The inspector ruffled the frozen boy's hair "You're my kid too, not just Aoko" Kaito often mentioned getting him and Aoko together, but where would that leave him?

Me: Ginzo has realized why Kaito acts weird sometimes~ Yay... 

How will Kaito react?...

Hope you enjoyed~

I've been using soft toothbrush for a long time since that's actually what people are supposed to use, but I recently accedentally bought a medium...

It felt so rough, I was shocked and confused until I fished out the package to read that it was the wrong kind >^< Never knew toothbrush could hurt

•^• The store mixed them up since only one was medium and I got them all from the same place (I buy in bulk)

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