94. A Needed Talk, Concern

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1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written February 26 2021
Posted March 20 2021

NEXT UPDATE is on April 3 2021

Kaito's shoulders slumped when he peeked out the door only to come face to face with the inspector. Yeah, he wouldn't be able to get away without talking first "Do we have to?" He complained, despite knowing that the answer was obviously yes.

Ginzo sighed, not wanting to force the other even though he knew that it needed to be done "Kaito, we really need to talk" They couldn't keep living like this, it wasn't good for either of them. He crossed his arms "Now are we going to talk with me blocking the door, or are you willing to talk in the living room?" Not talking wasn't an option.

"We can go to the living room" Kaito decided after a few moments. Ginzo was very persistent, once the guy set his mind on doing something, it was hard to get him to change it. He may as well save the both of them the trouble that him running away would cause.

The inspector nodded, stepping to the side to allow Kaito to pass before following the other to the living room. Kaito sat down on the couch, he remained standing, close, but not close enough to be rude since the boy didn't seem keen on contact right now "Why does the fact that I care for you upset you so much?" Ginzo inquired. He knew why Kaito had run away, he just wanted to know why the boy had felt like he needed to.

Indigos lowered, eyeing the ground as if it were more interesting than it actually was "I care about you a lot" Over the months Ginzo had moved from someone he idolized to someone that he saw as a fatherly figure, being around the inspector was nice. Kaito's fingers curled into fists as he rested them on his knees "I don't think that things will end well for me" He admitted softly "It will hurt less if we distance ourselves before things go south" Maybe if he told the truth, Ginzo might understand and listen, maybe.

"Why do you think that?" They were doing so well, all things considered. Their progress was fantastic when compared to how things were in the beginning. Ginzo had to stop himself from moving closer "You know that I wouldn't let things turn out bad right?" The inspector eyed Kaito curiously "Don't you?"

Kaito gave a small nod "I believe that you'd do your best to help me" His fingers unclenched then clenched "But things are getting a lot more dangerous, I don't want to die anymore" The boy winced, practically feeling the other's concern "But I might mess up, and even if I don't..." Kaito pulled his legs up, tucking them to his chest as he leaned against the back of the couch "I'll have to pay for my crimes like I promised that I would" At first he hadn't cared much about it, but now he didn't want to give up what he had. He was selfish like that "And having me locked up would make you upset"

While Ginzo really really wanted to talk about the dying part, he refrained and instead stuck to the current topic since the other was spoken of in past tense "You won't be locked up" There was no way that he'd let that happen "Hakuba-san is fond of you too, so he wouldn't allow that to happen" While Danashi wasn't all that present in their lives, the guy really did care about Kaito. Why else would he have done all that he had to help them?

The boy bit his lip "I know that, but favouritism shouldn't be allowed when it comes to crimes" People shouldn't get away with their crimes due to their status or connections. Danashi caring shouldn't matter, even if some gifts proved otherwise.

"Yeah, but that's not how things work in the real world Kaito" Ginzo stated, even horrible criminals could get away if they had the right people in their pocket or enough influence. It was another reason why he preferred working in Division 2, it was less heartbreaking to have a thief walk free instead of a murderer or worse "We made a bet, and I'm not planning on losing it" He would not allow Kaito to go to jail, his opinion on the topic was a lot stronger than it'd initially been "There are better ways you can make up for your crimes than just sitting in jail" Not to mention that if Kaito did somehow go to jail, he'd leak the circumstances to the boy's fans. The riots should be enough to get Kaito free.

Oh, he remembered that bet... "Still"

Ginzo cut Kaito off "I'd be more upset if something happened to you and the time we'd had together was wasted because you'd been afraid of hurting my feelings" He cautiously sat down beside the other, feeling relieved when Kaito showed no sign of wanting him to move away "Stop thinking about the final outcome and just think about any current problems that pop up"

That, that made some sense. Kaito's eyes watered though no tears fell "I'll have to think about future problems when it comes to the antidote" He retorted, just for the sake of being uncooperative.

The inspector snorted "That's fine" He offered a small smile "I'm an adult, I can deal with being upset so don't base your actions around whether or not something will upset me or not" Ginzo paused "Unless it involves avoidable harm or injury, then think about how upset I'd be to see you hurt"

Kaito eyed Ginzo curiously, wondering if he should test that out to see how he'd react "I got hurt a week ago"

Ginzo frowned when Kaito uncurled his left hand, lifting it up to wiggle all four fingers in front of his face. Wait, four? "What the fuck happened?" Ginzo snatched the hand to eye it more closely, the pinky finger was missing though the knuckle joint looked like it'd healed well.

"Akako sliced it off after a gem bit me, she didn't explain anything besides saying that I just barely escaped death"

"A gem bit you?" What the fuck?

Me: I wanted to slice off one of Kaito's fingers for so long... This Kaito doesn't want to be a magician there should be less anger than if it was normal Kaito XP Fingers aren't as important to this one~

Hope you enjoyed~

°^° I am sad, been getting very few MK/DC updates recently... For a while now actually...

QAQ I hate when I have to inevitably remove stories from my library

I check other websites the first day of each month for the previous month's updates... And tags for Wattpad...

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