9. Thoughts

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1004 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own MK/DC~

★♡☆ ★♡☆★♡☆ ★♡☆★♡☆ ★♡☆★♡
~~~Berry has 2k followers~~~
~She so happy~
★♡☆ ★♡☆★♡☆ ★♡☆★♡☆ ★♡☆★♡

Written September 14 2019
Posted October 27 2019

Extra update in celebration of 2K+ followers~

I chose to update this story since it had the least parts posted so far~

If he somehow survived? That didn't really sit well with the inspector. Kaito's words made it seem like the boy didn't even care about whether he died or not. The person behind Kid wasn't supposed to have a dull outlook on life, not with how energetic he could be at heists. More importantly, children shouldn't have such a dull outlook either "You really don't have any other plans for your life besides those two options?" Ginzo grit out.

"Not really" Kaito smiled "Didn't I sort of promise to you that I wasn't going to run?" He breathed, Kaito wasn't a fool. He knew that once he was in police custody, the higher ups would use his capture for their own personal gain. There was almost no chance of him being let go because he was just a child. He was nearing the age group where kid's have actually been arrested before due to special circumstances. If Kaitou Kid wasn't special, Kaito didn't know what was. He was technically an international jewel thief, so he could possibly be bargained off to a different country. He just hoped it wasn't Russia or some other country he'd heard scary stories of. So with his future already chosen for him, he didn't really have any other dreams besides his goal.

The inspector grimaced "What if you weren't arrested?" He inquired, at Kaito's confused look he shrugged "I'm just curious about the kind of person you are" He easily replied, it was technically the truth.

The boy let out a thoughtful hum "Then I'd like to go to school and do other kid things" He'd always felt at least a little bit envious whenever he spotted someone heading towards a school. He didn't really understand why he often herd people complain about it, he'd have happily taken their place if he could.

"Just school?" Ginzo asked "Nothing further than that?" It was an interesting answer, especially since he'd been expecting an answer along the lines of 'becoming a famous magician' or something.

Weary indigos met Ginzo's gaze "I think that's a high enough ambition for now, especially since it's impossible" He flashed a bright smile, not wanting the thought to bring him down "I checked up on your daughter"

Ginzo perked up at the mention of his daughter "Is she doing okay?!" He asked, leaning a bit into the other's personal space. He couldn't help it, Aoko was the only gift from his wife he had left, and he loved Aoko to bits.

"She's as well as can be expected considering the circumstances" He replied, eyes darkening "She is under the impression that her father has died, leaving her an orphan after all" Kaito finished, sympathy flooding through him. He could easily connect with Aoko on that part, but at least her father could eventually return to her. Kaito's couldn't. He counted her lucky in at least that aspect. Ginzo sagged at the thought that his daughter was probably crying her eyes out for him. Indigos gleamed "You better not think about telling her that you're actually alive" Kaito's voice was edged with warning "Tears spent are more preferable to blood being spent" Kaito breathed "And blood is exactly what will be spent if you approach her in any way" He reminded him.

Ginzo clenched his fists "She's my daughter" He grit out. His little girl was probably miserable, and he couldn't do anything to help her. He felt like he was failing as a parent. Why the hell didn't he think about her feelings sooner?!

Kaito knelt down a bit to clasp Ginzo's shoulder reassuringly "Trust me, in the long run she'd be more happy if you eventually returned alive and well" Indigos gleamed "Speaking from experience, she'd just be happy that you're alive rather than dead" He breathed. So many times he'd wished that his parents hadn't actually died, that they'd instead left him to go into hiding. He'd hoped, despite the fact that he'd been the one to bury their bodies. It was one of his stupidly irrational dreams that he just couldn't seem to disperse.

The inspector's eyes cleared a bit when he'd met the other's gaze. He'd momentarily forgotten that Kaito had been in the same situation as his daughter at one point. The only difference was that Kaito had been younger and was a real orphan. "I'll take your word for it" He replied, Kaito was wise despite his age, and had experience on the subject. He wasn't opposed to taking good advice from those younger than him, good advice was good advice.

"I promise to do my best in order to allow your daughter to have her father back" Kaito vowed, broken families were one of the things he hated most.

Ginzo felt a little reassured from that. Kid always did his absolute best to keep to his word. "So how will I get back to my original body?" He inquired, he guessed that Kaito had some sort of secret lab somewhere. A lot of Kid's tools were complex chemical smoke bombs, harmless, of course.

"I know a good amount of biochemistry" At Ginzo's raised brow he explained "I needed to make sure none of my tricks harmed you guys so I ran the chemical formulas across the DNA of the entire task force" He waved a hand at Ginzo's shocked look, DNA was long and tedious to read. "I already have your original sequence memorised, you're chromosomes too" He flashed a grin "I just need to create a substance that will replicate you're old biological code, and maybe even lengthen some of your telomeres while I'm at it" He shrugged "I don't have a sample of the original poison, but having you're original biological code should help in picking  out the changes and secluding them" He finished.

Ginzo coughed into his hand awkwardly "I'm not really sure that I understand all of what you just said" He paused "But the conclusion is that you have an idea of where to start?" He was a cop, not a chemist.

Kaito snickered "That's about it" He replied.

Me: Kaito is trying a different route than Ai since he doesn't her background with zee drug~

Hope you enjoyed zee extra chappy~

What is your fav and least fave veggie?

Berry's fave is steamed broccoli~ Least fav is peas (all raw veggie are no no for berry who grew up on mushy canned stuff XP)

Berry can't wait for snow >~< snow means ice, and ice means people fall down~ which makes berry happy~

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