Pillow Talk

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Day 28 Sick/Pillow talk
Wholesome / Fluffy / Pillow Talk / Taking Care of Eachother

    Katsuki woke up with an immediate blinding to his eyes from the white light that poured through the curtains. He grumbled and glanced over to the figure next to him. Shoto was still sleeping. He looked calm even in his sleep, his eyebrows were let loose and his mouth was seemingly a straight line.

    Katsuki always woke up earlier than Shoto no matter the event. If Katsuki wasn't there to wake the other up he could guarantee that Shoto would just sleep forever. But despite all Katsukis complaints about his boyfriends sleeping habits, he still couldn't help but love waking up first. Not only did he feel as if he won by waking up first. He also gets to see the beauty that is early morning Shoto.

    Katsuki tangles his fingers in between Shotos hair. Most people look sloppy in the morning, even if they are a morning person. But Shoto still seems to look gorgeous. Katsuki can't help but stare at how the golden light paints Shoto perfectly. His cheekbones and jawline are highlighted making him look like a piece of art. The white of his hair becomes a warm yellow and curves around his face.

    Katsuki places a kiss on the dual hair before him. He sits up to leave but is pulled back by a strong hand and an annoyed whine.

    "Stay here." Shoto drags out in a scratchy voice.

    "Just for a couple minutes. Got it?" Katsuki gives in almost instantly, Shoto cuddled into his chest as he hums a yes. The blonde can feel the smile from Shoto drag on his chest.

    After a few minutes of silence, the air was filled with warmth. The light kisses and circles caressed on eachothers back. The calming smiles and hums that floated through the air, Katsuki sat up again. A loud whine dragged out from Shoto, annoyed that he would have to get up soon as well.

    "Stop bitching! I'm going to go make breakfast." Katsuki gets off the bed, slipping on a pair of slippers. As he is about to open the door out of their bedroom another loud whine is heard. "What?"

    "My head hurts." Shoto pouts rubbing his temple.

    "What are you? A child?"

    "I'm 23."

    "Ugh! Fine." The blonde huffs in defeat walking out of the room. Shoto is left with a smirk plastered on his face. Both Katsuki and Shotos quirks can result in them getting painful headaches. Weather it's the intense explosions. Or the sudden temperature changes. So the couple made a deal, when one of them has a headache the other is to take care of them.

    The blonde kicks the door back open and stomps over to Shoto. He places a wet rag on Shotos forehead as he sits down at the end of bed.

    "I have a request." Shoto teases looking up at the angry blonde with puppy eyes.

    "What the fuck do you want?" Katsuki growls, causing a chuckle from the dual haired boy.

    "I want to cuddle."

    "Fucking shit. You're so clingy you know?"

    "If I wasn't clingy you definitely wouldn't go to be touchy feely. My clinging holds this relationship together."

    "..." Katsuki gives a surprised face, from the pure facts that were thrown at him. So instead he throws himself over to his boyfriend hugging him tightly. "I can be touchy feely you bastard!"

    "Of course you can. Just not at the beginning of our relationship." Shoto hugs the blonde back, letting Katsuki rest against his chest.

    "You weren't any better! We were awkward teenagers working on our whole ass future." Katsuki protests slightly sitting up with a scowl on his face. "Do I have to remind you of the thousands of awkward kisses you gave me back then? Or should I remind you of our first time?"

    "Please no." Shoto cringes.

    "Yeah exactly bitch! Now take a nap." Katsuki mumbles ready to sit back up.

    "Stoppppp!" The half and half haired boy whines once again. "Just nap with me, who cares about breakfast?"

    "You're so fucking annoying today. Fine." Katsuki lays back down, this time hugging the top of Shotos's body. He played with his hair till Shoto fell back asleep. (Which didn't take very long.) While Katsuki planned to leave when the boy fell asleep, he couldn't bring himself too anymore. He himself fell into a comforting sleep.



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