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It was raining? Ok that was expected but the two boys didn't know what to do. Usually when it rained Katsuki would just sit in the gym alone, but now he wanted to know where Shoto was. Plus the blonde spent his valuable time making them both lunch so he needed Shoto to eat it.

Katsuki looked for Shoto during lunch, quickly heading over to the others class hoping to catch him. But he didn't find him anywhere. The thing that really pisses him off is he can't ask anyone where Shoto is or rumors will spread.

People love to talk, especially talk about the so called demon he was. Some just wanted to get revenge on him, some wanted him kicked out of school, and the rest just love drama. He never really cared but deep inside he didn't want Shoto caught up in his shit. Was he growing soft for Shoto? Definitely. Would he ever admit that? Definitely not.

Katsuki just heads to the gym and eats his lunch there. But the silence eating at him instead. Never has he ever been so upset that he was alone and in a beautiful silence. Once the lunch bell rings he leaves the gym and laughter rings through his ears. What the hell was happening. He peers across one of the hallways to see a frantic broccoli, mochi, and sonic circle a soaking wet Pokeball.

Katsuki couldn't believe it. Shoto went outside to the spot anyway even though it was pouring out! What was the dumbass thinking? Katsuki stomped over on instinct feeling the usual stares, everyone expecting some kind of fight.

Everything inside Katsuki was telling him to stop! Don't say anything! Don't make it seem like you care! But he was overfilled with anger and honestly, care. He cared. He cared more than he ever has and he hated it.

He stops in front of Shoto everyone staring at them. The two boys staring at each other. No one moved, and the next class was about to begin.

"Hey Kachan!" Midoriya tried to break the silence. Katsuki snaps his neck towards him.

"Shut up Deku!" He slowly looks back at the soaking boy. "What the fuck were you thinking? Are you really that stubborn!"

Everyone was so confused and curious, no one knew what was happening.

"Sorry. I didn't know where else to go" Shoto shrugs.

"You could have sat with us! You're our friend, we always have an open seat for you" Iida shouts interrupting swinging his hands.

"Sorry." Shoto apologizes again.

"Stop apologizing for nothing! AND ALL OF YOU STOP STARING" Katsuki stomps, turns around and looks at the crowd. People start to look away and head to class. He then turns to the three with Shoto. "You three as well!"

Most people have scattered away by now desperately not wanting to fight the red eyed demon.

"Follow me bastard!" Katsuki demands this but basically drags Shoto to their destination. This destination was just simply the men's restroom.

Katsuki starts grabbing papers towels. He walks over to Shoto and instead of handing them to him or drying him off. Katsuki bassically starts to hit Shoto.

"What the" He pauses, Shoto wasn't getting hit hard but it was aggressive. "Stop hitting me!"

"Who in their right mind goes outside in the pouring rain because of a fucking spot!" Katsuki hits him again.

"It wasn't because of the spot." Shoto remains calm.

"Then what the hell was it!"

"It wanted to see you, and I didn't know where you were. So I just went to the spot."

"I went to your class, stupid!"

"You wanted to sit with me?" Shoto beams, a sparkle in his eyes.

"No, well kinda! The silence is weird now thanks to you! Whatever, plus I made that damn lunch." Katsuki huffs.

"Well you got to sit with your real friends then right?"

"The fuck you talking about I sat in the gym! No way I'm sitting next to those crack heads." Katsuki pauses "Real friends? What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well we barely talk, you probably talk to them more."

"Stop making stupid fucking assumptions! I talk to them about as much as I talk to you, even less sometimes."

"So im your friend" Shoto smiles.

"I still hate you." Katsuki retracts.

"Well I-" Shoto stops in his tracks. This wasn't the time.


"Sorry, nothing, I just forgot" Shoto looks away slowly.

"That's a lie! You're lying to me aren't you! Tell me what you wanted to say!" Katsuki starts to get closer time Shoto.

"Fine." Shoto pauses. "Just don't stop coming to the spot after I say this."

"I'd never."

"I was about to say" Shoto looks away for a bit then looks Katsuki dead in the eye. "I like you, romanticly!"

How was Katsuki supposed to reply? Was Shoto supposed to say more? Neither of them knew what to do. But Katsuki watched enough soap operas with his mom to know what's next!

"Can I- Can I kiiii- nah nah nah!" Katsuki starts spewing out what he can.

"What?" Shoto gets even more nervous.

"I wanna mwah mwah" The blonde cringes at his own statement.

Shoto chuckles and leans down to the other nervous boy. Their lips slowly becoming closer soon colliding. Katsuki could smell peppermint in the others boys breath, only making their kiss better. It was a soft and sweet. Shoto put his hands on the explosive boys waist.

"You're soaked. It's gross" Katsuki says yet he still wraps his arms around Shotos neck.

"I love you." Shoto looks into the others eyes with such pled and worry.

"Dumbass. I guess I love you too." Katsuki sarcastically rolls his eyes.

"We should really go back to class." Shoto kisses the boys cheek.

"Yeah." Katsuki grabs Shotos hand from his waist. "Were boyfriends now, also we aren't telling anyone yet."

"That's fine with me"
They both smile.

Picture was made by me

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